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Do you think Cannabis is addictive

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There is no way it's more addictive than coffee.



definately not at all addictive, the chemicals in cannabis have been proven NOT addictive. its the nicotine your mixing with it, makes it very dangerous. and vapeing has to be better for you, cause smokin does kill you, that is proven..


so buy a vape, and enjoy the powers of this 'wonder drug'


it really needs to be legalized..



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Hmmm, i found it a little difficult to stop being an everyday user a few months back. Definitely not the same as quitting cigarettes though. With cigarettes i would be mid task and be randomly distracted by the thought of "Damn, would love a dart right at this point." Quitting the green, it was more ritualistic, it just got to that time at night, the time i would usually blaze up for the rest of my waking hours and i would be thinking about it hard. Going to bed stoned most nights meant i would think about it as i lay in bed at night.

I guess this is the difference between a chemical and mental addiction, as long as your resolve is strong i don't think quitting pot is going to be a huge problem. That said, i think the power of mental addiction is still pretty scary, working at a casino, i've seen people throw everything in their lives away, came into work for 3 days and seen the same people playing, knowing they haven't left yet. They tell their stories, and it doesn't sound nice at all. There are no chemicals, just the thrill of gambling.

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I used to only be a weekend toker but since growing it and having larger amounts of it I've started to have a cone or 2 most nights. I feel guilty about it only because I'm trying to get my wife to quit ciggies. But the thing I keep thinking is "it really ain't that bad, so why stop!?". If some credible scientist came to me and said it's bad for such and such a reason I might cut back to just weekend toking. I think it becomes dangerous to smoke all day from sunrise to sunset, but a couple of cones at night after work is pretty harmless and I agree that it's only the daily ritual of having a cone that's addictive. If my parents come over for tea or we've got company I have no probs going a night or 2 without.

The other funny thing is it actually motivates me to do housework. I love having a cone and then cooking dinner, cleaning up, doing some washing etc. Normally I'd just veg out after a day on the tools and do nothing.

Also I feel the sativas are a better option for daily smoking. I think indicas are the type of smoke that makes you sit down, say nothing and do nothing, and several weeks of that couldn't be healthy!!

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I think that the substance ins't addictive, But like others said it could be the spin you use ect. Also the actual smoking it like every morning when you wake up first thing to come to mind is "weed" so you go get your bong. Same thing starts happening every morning for a few weeks and a habit forms. I think if you do not want to get addicted to weed you should not smoke it at regular times and this will make it more of an intense high. Also it helps what type of person you are. And I do believe that you can get addicted to the high or buz but that can be kicked within 3 days. And its a good idea after smoking everyday for a long period it is good to occasionally quit for a few weeks. After the first 3 or 4 days the cravings are completely gone but if you are depressed and your addicted to the high you will normally replace it with something like drinking which is worse. But it does feel good to be sober sometimes you can think heaps faster and sharper and when you start again the weed is going to hit you harder :) peace


EDIT :Oh and sometimes when i'm down like lately I didn't even notice but i had 8 sessions in one day most of those being at least 2 cones at each sesh. 5 of those sessions are at school. I don't smoke to be cool and don't think it is i'm a recreational user and use it as an escape from my depression I think im addicted to the high because I love the feeling of feeling of being high all the time alot less stress and your just much happier the creativity is awesome dreams is awesome and its a help for my insomnia.

Edited by aussie420toker
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I have been smoking for a good 25 years, ( started at 16 when I started working), and the first stone I had, I loved, :hug: and knew I wanted this habit for the rest of my life....Am I addicted?....YES!!!


I'm addicted to the love affair I have with it, and I have a habit of smoking Cannabis. :bongon:


I am addicted to growing MJ, ( all agree...it is one of the best looking plants to be found in the world, very unique), and I have a habit of growing whenever possible.


I'm addicted to the aroma of clean fresh buds, and I have a habit of smelling them before I mull one up.


I have been addicted to the thought of smoking everymorning , and have had a habit of toking all through the day.


I'm addicted to being in my space, alone, stoned, but also have a habit of being with friends while smoking pot.


I'm addicted to the pleasure of, "never running out of mull", but have a habit of letting my bowl run dry.


I'm addicted to the thought of staying home getting smashed, but have a habit of going to work and staying straight.


I'm addicted to the addiction, of being an addict, and I'm habitualy stoned with my habit of Cannabis Smoking. :bongon: :blink:


P.S...I also have an addiction to thinking smoking is, "stress free"...... but my wife has a habit of making that just an illusion.... :ack: yea she does'nt smoke. :console:

P.S.S... Proud to be an addict with my habit being ...WEED!

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i was smoking it growing and working then it got worse started taking bong to work then started drinking at work . health was getting worse until i left then a few months latter my healh turned to shit got real bad and i hope i never go back to ill health again had friends say to me after the bad spell that they all thought i was going to die but hey im still here anyway i rekon im more addicted in the whole procses before i pull cones like getting my weed prepeard ect anyway enough of my rant :bongon: :bongon:
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I've been consuming cannabis now for roughly the past fifteen months but ran out (for the first time in fifteen months!) a few weeks ago.


I'm not feeling/seeing any signs of addition whatsoever.


The only negative thing is my anger levels have risen which cannabis helped control. Anger management is for chumps, give me pot.

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I don't think the use of cannabis is addictive,


It's the preparation and smoking it. Or whatever intake method you use.


I smoke on and off, normally a few months on a few off but lately much more.


I could quit whenever I want and have before. But there is not many reasons to quit

When you look at the pros and cons of smoking cannabis. Pros is much higher.



Cheers, LRH. :bongon:

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