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Germinating Lowryder or its derivatives?

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I spent a lot of time looking into growing Lowryder before finally taking the plunge.


To be honest I had heard so much negative press about them, I was having a hard time convincing myself that the price was worthy for a strain most people thought only a novelty plant as opposed to a serious indoor proposition.


I was speaking with the guy who runs Seedsman seeds in the UK, and he offered me a pack of Lowryder 2 free of charge. The new Lowryder which has been crossed with a Brazilian strain (Santa Maria) in a bid to improve taste and stone!


I said "yes" and "thanks" all in the same breath and while I waited for them to arrive I started to do some research online.


It seemed people were having germination issues with the ruderallis gened dwarf variety.


For some reason people were only seeing 3 and 4 seeds out of a pack successfully germinated. It seemed the husk of the seed was reticent to crack down the centre seam. Eventually, crushed into the seed shell the fast-growing embryo would die and another failure was listed against the Lowryder name.


So I did a bit of my own research into this and the solution seemed so simple as to make me wonder why it wasn't an everyday practice so I wrote it up in a picture article for Soft Secrets Magazine, published in Holland.


If you are planning on germing Lowryder of ANY flavour in the future, its well worth a read, and its not only applicable to Lowryders.


Take note of the info and your germination success for ANY seeds will increase overnight. :-)




I'm still having some display issues with Internet Explorer if the formatting goes a bit wonky. I'm working on it as fast as I can read the "Web Design for Idiots" manual. :bleh:








Am I ok putting this link here? :bleh:

Edited by cannazine
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hey there i have grown lowryder and didnt have any issues with the germinating process


i put down 6 seeds and of that all 6 popped and all went well


but too be honest it wasnt the best strain although i did grow mine outside and im sure they would benifit form 18hrs light during flowering



cheerz :Dj:

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