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RUN FROM THE CURE: The Rick Simpson Story

Jess Stone


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isnt that the most intreging ting????

dem straight lookin redneck hillbillys


they are eating prue Hash Oil and cureing internal cancers

it tastes so bitter and oily must be an aquired taste


the dose is bout what i use for say 1---> 3paper spliff


awwa only 2 or three times a day

some of the latest research seam to say

less is more

even in small doses cannabis healing propties still powerful enough work


i smoke bout 3/4 of a gram a day since 95

excuse mi while i meka spliff


i hafe aggree

every desease and ailment i have tried cannabis on

it worked

mostly i use Cannabis Ointments and Tinctures

and i only use pure hash oil pon chronic ailments


i never tried warts


i have 1 now so i will try some hash oil and a bandaid

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what redneck rick said was


1lb of bud and leaf = 2oz hash oil


mabe it is not as pure as he thinks

i only get bout 16-->30 grams to the lb

depending pon the herb



2oz of hash oil taken orally in a course over 2 or 3 mth will cure cancer


then rick challanges any1 to prove any negitive effects caused from hash oil


Check his site--> www.phoenixtears.ca/wwip.html


dont forget to sign his partition


how ironic

rednecks having to take hash oil to cure their woos

if it wasnt such a critical life/death situtation

i would have trouble containing me self fe laughter

instead it brought tears to me eyes to see their long suffering


he lost his court case

is due to be sencenced soon

for, by his own addmition, cultivating 1600 plants to process into hash oil

and supply free to hundreds cancer suffers


i hafe give my blessing for you redneck Rick


Jack Hera endorses his works too


2oz of hash oil kills cancer


hash oil rulez


and dema call me Radic-Al

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