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Too Much Light?

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If you are only using flourescents lights for growing cram as many as u can in the area you have, with fluros u dont get the out put you will with a hid so the the more the better and i wouldent put them any lower then the top of the pot u are using to grow them in.


u can put a fluro in every lil bit of space u have in ya growing area to help with lumes.


But if you are going to do that i would go and spend all the money it will cost u to get all those fluros and install then in ya growing area it will work out to be cheaper in the end to go and pick up a 2nd hand 400w hps ballest and shade and you will end up yeilding a shit load more then u would of using all those fluros...

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As far as i know there nothing like that.


With fluros imo there in no need for a hood on 4 foot fluros.


If you look around you should be able to find a cheap 2nd hand 400w hid, i have seen them go on ebay for around the $100 mark.


Other placers to look are porn shops and placers like that and u will find one, i got my 1st 400w setup from a porn shop for $100...

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If you don't understand the terms used here - like HID etc...Google them - great learning tool!


Have a look at the 130W Spectrum bulbs that are high output fluros - don't need a ballast - just an adapter plug.


You will still need some sort of extraction if you cram it with fluros - just not as much as if you were to use a HID like a 400W HPS etc...


I would go with the HPS - but you know what you can spend. :peace:


Jimbo :thumbsup:

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A 400W HPS is the journeyman grower's light. Very cheap to buy and run, will give you nice tight buds on 6-8 neatly (SoG) pruned plants. A 400 is enough to keep a serious smoker's stash full at all times, even if ya mates tend to help you empty it. :thumbsup:


With a single 400 for flowering, it's easy to set up a continuous output garden using some fluoros to maintain clones and mothers. Set up a small tent capable of maintaining 2-3 mothers and also a clone box with a heat mat and a couple CFLs to do clones.

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As for what the plant can handle , provided you deal with the heat issues it can cause , a plant can process about 60 watts per square foot maximum , if you throw more light at it than that it's said that it will simply not use it without something like CO2 injection , Remember that if your goign to look at maximums though that your ventilation is going to play a HUGE part in the answer , I have seen 250 watts burn a plant with bad care and ventilation whilst at the same time have seen 1k lights not hurt plants at all .. just goes to show it's all about the rest of the system aswell :thumbsup:
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