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Is It Possible



hey guys


I was just wondering after dooing a bit of study. Is It possible to grow a type of weed to Slow your body's Matberlism or however you spell it . I know speed gets rid of food cravings is it possible to put speed or any other chemicals in the plants water to slow down your matberlism ( i know thats spelt wrong) .



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Guest Urbanhog

Thanks :P Wanted to change it, thought it would be a interesting avatar since our little Johnnie is anti-pot! :P



Urbanhog http://www.gamers-forums.com/smilies/contrib/sp/chefico.gif

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Guest bozbongou

I have only been smoking hard core, as much daily as possible for 2 - 3 years now, BUT I have some health observations for you, as I too am into staying reasonably fit... although kick boxing might be a bit much for me :D

Good MJ kills my apitite, and I do not trust munchie smoke. However, MJ enhances my sense of taste and, I believe, my sense of the state of my body in general; hence, I tend to eat better than I ever have in the past. MJ also decreases my desire for tobacco and alchohol. Weight training, sex, and other physically demanding activities continue just fine. Actually, I find that these have increased slightly over the past 2 years. I take no suppliments of any kind, except for some yohimbe when I really want to work out the girl. In short, I feel fucking great! Smoke on and keep working-out and stop worrying mate. Worry kills worse than anything. Kill worry not yourself. The only concern I could see would be your heart rate. I assume that you don't smoke just before you work-out. Then again, I do drink about 5 cups of coffee a day, so maybe that is the real stuff. ahahahahah

I have heard of people using coffee, powdered, in soil to affect taste. Acidity might get weird though. Maybe I will try it. Rambling, sorry, stoned and know how to type. I would enjoy a forum topic on this subject alone. Why don't you make one and we can see all the crazy theories out there. Good luck finding any real scientific evidence. I've never been able to find any. There was a report about the benefits of MJ for... I don't remember... doubt it was memory. Anyway, in US Reagan had this removed from every university library in the country. Like I said, good luck

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