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what could the problem be

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hi to you all :yahoo: ,been growing hydro for last year & ive always had this same problem with the plants looking pale or burnt,ive tryed a lot of things to over-come this problem,ive tryed less food, more food, RO water ,watering more,watering less,diffrent systems,diffrent strains,2 diffrent ec meters and 3 ph pens.


i am using canna aqua A-B VEG A-B BLOOM as i say my plants look pale and have a washed out look to the leafs every time i grow.


i only have this problem when im using the VEG A-B and the plants are in veg,i run PH 5.8 and let it go up to 6.2 before i bring PH back down.


if i give more food they start to get leaf tip burn and leafs start to get droopy & if i give less food they start looking more pale and i get brown spots on the leafs and purple steams like the plants need food


as soon as i go 12/12 and switch from veg food to bloom food the plants take off and the pale leaves get there nice green look back.


im puzzled because i use the same water, same PH 5.8-6.2 same equipment in veg and flower,so why is this ?.


my best guess is that there is not enough of something in my veg food for the plants and that when i run the EC high its burning the plants from too much N & when i run the EC low what ever my food is low in gets even lower,do you think i maybe right ?


even when i run the EC higher the plants still have the same pale washed out look to the leafs


what i would like to Know is, could i use 50% veg food & 50% bloom food in VEG ?



Edited by biggerbuds
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Hey biggerbuds, did you try all those things but still stay with the same nutes?


Maybe try different nutes, even just vega and flores rather than aqua.


If you're not into peroxide, there's a couple of additives might help uptake but a little exy - rhizotonic and cannazyme.


When the leaf tip burn, too much nute. Droopy, too much water.


Best of luck dialling in.

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sounds like an issue i just had with my last grow... in veg everything looked sick...yellow.. red/purple stems.. happened the grow before too... i doubled up on the part A in veg.. . the part that contains the nitrogen... and everything came good.. took me a while to trouble shoot the issue.. but finally figured ive been using flower nutes for veg.. not my fuck up.. the nute bottles are labeled grow...


might be what youre experiencing?


veg nutes generally contain twice the nitrogen as flower nutes... everything else is pretty much the same.. so you can turn flower nutes into veg nutes by just adding 2 parts of part A to 1 part of part B... and vice versa to turn veg nutes into flower nutes...

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hello, yes i have used canna aqua all this time,i feel that i should never give up using it untill i find out why it gives me problems.i like to learn like that.


i have learnt a lot in the last year about growing the best plant in the world, thanks to my pale looking plants & you guys on this site,thanks to everyone who has posted :applause:


on my next grow in veg i am going to use 50/50 grow,bloom in veg and see what happens,i will report back & tell you how it went

at the mo i have a one plant scrog going, 2 weeks into flower & she looks so good,buds everywhere & she look really happy,it is the best plant i have ever grown so far,shit knowing my luck it will die now :yahoo:.


i have just been with my plant and i have just taken some water from the rockwool block straite from the roots and tested it, it had a PH of 5.4 & an EC of 0.6. my holding tank is set at PH 6.0 & EC 0.9, I do not get this because if my EC levels fall my PH should go up right ?


when my EC goes down in the res my PH will go up,if my EC go's higher my ph will fall,how comes its not working like that in the rockwool root zone ?, i am growing in rockwool cube & clay balls with flood drippers i have had it set at watering the plant 30 min off 10 min on but i have just changed it to 15 min off 10 min on to try and get more water going thought the root zone to hopefully get the rockwool block to stay at the same EC PH as the res, the plant has been getting watered like this for last few hours & they dont look droopy one bit,do you think ive done the right thing ? :yahoo:

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well i had to change my watering back to just 30 min off 10 min on because the plant leafs started to wilt slightly


so what do i do if the PH & EC is falling in the rockwool root zone, but readings are staying the same in the holding tank & i cannot pass any more water through the roots & rockwool because of wilting ?


i am using cannazyme also




please can anyone try and help me


sorry about my writting & spelling

Edited by biggerbuds
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Your growing in rockwool or clay? which one?

