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Recieved my Medical card today



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"I can have up to 2.5 ounces on my person. I can grow 12 plants, and I also have two "caretakers" who can also grow 12 plants each, and have 2.5 ounces on them, as well as paraphnila. To get it I just had to get the balls up to ask my doctor, have him fill out then paper work, fill my own out, come up with $75.00 or if you are on dissability $10.00. You cannot have any felony drug charges on your police record neither can your care takers. After sending in the paper work it's about three to four weeks. There are no legal places to buy anything so it's get yours seeds anyway you can and go from there, or buy on blackmarket. The laws are still a bit vauge in that area.

I have to renew each year, my renewal date is 12/31 HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! I have my two caretakers already, and we have some clones ready to be picked up some Orange Kush, Arjens Haze, and some Purple Domina, and of course the White Heaven (when I get my prize pack ). Since the law was passed there has been alot of differnt types of grass going around. The guy we are getting our clones from has about 10 differnt strains going ATM.

Hope this answers all your questions.

I'll keep you all up to date on my grow as it progresses." cleptow


Congrads cleptow :peace:


I'm a mmj cardholder/patient from Oregon.

a patient must have a medical condition or treatment for a medical condition that produces, for a specific patient, one or more of the following:


Severe pain;

Severe nausea;

Seizures, including but not limited to seizures caused by epilepsy; or

Persistent muscle spasms, including but not limited to spasms caused by multiple sclerosis; or

Any other medical condition or treatment for a medical condition adopted by the Department by rule or approved by the Department


I can have a "grower", or a "caregiver" or i can grow it myself. A registry identification cardholder or the designated primary caregiver of the cardholder may possess up to six mature marijuana plants and 24 ounces of usable marijuana.


I can have up to six mature plants and up to 24 ounces of usable marijuana for each cardholder or caregiver for which marijuana is being produced. I can up to 18 marijuana seedlings.


I grow up to four (including myself) registry identification cardholders or designated primary caregivers per year


The fee for a new application is $100.00 (one hundred dollars), unless an applicant can prove he/she is on the Oregon Health Plan or receipt of current Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits, in which case the application fee is $20.00

Edited by loves420
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In the famous words of John Cleese, "you lucky,lucky bastards" :peace:

That's really given me a lift to read that. Congratulations to both of you, and I suppose thanks is in order too for sticking ya neck out to do it. I believe it's not all good news all the time for medcard holders, and goodness forbid they reneg on the idea, then the establishment knows who you are and so on.

The more people taking this up where they can is only good news for the overall acceptance of grass back into the community. Pity people with a "felony" (I'm not sure how bad that is,like murder? possession?) can't get permission. It's not like their sickness is any less real, and having paid their debt to society, you'd think it would be over for them ey?


Gives me a complex feeling of excitemnt for you both and jealousy. good on yas.



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