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Aussie _Smoker with those ceramic heat lights where do you postion it in growroom? Do you have a exacust out on a timer?

My setup it abit hard to explain, but i will try.

My room has high ceilings & its own flu (sorta like a chimny) right in the roof center. I simply use a fan to draw fresh air in (not from directly outside, but still fresh air) that inturn pushes the room air up & out the flu (yeah i know hot air rises) So I have found I dont really need an exhaust out, as air exchange takes place when my intake fan is running.

I hang the ceramic heat lights (they do not emit any light, simply heat) a foot or so from the intake fan, so when its on, the heat is being circulated & pushed further into the room.

I have tried using Gas lamps (also like thoes used for brooding chickens), thermostat controled, but found it used too much gas, and cost too much $$. I dont have mains gas either, so refilling gas bottles was becoming a hassle.


I am sure someone out there is gonna pick shit @ my setup, I am fully aware of its flaws, but its what ive got and I just have to make do. There are far too many reasons to explain why it was setup this way.

And after all, I dont have a handyman around the house to help out ;)

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Basic rule, if it works then don't fix it. If it is not preforming as it should or you are not happy with the results then we can help you fix it.


And after all, I dont have a handyman around the house to help out

So what? Just be a handywoman, you can do it.



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