I don't understand your relation between EC and pH?

Those watering times sound like a good way to get some overwater issues though? Leaf wilt etc.

Hydroton should be good for at least 2 hours without watering, pumping air in and out of the root zone keeps it healthy.

How high is the pH when you add the nutes? Too high pH will knock out the chelates needed for Iron uptake and will show up as brown blotches on the leaf.

Just try one thing at a time to watch for improvement. I'd be changing the watering times first :applause:

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hi bufo marinus, i am growing in rockwool & clay balls.the rockwool is buried in hydroton clay balls so im using both at once.


the relation with PH & EC is, when i add food to my water it will bring the EC up and take my PH down,so what happens in my res over time is the plant eats the food in the water and this seems to make my ph rise a little over time & maybe some times my EC will drop a little too, if my PH ever go's down instead of going up in the res i will allways find my EC is on the rise, i take this as the plant is drinking more water then eating food so i add plain water at these times.


but as i say its not working like this in my root zone because the EC is dropping from 9.0 to 0.6 & my PH is also dropping from 6.0 to 5.4 :applause: i hope you can understand me.


see ive always been told that the EC and PH readings in the res & around the root zone should be the same as each other or very close.

up and till now i have managed to keep the PH & EC levels in the res & around the roots zone the same


at the moment im using 50% tap water & 50% RO water ,after adding food my PH is 6.3-6.4 so i add a little bit of acid to bring my PH down to 5.8,i then let it drift up to 6.2 before i bring PH back down which takes a few days to rise to 6.2.


at the mo i am watering, on for 10 min off for 30 min and i dont see any droopyness at all do you ?


this is my plant :yahoo: please tell me what you think of it



Edited by biggerbuds
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nice plant man .


that pot looks a bit small . what is it clay or plastic .? i'd guess them roots are hoping like hell you poke a hole in the bottom and let them grow into a rez full of nice nute rich cool water . with a little bit of air from a small pump . however could always try lift it and put a flat tray underneath filled with extra medium .


i'm stoned though , nice plant


ev :applause:

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Mate, that plant is a bloody ripper, where's the problem? :yahoo:

As for your pH and EC readings, if you want to see steadier values bubble the water for 48hrs before adding nutes, it does seem to stop the pH climbing. Your reasoning with the plant drinking more water at different times makes sense. The plants rootzone runs at it's own healthy pH range, not what the res runs at 5.8 sounds spot on. The only times I have worried about wandering pH is when it starts to drop below 5.7 as this is a good indicator of root disease in fuck ups I have had.

Next time I would just sit the rockwool cube on top of the Hydroton to stop it getting too wet, as that can cause leaf wilt, make sense?

Is that light fixed in place? What size, and can you lower it?

Other than that, your kicking arse :applause:

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Hey all,thanks for comments about my girl,the pot looks smaller in the photo its a 5 litres plastic pot.i drilled 6 1 inc holes in the bottom of the pot and the roots are growing though the hole and are in the res,i have put 2 air pumps & stones in the res & they are bubbling like hell.


i think halve my trouble is with myself keep worrying about every little problem to much.


i am using a 400watt HPS for flowering & i used a 400watt MH for veg,i can drop and higher my light but i have it setup like this at the moment because my temp is 28c, if i drop the light lower i get a temp of 30-32c. i have got an extractor fan but i have not fixed it up yet because ive been busy,so i have just been leaving the door open and having a normal fan blowing around in there for now,i no i should fix it up before the buds get bigger because of but rot,i will try and get it fixed up tomorrow if i get time.


the plant is Black lable hollands hope, i no its an out-door strain but i thort ill give it ago inside, it has been my mother plant for the last 40 weeks,i have taken about 200 cuttings from her that are all growing deep in the woods :applause: :yahoo:

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