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Do you think Cannabis is addictive

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MJ is addictive, Simple as that!


The difference is that it is mentally addictive but not physically addictive like some other drugs.


You are not going have any physical problems or sickness from giving up marijuana and your body doesn't need it.


When you smoke everyday for years you re-wire your brain to believe it is perfectly normal to be bent. When you are not bent you brain is saying "Hey, This don't feel right"


You will never have any physical problems giving up weed and it usually only takes a week or two to overcome the mental addiction and re-wire the brain.


I have been smoking weed since the mid 80's and find it very mentally addictive. The heaver you smoke the harder it gets to stop and by the time you been smoking heavy for 20+ years its not as easy as others make it out to be. If you only smoke a few nights a week or on weekends i would not call that addicted -->YET When you find it hard to go more that 3-4 hours without a hit you are hooked.


Over the last 10 years i have suffered a broken neck which was fused but only lasted a few years. Recently i had to have it all undone and refused properly. Busted my lower back too which left me with permanent nerve damage in one leg and contracted Ross River fever just to mention a few things lol..The last 6 years i have not worked for anyone but run a small online business that does not take too much of my day. My habit has gone though the roof and i am finding it quite hard to even cut down because i have so much time on my hands with little to do. I am not able to grow ATM so its costing me a shitload of $ too. Im pretty sure i am addicted to indoor cultivation too because its been a while and i just cant stop thinking about it :yahoo:


I am also addicted to the internet - I must have it! Very hard to go without lol

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I reckon fingabang has nailed it.


I smoked cannabis for over thirty years and when supplies dried up and then seeds failed to germinate it was all over rover.

Once you get through the first week or two it is plain sailing as far as quitting goes. It is a bit like losing a good friend I guess but you get over it and move on.


Maybe things will change in the future so I won't say never again. ;)

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I'm more addicted to checking these forums than getting my ganja fix. I can't say the same for growing though, that's where the "addiction" is. :yahoo:

I'm a relatively light smoker, have been for years. I usually have a joint when I'm at a friend's place, and gone for a month or more without so much as seeing it. I occasionally feel like a buzz when there's none left but I've never felt like I have when I've gone without a cigarette (before quitting).



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No I have no inexplicable need to smoke, rather a conscious want for it. I want it but I don't need it, It's my choice not an addiction. So no.



hey guys , in my experience, mj is NOT addictive, if you mix your weed with tobacco, you are most likely addicted to the 'nicotine' in the tobacco, ive never been a cigerette smoker, but have always mixed, i ve just been through the toughest time of my life, trying to give up nicotine, ive been a bong smoker for 20yrs, and have just made the swap to a vaporizer, with no added tobacco, and i m feeling amazing, the difference is truly life changing, i am not 'chasing' a smoke like i was before, in fact i dont even think about a smoke for days, where as before i couldnt get out of bed with out thinking about a bong. its been about a year since my last bong, and not even my best friend could persuade me to join him in a session, im really enjoying a small vape session after work to wind down, one or two beers and im happy for rest of the night, and i sleep like a rock.

ive been trying to get my friends on to a vaporizer, cause the stone is so much better, cleaner, happier, and longer, im using 1gram/week instead of 2g /day so the economics of it is a winner, and the fact you cant smell it, and my kisses dont taste like smoke, my wife loves it. when weighing up pros and cons, i couldnt find a con, so its a win ,win, win situation. for anyone out there, still smokin weed, STOP ASAP AND BUY A VAPORIZER. i went with www.vaporgenie.com but its up to you what you do, im not here to be a dictator, but just telling how it is..so take my advise or leave it, ...its your lives..so enjoy weed, because its criminal its not legal.


happy happy joy joy!!


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As someone limited with money I find that I smoke everyday until I run out, then I might have to wait a couple weeks for pay day before I can get anymore. In the periods when I don't have access to smoke I do not feel any addictive urges whatsoever. I think the longest period I have smoked everyday for is about 3 months and then I stopped with no issue at all. I couldn't sleep well, but hey guess what, half the reason I smoke is because it helps me to get to sleep! In other words I've never been a good sleeper, so I really don't think this stuff is addictive.
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I gotta agree with everyone that says it's the baccy being mixed with. In my heavier smoking days I used to just want the nicotine hit from a cone - however I can't stand ciggies, I think they taste awful and make me feel a little sick. Money was always a problem and as I used to go through a quarter in a few days I used to be left to try bum of friends or borrow money for a $20 which would only last one session - so I quit, what's the point of gobbling up all my smoke at once? Plus I was bent all the time, so I essentially lost the high and thus the fun - each cone would keep me just off straight. Nowadays it's different, I'll occasionally have a few cones and that'll do me for an afternoon, generally I don't WANT anymore for days afterwards. MJ isn't addictive, it's the spin.


I plan to grow my own in a few months now that I don't mind waiting - and will probably spin with something without nicotine like the mixers you can buy at legal herb shops. Has anyone had any luck with finding a decent mixer from these places?

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I gotta agree with everyone that says it's the baccy being mixed with. In my heavier smoking days I used to just want the nicotine hit from a cone - however I can't stand ciggies, I think they taste awful and make me feel a little sick. Money was always a problem and as I used to go through a quarter in a few days I used to be left to try bum of friends or borrow money for a $20 which would only last one session - so I quit, what's the point of gobbling up all my smoke at once? Plus I was bent all the time, so I essentially lost the high and thus the fun - each cone would keep me just off straight. Nowadays it's different, I'll occasionally have a few cones and that'll do me for an afternoon, generally I don't WANT anymore for days afterwards. MJ isn't addictive, it's the spin.


I plan to grow my own in a few months now that I don't mind waiting - and will probably spin with something without nicotine like the mixers you can buy at legal herb shops. Has anyone had any luck with finding a decent mixer from these places?



i agree with everything you said, buy a vaporizer, do away with spin idea, im using about 10% of what i was smokin, so your pocket wont feel the pressure, and the taste is a million times better, with no smell, and taste of smoke..its a beautiful thing www.vaporgenie.com


good luck..

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