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Dutch Masters Gold (flower)

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The superbud scare again.


The magic ingredient in SB is called Paclobutrazol. This chemical is the one that the whole scare campaign was mounted over. The claim was that it was potentially carcinogenic, and it's safety or toxicity has never actually been proven one way or the other.


Paclobutrazol is used on almost every kind of food crop we consume. It's used for the same reason we growers used it - promotes size. If it was actually unsafe, we'd sure as hell know by now.


The one thing that was eventually proven is that the whole SB scare was started by DM competitors, whose own paclobutrazol based bud products were being murdered in the marketplace by SB.

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Who was that then??? Cause the magic bullet in Superbud was more than Paclobutrazol. It was Alar and that shit is Carcinogenic. It's banned for use in any consumable crop. Its listed by the EPA as a human carcinogen.


Anyway - my point being is they are lying fuckers so why would you believe anything they told you. The point being they told us that two fucking poisons were "rare earth elements" (humatic isolates) and made a fortune lying to us.


It isn't about Superbud or all the other shit they spin - it's about a bunch of turds who took us for fools once and are now fooling fools again. So yeah, who's paclo product were they killing because from what I read about the whole scare it came out of England from a manufacturer who didn't sell shit and lie to his consumers and had had enough.


I wouldn't touch their products on principle. Every thing they release they tell us increases yields 30% .... what a load of bollocks. Read their promo material and if you've got half a brain you break into fits of laughter.


“Give your plants the Midas touch with GOLD. Explosive growth! Huge Yields! Dutchmaster Gold is the nutrient everyone has been waiting for. Clinically tested against all leading brands, Dutch Master GOLD smashed all the yield records by an average 25%.... ….. Formulated with selected “rare earth” elements sourced from around the globe together with the latest “scientific discoveries”, GOLD is the nutrient of choice for those who want the worlds best results.”


Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!! Hey ------- there's those rare earth bloody elements again. What shit are they feeding us this time????? C'mon! Right then let's have the names of the scientists that ran these "clinical" trials then shall we. Let's see the real lab analysis. Really, Uni's are testing for this mob. Great, then they won't mind us contacting the Uni to confirm this then,,,, or to ask for the lab trial papers that are part of any scientific research. I always thought that the word was crop trials or controlled crop trials. As someone with a science background and training (Uni) in science I don't think these guys are using the right words even.


I'll see if I can find the promo for Superbud somewhere so you can compare it to this crap. I do remember the spiel about ----- "Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No its Superbud!!!! Safe and organic my arse.

Edited by mullray
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I am using DM gold on this grow.


I am pleased with the grow,

but DM nutes are way expensive in the USA


I have almost $300 in this grow.

with the Gold, LL, and Penetrator.

That is way too much for me.


I do love DM Reverse

and will always use it

during the first two weeks of 12/12


But I am going back to AN nutes

for my next grow.

About $80




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