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Penetrator and Liquid Light

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i have never used it but have read about the concept, penetrator is meant to make the water into a film on the leaf surface rather than globs or droplets or whatever, the idea being that water refracts the light and can heat up quickly when sprayed under hid lighting, when this happens all the pores close up, the plant take in very little of what was applied and it causes damage instead of good, the liquid light i have a flier around here some where, says something along the lines of increases the amount of light the leaf can take in by doing something to do with chlorophyll or something like that. any way hopefully some of this helps and im not just rambling.
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I am using dm penatrator and liquid light this run , have to say I have been quite impressed. the penatrator is comming out in a gold version aswell except it's not available yet as far as i know.


I have never been a fan of DM products in the past however this Gold range they have brought out has really knocked my socks off and at least for now i have made the siwtch from canna coco nutes to DM gold


As for if it's a scam well what they claim is that you don't need to raise your lights and that it will increase the plants ability to photosynthisise more light which in my eyes is really just saying it will increase plants vigorocity by boosting it's food intake and improve with all around health . Eighter way you look at it if it's true it's good B), but anyways what i have found so far is that the statement abot not needign to raise your lights seems true ( though i am sure if a person tried hard enough to make it effect it it could ) and i am definatly very stoked with the results so far on this grow . However i can't put this just down to these two additives as I have also changed my base nutes which could play a large part too


Sample bottles are made for a reason give em a shot and see what you think and don't be afraid to ask for one more if you really are intrested but unsure yet , the liquid light ain't cheap at 70 bux per liter but imo a good foliar feed is a very important part of the grow. I can't say for certain that it's made it's way into my room perminently as i want to do a control test next grow but so far it looks the goods


Luke Skywalker has been using it for a while from memory hopefully he can shed some extra light

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Been using this one for a couple of crops. Works great. Have to make an update to my grow where I'm comparing a DM Gold and Liquid Light/Penetrator foliar feed to AN Plus Program (well, what we can get out here anyway) and a ozitonic/calmag/penetrator foliar feed.


So far, about 3 weeks into bloom now and it looks like the DM plant is outperforming the AN, but it's a call I hesitate to make at this early stage.


Still, the LL and Penetrator are great IMO. Very effective foliar feeding regeime.

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Would be good to see some of your results with your trial LS.

Coindidently was looking at this at a shop the day this thread was posted and like Shithappens said wasnt sue if it was worth the coin and if in fact it worked.

Not too good on the memory but there was another bottle that they were selling with these 2 bottles as a kit for about $100au.

I should just go and buy it and see for myself.


Mr White

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I just tryed some on all my plants and not happy atm. sprayed it on and come back few hours later and all the plants are wilting and not looking well.

hope this is normal and they pick up over the nite.

one thing i did notice is the penertrator looks so much like green radiator coolant its not funny, just hope someone at there factory aint playing jokes.


anyone tell me if this is all normal or have i got dud batch??????????

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Never used it torana2000 yet but i did pick up some it from the shop the other day and the keeper said not to use it after the 3rd week of flower. So i grabbed it anyway in readiness for the next grow.

Not sure Why he would say that but i listen to him as he know his shit too and has given me some real good advice.

What week are you @?


Mr White

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