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Do you think Cannabis is addictive

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Hmm interesting posts... i am slowly coming to the conclusion that its not addictive... for example i had a smoke last night... had fun and all that.... and i was like .. yeah i might smoke again tonight.. its night and i cant be bothered getting the water-pipe out.... its all there , i could be tokin in 3 minutes at most.. but im not feeling like it :) ... its good to know that its not addictive, gives me reassurance :)
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yes I think it is addictive, but by what definition? physically or psycologically? or is it other underlining issues that are prevent you from stopping smoking? seen a doctor lately???


Let's get real here, it's slightly more addictive then coffee maybe , or am I wrong what do reputable scientists have to say about this :)



fuck some of you obviously otherwise porkers trying to make an impression on your collegues, kick fucking shards in your face mate.

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yes I think it is addictive, but by what definition? physically or psycologically? or is it other underlining issues that are prevent you from stopping smoking? seen a doctor lately???


Let's get real here, it's slightly more addictive then coffee maybe , or am I wrong what do reputable scientists have to say about this :)



fuck some of you obviously otherwise porkers trying to make an impression on your collegues, kick fucking shards in your face mate.


There is no way it's more addictive than coffee.

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Caffeine is like nicotine. They are addictive. Cannabis is not. I have an addictive personality. I do most things to excess. That being said I don't feel "normal" or good without it, but I have smoked daily for 16 years. Since switching to the vape I feel more optimistic that I can go without it longer if need be.
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Not sure what the difference is. Smoking good outdoor is a lot easier that smoking good indoor. I can get just as high off both,

however if I smoke a loto Hyge then I can get a bit quirky if I dont have it...

Im ok if there is plenty around but I get very moody if there is none, esp if it dried out quickly and I dont have any time to ween off.

Having said that Im sure Im not addicted, Im just a completet prick without a smoke.

I heard a good rule with Bush weed- easy on and easy off.


I smoke everyday, I never stoned on the job. can easily wait until I get home.

I hope this helps.

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