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Is It Possible



hey guys


I was just wondering after dooing a bit of study. Is It possible to grow a type of weed to Slow your body's Matberlism or however you spell it . I know speed gets rid of food cravings is it possible to put speed or any other chemicals in the plants water to slow down your matberlism ( i know thats spelt wrong) .



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I dunno, about helping you get skinny,but Flo has a great high that makes you bored and need to do something, I smoke it before I do heavy work around the place, work were you need to concentrate.

Not mowing the lawn, that needs a stronger sativa that will get your mind racing.

But flo, doesn't give you munchies, it is quite a light high though.

But yeah, no strain will make you skinny.

And putting speed or horse tranquilizers in your resevoir is very stupid, Plants are smarter than people and won't injest anything that can harm them.

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Guest Urbanhog

Simple way to lose weight while smoking bucketloads of buds and dont get munchies too bad .... is simply try to drink as much fresh cold icy water... the water will make you feel full... simple, cheap and effective.... but I rather have the food option than drinking heaps of water :huh: ::D:


Urbanhog http://www.gamers-forums.com/smilies/contrib/sp/chefico.gif

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Don't do it man, Seriously it won't work, I know a little bit of plant physiology and I know that this will not work. Heaps of people have crazy ideas like this, some people think if you put soft drink in your plants your buds will taste like the soft drink, none of this shit is true. Putting speed in your resevoir is a huge waste, The only thing it could possibly do is fuck your plants roots, but I don't think it will do that even, It will just sit in your resevoir, the roots won't take it up, like I said plants aren't as stupid as humans, and while humans might be stupid enough to stick that shit in them, plants only wanna do whats right for them, They can't get high themselves so why would they bother soaking up speed.

Cannabis' only goal in life is to breed, they don't wanna get off their heads.

Your mates with the animal tranquilizers are wankers, Sounds like something an american would do.

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Very tru Urban



but when your 120 kgs its not as easie when your trying to loose wieght :huh:

why not? i weighed 100kg's but am now 64kg, and that's been during my heaviest smoking months.


good point earlier on the anti-oxidants though...i've been taking them only for about 6 months now but i think it's essential for those living lives giving rise to billions and trillions of free radicals. apparently one cigarette releases 3 billion free radicals into the system. then add to that the stress of your job or study, stress on your body from exercise and other factors like mj, alcohol, pollution etc.


and water? always. at least 2L a day.

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free radicals, anti-oxidants...:P.  I find it hilarious how people bandy these terms about as if they were scientific fact.    ::P:


To each his own I guess.  I've always maintained that placebos can be an excellent medication.  If you think its working, its working! :P  :P

:P for your information pipeman, THEY ARE SCIENTIFIC FACTS.

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