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Do you think Cannabis is addictive

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i haven't had a smoke for about 6/7 months now due to work, and i must say i do think about it every few days. I have noticed its the times when i am sitting on my arse doing nothing when i feel like it the most (like now). I also miss smoking with mates, or smoking while snowboarding. Also since stopping i have started drinking more, never had any issues giving up either tho when i wanted to.



i to would rather a joint than a beer anyday... although the odd scotch every now and again.... B)

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See what prohibition of grass does? I'm sure by the sound of things...snowboarder has his perchant for alcahol in hnad. But for thousands who don't have that self control, they're forced to indulge in the most addictive and arguebaly dangerous drug onthe planet.



More people loose limbs, livers and kidneys, go to prison for violent acts and loose familis for playing wi that hard gear (alcohol) than any other drug consumed not only in Australia, but the whole world.


Is pot addcitive? Coffee is addctive, heroin is addictive, but they're world's apart in what that means. Indeed, speaking about booze, withdrawals from the suff can kill a sufferer, while even the most hideous of awithdrawals from illegals substabnces (heroin) will not.


Sorry for digressing a tad, but I just wanted to make some comparrisons, becuase straight "yes/no" dosn't seem to give a full enough explanation to the question..




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I'm unsure about my addiction to cannabis. I vape pretty much every day BUT never before NOON and not usually after 8PM. I'm supposed to be liver cleansing at the moment with my woman (who's trying to lose her pregnancy tummy AND cut down on all her sweet comfort foods). I used to drink a pot of coffee a day, eat sweet biscuits, have wine for dinner etc and I could easily give them all up (and have). With cannabis tho' I persist (I usually tell myself that life is uncertain and I could be hit by a bus so why deprive myself..). That said, as BB once pointed out, toking is usually proportionate to time spent at home and current I'm home ALL THE TIME (what with newborn twin babies and all). Plus I have ounces of the stuff lying around from a particularly good backyard harvest last year. I worry that maybe I'm hooked beyond recovery but when you're never further than twenty paces from your stash it's tempting. Maybe I need a job..
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Maybe I need a job

Let's not go being rash now :peace:.

I don't work, and over the years, when I haven't worked for one reason or another, my drug use, whatever it was at that time. grass, beer, whatever..always went through the roof.


I don't believe you could be addicted beyond recovery mate, maybe you were jusy joshing and I missed it, sorry if that's the case, I didnt mean to over-react. And thenmaybe you're serious, and I'm sorry too, for not taking your peretion serious enough.


My thought is if you're addcited beyond "recovery" you'd have to have a pretty low self control threshold. I'm not under-rating what senations going without the drug of your choice could do to you, but you realise that cannabis has only a phscalogical ability to addict you hey? Well I have to be honest on this, and admit to not having read any information regarding phyicsal and psycological (sorry 'bout spelling) addiction of grass. the last i read (admitaly quiet a while ago), the opinion on the matter by absolute experts was that no physcial addiction existed what-so-ever. that being the case, all that could take you to an "addcition" level of no recovery, woul dbe to have the disposition, or rather, the lack of inner strength to go without something you're fond of, something that you mayhave used to proect you from mental anguish at times.

You mentioned you've given up booze before, and I think you said cigarettes, oth natorious physical addcition items, and you gave them up! Some of the hardest things in this world to kick, no shit.

On the list of addictive substabnces, I think cigarettes and booze is listed higher than heroin!


So you'd be very unlikly to have hit the point of being unable to kick grass mate.


In some ways, mental addcition can be harder, but only in as much as you let it, and that's the "inner" strength part I mentioned, and you seem to have lenty of that if u can kick booze etc.


My uncle has not smoked now for 6 months. they started to test them for drugs at his work. This was fucking unthinkable in this country a few years back. not just by drug users, we (Australians) simly didn't go for that. Allowing an employer such control over us. To demand some of your urine. The indignity, ...to hell with the drug issue.

Anyway, I know he hasn' smoked for 6 months, but his part of the family are all straight arrow types and he hasn't told them squat. but I do know he's on thin ice with his wife. All the rest of the familyhe is in touch with are simply complaining that the normally lovable, jokular, freindly bloke they know os a moody obnoxious intolerant prick.

His wife of course is aware he has not been smoking, and has been speaking to me lately, asking me what I can do to help him, becuase their marrigae is in such shite, over his bad emper/anxiety due to having to stop smoking. She's not keen on grass, and generally ants to keep us apart because of the bad influence we are on each other. 9fuckin madness, nearly ready to kick the bucket and move on here we're so old, and they worry about such shit?) Still, his wife can see a striking difference in him now he's not smoking.

He's about 58 I think, been smoking since he was a long haired teen, grew up in Europe, travelled the world as a merchant sailor, and grass has been no smal part of his life. He's a pom, and whenhe became interested in my aunt, i was about 15 years old, and when he came to brisbane port and we'd see him again, he always brought me hash from the east somewhere. Too long ago to remeber where. I know some was like turd it was so thick and tacky. Man it was wild stuff. So he's had grass laid on for many, many years, and always top shelf.

he's a painin he arse to be around atm they tell me, but he's functioning fine.


take care mate


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Ta Rob, ever the thoughtful, anecdotal reply. Although I frequently think I should toke less (or not at all) the truth is I don't want to most of the time. Is that addiction?


Centrelink have decided that newborn twins don't need two parents at home so this time next week I'll probably doing a resume writing workshop with a bunch of school leavers. This will doubtless separate me from my stash somewhat. Sigh.. :peace:

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Cannabis is not addictive physically as I give up all the time but now with this glaucoma condition that I have then I really need to consume often. Much better than the eye drops which have to be taken twice a day for life with some terrible side effects like lung disease!!!! And big pharma try to tell us that smoking cannabis is so deadly and dangerous so keep taking their drugs instead!!!!
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Hey Guys


Ive been a pot smoker for over 20 yrs , for about the last 5 yrs Ive had at the very least 6 billies a day every single day many days more than that ,, one day I said to myself Im not enjoying it any more and sick of dealing with straight people when Im bent , even though I dont think Im bent I am ,, and also sick of that dulled feeling every morning , I guess thats why its called dope :thumbdown: anyway I went cold turkey and its been 4 weeks since I touched it ,, I have no cravings for it what so ever , no sleep problems , no nothing , its like Ive never smoked , I feel very sharp mind wise and just better over all , not saying I will never smoke again , I just want to be normal for a while , will go back to just a cone of a night or weekend , but for now Im enjoying being clean .


Any thoughts on it being addictive , my personal experience says its not .



You smoked for 20 years and you dont think its addictive lmao. Isnt there a comedian section here?

Of course its addictive. Everything in life that is enjoyable is addictive cause you want to do it again. I think cannabis is more of a mental addictiveness as apose to a physical addictiveness which can cause dependance. You can be addictided to something yet not be dependant.


Good on you though for taking a break after 20 years. The fact that you will go back to a cone of a night, or weekend would be considered a relapse lol.


So do I think its addictive, to a point.

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