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mmmmmm...... billionaire growroom.... *drools*


More anti-debate stuff from the prohibitionist league. Lets face it, it's easier to say something is bad for you and you shouldn't use it and anyone who does is an idiot, than it is to argue it's not as bad as most if not all other recreational drugs.


Assholes. And I say that with Force.

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IT is obvious that some people in the northern NSW town of Nimbin have chosen to be deliberately obtuse and are determined not to face the scientific facts about marijuana. How else can their staging of yet another Mardi Grass be interpreted?


Well it could be interpreted as evidence that just because you smoke pot that doesn't make you a brain damaged schizophrenic. Or maybe its an event where everyone can have a good time and bring some money into the community. Is that so bad?


This event is wrongly called a festival. There is nothing joyous about people gathering to celebrate a drug that has a proven record of triggering psychosis and schizophrenia.


Firstly there is no proven record of cannabis causing psychosis except for people who already have an pre existing mental illness, and secondly, anyone that thinks mardi grass is not a joyous festival obviously hasn't been there.


The enthusiastic acolytes of marijuana, who will parade up and down the main street of Nimbin this weekend, dare not read the findings of the world's top neurologists in the past decade or those of Antonio Maria Costa, the executive director of the United Nations office on drugs and crime,


The writer of this article is obviously ignorant of the history of cannabis prohibition. The "reefer madness" nonsense being peddled by the mass media is nothing new, and is simply a comeback of what we saw in the early part of last century. The modern war on drugs is driven by the great US of A. What a grand and wise culture it is we are taking our lead off. This country has a history of war and was built on the back of slavery, tried to outlaw alcohol, dropped two nuclear bombs on civilians during WWII, not to mention the insanity that led to Vietnam and now Iraq. and they're just the highlights. It saddens me that the primitive stupidity of this warlike mentality, which in this case has manifested itself in the persecution of drug users is not seen for the sham that it is by the people we trust to support the truth ie the media.


Remember all the communist hysteria of post WWII America? Remember the backing the government propaganda machine had from the mass media? You the many experts and "journalists" who feared the Red Peril? You remember how that all turned out? Proven to be a bunch of fucking nonsense wasn't it? Just as this is...


Nor should they listen to former marijuana decriminalisation supporter, Sir Richard Branson, who has changed his mind because of the arrival of genetically engineered 'skunk' marijuana.


There was no genetic engineering that went into skunk. And if its genetic modification you are concerned about it is a lot more prevalent in our fruit and vegies than it is in our pot. As for Richard Branson, what makes his opinion on the subject so special? I could list a string of celebrities that support cannabis, will you give any weight to their opinions? Of course not. Its easier to select the opinions you agree with and just use those. To consider all points of view and form an objective opinion apparently requires more brain power than you are willing to devote to this issue.


Almost as dangerous as the modern form of marijuana is the ignorance of its supporters.


Yes, ignorance is a terrible thing. I'd be interested to know from what platform of research and experience you are calling us ignorant.


While they openly smoke bongs and rail against oppressive laws in Nimbin today, they are either unaware of or choose to ignore the recent decision of Britain's Independent newspaper to go back on its 1997 campaign to decriminalise cannabis, principally because of the link between skunk and schizophrenia. The Independent took the extraordinary step of publishing a front-page apology for its misguided view of a decade ago.


I for one don't take my opinions from newspaper editors, I prefer to think for myself. You would do well to do some research into the reefer madness propaganda initiated early last century in the USA and the role the media played in that. Obviously, as history has shown us, the media cannot be trusted to report the truth, especially on controversial topics such as this.


Mr Costa also sounds the alarm, calling on people to 'wake up to the fact that cannabis is now a dangerous drug wrongly portrayed as a gentle, harmless substance'.


Well no substance is harmless. I could bludgeon you to death with a spoon, but that doesn't mean spoons should be illegal does it? I think enough sane people have been smoking cannabis long enough for anyone with half a brain to realise its not a dangerous drug. And I'm speaking from experience, how about you?


But there is a fair chance the Mardi Grass event will continue, given that its organisers and the police who oversee it regularly avoid confronting the truth. Every time journalists from this newspaper have covered the Mardi Grass event or visit Nimbin for stories at other times, they have been openly offered drugs within cooee of the police station or within sight of a police officer.


Well maybe experienced police know that a lot of their problems don't come from cannabis smokers, but from drinkers and people who do harder drugs. The truth is that cannabis smokers keep to themselves so to bust us they have to use intrusive methods such as drug tests, sniffer dogs and car searches.


So while Nimbin's drug promoters are studiously stepping around the fact they are supporting a modern version of snake oil that will scramble people's brains, the town's law enforcers apparently don't see what happens in the street right outside their front door.


The only problem in Nimbin is that cannabis prohibition has made selling grass to tourists easy money, so people with other drug dependencies tend to go there to sell pot to survive. The problem lies with the criminalisation of pot (and other drugs), not pot itself.


Quite apart from the merits or otherwise of decriminalising marijuana, the staging of a festival extolling the 'virtues' of this drug is looking increasingly ridiculous.


The festival is not necessarily about the virtues of cannabis, but the fact that people should have right to consume whatever substances they want as long as we don't become a burden on others. Can you give any good reason why we should be persecuted? We ask for nothing, except to be left alone. Why does this seem so unreasonable to you?


We encourage readers to boycott this silly event.


I encourage readers to demand the facts, and think for themselves. lol

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Really one shouldn't read newspapers like these, cause as a rule they are staffed and owned by drug-riddled alcoholics who have such a feeble grasp on thier own life, they have trouble generating any news-worthy stories whatsoever ... instead re-writing yesterdays gossip for your infotainment ...

as if you didnt have enuf ways to waste your time lol




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hehe, a tad long winded pipe. Tbh, i dealt with a few of the staff at GCB on a few ocassions, and to put it simply. The majority of them are short, fat, highly opinionated little shits that chase for dirt in the gossip columns, and it wouldnt surprise me, that's about as exciting as their lives get. As ya can see the silly bugga that did the story, didn't bother putting much effort into REAL research before blurtin' out their BS opinion. Once again, it quite apparent with the Richard Branson opinion, a dumbarse quote that doesn't carry any weight whatsoever.


They did the same thing years ago with the Indycarnival. Now that they benefit from it, it's the best thing since sliced bread...


So yeah, one quick tour of the office can give one a better understanding of the true earthly scum we are talking about here. lol


On a side note, their sister company has a driving guide editor that was out testing a brand new custom fitout VY Commodore that apparently was valued at 90k at the time. Anyway, on his final lap back to the office, he gave it a squirt around this corner. Dunno how, but he got it into one ugly fishtail where he was over correcting the whole way until he finally stoved it into a tree, in the median strip. It messed up the car fairly bad, to the extent i would say it was a write off. The salesman was in the passenger seat at the time and when he got out, he stood their lookin' at the car for a good half hour just gobsmacked. The editor walked the final 100 yards back to his office to hide, leaving the salesman to deal with it. Damn it was funny watchin' all this unfold, and that's one true story that didn't make it into their papers... lol



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hehe, maybe next year the Nimbin guys should take out advertising with that paper? Money is Guaranteed to change opinions in an instant. ;-)


Nooby,Nooby that's a stroke of genius,your 100% correct and it makes me think of the expression lol


"Money Talks - BullShit Walks"


and seen the "Reefer Madness Hysteria" in the GCB article and in general in OZ MSM at the moment is TOTAL BULLSHIT,it should be easy to get money to make it "walk" lol lol lol

Edited by Jess Stone
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