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A few months ago I mentioned on here somewheres I bought a cheap greenhouse on ebay for 70 bux.

Well I finally set it up today, and as I told everyone I'd posta pic of it once it was up...here it is.. It was easy to assemble, it's very lightweight and will need sand around the bottom flaps to stop it becomming a kite. It's very transparent, so while that's great for light penetration, my noesy neighbor is a problem.


I am a mad keen gardener though and have a few tricks up my sleeve yet. I'll grow plenty of tomatoes in there through winter, and put the good gear in pots between the tomatoes, and ferns, etc etc... just fill it with orchids etc in general to make it impossible to distinguish indiviual shapes.


I am also building a shade-house from an old childs swing set frame from HILLS. I'll simply place it between the greenhouse and the nosey bugger and all should be fine.


I'm looking forward to some winter buds..all going well of course.





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It's really light metal, like the cheap car pot arangements you buy from disposals and such. I don't think it'll last more than a few years say, then maybe rust will start to ruin it. I dunno, maybe that's too pesemistic. but at 70 dollars, a few years will be fine.


it'll do the job well for sure. Inside you can barely notice a light drop, yet it obscures plant shapes from outside to allow plants to be fuzzy. I think it'll work well.




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Thanks Pam, I reckon it'll be ok. I already have a little fence around it. My little daughter has a mongrel dog that chews everything. I filled the greenhouse with Aus tree ferns, different flowering plants, a table, bla bla bla....just making it all look like the uusal old greenhouse. Plenty of room to slip plants in here and there, or devote an entire end to a simple hydro run to watse system gravity fed.


Which leads me to the next question.


Tom I just looked at your simple run to waste plans pinned on your signature, but it isn't the sytem you used some years ago is it? The system you ran say 6 years back was what I was thinking of copying. Do u think the plans you show on your signature now is better than the old one?


I just want to set up a dozen small pots, and a gravity fed run to waste system so there's no noise or poer needed in the greenhouse.


I joined a web site somewhere else..(theyhave a vendor forum for a seed company I'm dealing with). The site has an entire mass of devotion dedicated totally to greenhouses. I'm going to build one based on their information. They have sorted out what materials are best for cover, ventialtion etc. It'll be a lot simpler to copy someone elses plans than to go through trial and error. this cheap one will give me astart though, and get a feel for it all.


cheers mate


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