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Cheers Al, it's no secret about the prohibitionist mobs like DFA that you pointed out. There's always going to be those hysterical clowns around unfortunately.


righto, sorry for the confusion. :)


What i was reffering to is other apparent stoners. I didn't know a number of other stoners are prepared to throw cannabis into the same basket along side H, meth, etc...


That's the eye opener to me. :punk:


There's po folk who vote Tory, too. African-Americans that vote Republican. Some ppl haven't figured out which side their bread is slimed on yet. :)


How you get people to embrace positions that are not in their best interest is beyond me, but if it's a skill you have, there's a career in sales or politics waiting for ya. :)

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Indy car if you believe people can responsibly take drugs recreationally why do you think that mp's cant? because submiting mp's to drug test clearly states that you believe that it impares their ability to carry out their job. Do MP's magicly get affected worse by drugs then the rest of the population, indycar?


Nope, last time i noticed, pollie's are human like the rest of us. But why is it all right for them not to be subjected like anyone else, depending on company policies. Do we want to breed a bunch of Untouchables. Surely you can't say Canberra is in touch with the average joe, as it is?


I'd also like to know your opinion indycar on this situation.


Say i as someone who strongly disagrees with the concept of prohibition went to a protest such as mardigrass, whilst there i ran into a politician who was there to take an active interest in something that many Australian voters believe, in this case cannabis law reform. If i said to that politician that he had always been lied to about cannabis by his government and that smoking marijuana is not the same as taking any other schedule 2 drug. then i followed up with that by if you don't believe me try some of he spliff I'm rolling. He question the status quo as any scientific mind would and decided that just this once he would see what all these people who have been writing to him about cannabis law reform are talking about. then the next day flies back to canberra and is drug tested, strikes a positive, and is impeached for his democratically elected position for smoking once. Is this just?


I'll let you know the day it happens. Because i highly doubt it will ever happen. Maybe if subjecting pollie's to some of their own medicine (loosely speaking), might be enough to encourage them to turn the heat down on prohibition. It seems their that outta touch on the drug issue, a reality check could be a good thing. Letting this topic slide like they want it to. Let's em get back to kickin' the average joe like they usually do.


Dunno, i'm not too keen on them becoming a bunch of untouchables...

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I personally feel that we should either drug test everybody or nobody. how can you say that you beliefs that recreational use of drugs isn't dangerous yet support the idea that you're law makers must all submit to drug tests out of fear that it will stop them being able to do their jobs properly.

drugs influence people alot more than what you relize or are willing to notice. the amount of times i have forgotten to water the garden, feed the cat, etc. is unbelievable and while it never really risked any lives, plant or otherwise, it has come close :) now my drug use only effects myself, my mrs and her cat, a politicians drugs use has the potential to effect not only an entire nation, but the world at large. does that sound extreme? hitler was a huge speed freak, bush was and probably still is a huge coke fiend...imagine what would happen if howard was given drugs and the oppertunity to impress the us president :punk:


Say i as someone who strongly disagrees with the concept of prohibition went to a protest such as mardigrass, whilst there i ran into a politician who was there to take an active interest in something that many Australian voters believe, in this case cannabis law reform. If i said to that politician that he had always been lied to about cannabis by his government and that smoking marijuana is not the same as taking any other schedule 2 drug. then i followed up with that by if you don't believe me try some of he spliff I'm rolling. He question the status quo as any scientific mind would and decided that just this once he would see what all these people who have been writing to him about cannabis law reform are talking about. then the next day flies back to canberra and is drug tested, strikes a positive, and is impeached for his democratically elected position for smoking once. Is this just?

if the government is to be drug tested and they have fair warning that if they fail a test they will be fired, then it was his own stupid fault for smoking up while at mardigrass. but a more interesting way to put the question would be what if he got high off the fumes at mardigrass? i remember walking down main street nimbin and you'd get stoned no probs if you hung around long enough :)

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i understand more where your opinion is coming from now and i apologise for taking such a strong defence of my position but i still feel that your position is in some way vengeful. i personally would feel a strong message to the public if politicians refused compulsory drug testing when they openly and commonly support in in the sport world. i don't believe in enforcing laws i disagree with on anyone even if it is the people refusing to change them.




My story about the MP was just a reference to anyone in general who may be subject to drug testing. I don't feel that even though the politicians don't change the laws whilst in the position to do so that i have any right to complain cause i haven't run trying to legalize pot either so id be being a hypocrite to do that cause it is my right to run for parliament.

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You're spot on Ruen, i am quite vengeful towards all political parties. Purely for the fact, the aussie way of life that i was raised in is quickly diminishing. You or I cannot go down to park and kick a footy while enjoying a couple of beers with the boys, without running the risk of being arrested anymore. My rights as a worker (currently unemployed) have good as gone. I could go on all day, about how things have changed.


To me, it's not the fact that i am admitting that their propaganda is correct. It's about reeling these bastards in and join the rest of us living in the REAL Australia. This "Drug Testing MP's" is just a small part it, of what has been going in for years.


The impression i get, they all think Australian's citizen's are like kindergarten kids that need protecting from ourselves, and there the adults running the show. Writing up legislation that only benefits themselves or the wealthy, and the tosser's are patting themselves on the back for doing a fantastic job.


In one week alone when IR laws come in, that same week these clowns were talking MP pay rises. I dare them all to come live the life of the average joe for week and see how great it isn't.



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A shit job they choose to do.


I dunno, I have a feeling the quality of politicians would go up with a lower wage.... You want corporate raiders? Pay big bucks. Want someone who wants to be there? Pay them a fair wage for the work they do.


The hypocricy is definitely on the politicians side. They will always support drug testing in jobs, but won't support it for themselves. Do as I say kind of thing... That's kinda where we're coming from here I think.

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i challenge you to go be a poly for a week mate sure they get paid alot but they have a shit job.



ok organise it i will be there, will be interesting drinking and eating like a king, abusing the other party in parliament and getting paid more than a dsp recipient gets in a year a month.


but hang on they will probably neglect my babies :)

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