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guerilla watering systems

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S. Phonics.. a plant that has reached say 7 or 8 feet tall, mid summer in the western South Queensland summer will use 20 lires a day easy. I read someone say 90 litres twice a week, sounds right.


Apaprt from watering methods, concentrate on water conservation. Dig holes for each plant and line those holes with builder's plastic, making a cone shaped hole at the very least 30 litres large. Leave the plastic curl into the base with an escape for excess water (good luck) say the size of your hand. If at all possible, carry compost to the holes, it holds water much better than the crappy soil you are most likely going to be excavating. However, if u can't carry that much compost in,m and it is a large prep job, best done over winter, use the soil to took out, introducing handsfull of anything water retentaive as u go, old straw, dispoable nappies, water crystals, and even perhaps some foam penauts (the things used for packing fragile goods in the mail), for drainage. Some natural soil compacts really badly over months being watered.


Australian bush has plants that will send roots out across the top of the soil in search of moisture, and tap down into any thay find like a weird straw, so be sure to line those holes and tear away any roots from invasive surrounding plants.


mulch the tops as deep as u dare, but be aware, dope shines from above like a neon light, and using a dull coloured mulkch in a perfect circle around the plant will make it even more visible from a height.


So mulch, and then cover with soil (cover the mulch I mean).


With all that compost (maybe), and hopefully with all the water u can imaginatively get to your site (I just carried 60 litres at a time for miles. 10 x 2 litres pepsi bottles fit into a large backpack well, and it doesn't slosh around too much , as it would if it were all in one large container. A 20 litre drum on one shouldre, and if you can manage it, another 20 litre drum on the other shouldre.


Anyone that looks down their nose at u and says "growing drugs is the easy way in life" knows shit all.


But anyway, all that moisture, if u liove in a wildlife rich area may attract animals such as echidnas, that may burrow into the soil as they know naturally to look in moist places for things like grubs. So if you think your area has digging animals that may do this, place chicken wire flat on the ground, cut a hole out for the lant, and that way the animals would dig your roots up.


People complain about wallabies eating their plants, and if you're unlucky enough for that to happen, in such that they eat the plants to the ground then I'm sorry. but I never have had problems with roos or wallabies, in spite of massive local populations of them around my plants. But what I did have problems with is echidnas digging out the plant rots. In an animals eats ya plants tops, so long as they leave something it will shoot back, orften better than in the first place. But if an animal eats the roots, that plants is a gonna, so don't think I'm being excessive about the exchidnas mate. Some areas wont have problms like that. I just happened to have been rowing where lots of the buggers hung out I supose.



Other than that, any way u can imagine stroing water is the way to go. It's an age old problem, and one that's brought many growers undone. The police use SES volunteers to search scrub areas if they know there's a crop in an area ut can't find it (in my district). They teach then to not even look for dope plants, because frankly I myself have walked past dope that wasn't mine and not seen it. But they teach people searching for dope crops to look for watering devices, empty water bottles, cigarrett stumps, beer cans etc.... anything u do, consider subterfuge as worth every effort.


All the best mate. I hope your biggest problem is "how am I going to carry all this dope out of here" :rolleyes:




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