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my new meds



I ran out of buds close to a week ago, since then i have smoked a heap of leaf and ended up buying a $50 deal which made me relize i have smoked about $10,000 worth of $50 deals in the past few months :peace: Since I cant afford to continue smoking like i have in the past, i had no choice other than to go to a doctor and get some medication to get some sleep and to relieve the pain i live with 24/7 thanks to pinched nerves and scoliosis :ph34r: anyways a long story short, i have ended up replacing marijuana, my medicine and drug of choice for 4 new drugs, each of them being highly addictive and according to my doctor the chances are i'll be on them for years to come, if not the rest of my life :)


I ended up getting good panadol aka panadine forte, moxicam which is an anti-inflamatory and can kill me if i take asprin, valium and temazepam. the doctor said those drugs should help me out, but i can always go back to him when ever and get stronger meds if need be :yahoo: while i admit that im in a considerably less amount of pain that what im in when totally straight, not being able to take asprin, drink alcohol and feeling like my brain has slowed down to about 10% of how fast it should be running feels downright shit :crazy:


I found it suprising that i didnt relize how much pot was helping me until i started going without it. like i knew it was supressing the pain, helping my muscles relax, etc. but compared to the meds im currently on, marijuana performed better in every aspect i can think of with far fewer possible side effects :peace: its amazing how well marijuana has worked for me and its even more amazing that it takes 4 phamacutical meds to equal 1 plant :photo:


its a real shame bob carr didnt actually get that med pot trial off the ground here in nsw. since i now know it would have prevented me from going on 3 or 4 other meds, let alone what it would have done to millions of other patients in nsw alone, its not suprising that trial was stopped before it even begun :applause: it just sucks that money is put ahead of a patient's health and recovery :greedy:

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Hi there everyone,


I'm new to this forum, but can totally relate. I have fibromyalgia and am on a litany of prescription drugs,

none which help much...the only thing that gives me pain relief and sleep is the whacky!


Alas, I don't know anyone directly now to get me any at all, hence why I'm sitting up looking

up all manner of websites at almost 3am!


I love the idea of a bud bank. Dunno about the possibility of getting too many depositors tho?!!!

All withdrawals I'm thinking ;)


Anyways hope someone is getting some sleep out there, and the OP is able to get off the pills soon..they suck.


Cheers and here's to finding someone that can ease the pain !


Morgaine ;)

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Ohh my I can so relate to all of you-I have fibro and many back issues-I managed to kick my hydro but I will admit I am addicted to benzo's and soma. My nuerologist told me up front when prescribing "you'll need to accept the fact you'll be taking these for the rest of your life"-I mean he's the doctor and I needed a better quality of life than in constant pain so I did what he told me and I ended up depressed and in my opinion my quality of life that should have been getting better was not. It wasn't until I started checking into alternative things that I actually have hope. Of course when I approach the dr about these things -oh my its hogwash and all a bunch of nonsense and if I cared about my health I'd steer clear of anything but pharmacuticals :thumbsup: I'm so happy we have the internet and other ways to get knowledge and educate ourselves-to some I realise there is need but I really believe we should be able to choose for ourselves what works for us. ;) ;)


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doctors are idiots, they think they know everything about the human body and how to fix it, yet instead of treating the problems they treat the symptoms ;) i have a bad back which keeps me in constant pain and i have major troubles sleeping so instead of sending me to physiotherapy or a sleep clinic, im instantly put on a medication for each of the symptoms i was showing ;)


from my experience the only decent doctors in this country are in the hospitals, but even then you can get the odd quak :thumbsup:

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When my Doc told me I had Fibromyalgia (which is supposed to be related to the arthritis) I looked at him and said" So that means U don't know what's wrong with me?" And he laughs and nods...

I think it's spasms. Those hurt like hell.

I asked him about the surgery to scrape off the bone spurs, and he says they'll grow back.

My luck and one would grow back 10x worse, so I'll leave them alone.

Has anyone tried the light therapy?

(Dynatronics Corp. ) Something new here.

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