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Do you think Cannabis is addictive

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Hey Guys


Ive been a pot smoker for over 20 yrs , for about the last 5 yrs Ive had at the very least 6 billies a day every single day many days more than that ,, one day I said to myself Im not enjoying it any more and sick of dealing with straight people when Im bent , even though I dont think Im bent I am ,, and also sick of that dulled feeling every morning , I guess thats why its called dope :thumbdown: anyway I went cold turkey and its been 4 weeks since I touched it ,, I have no cravings for it what so ever , no sleep problems , no nothing , its like Ive never smoked , I feel very sharp mind wise and just better over all , not saying I will never smoke again , I just want to be normal for a while , will go back to just a cone of a night or weekend , but for now Im enjoying being clean .


Any thoughts on it being addictive , my personal experience says its not .



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i think the cravings a from the spin. i find when i get a "craving for a bong" i can smoke a ciggy and get over it.


i was in the same position as you, i use to smoke a shit load: daily.


now i just keep it for weekends and enjoy it more...it also gives me something to look forward to if im having a shit house week.


peace and love

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i think the cravings a from the spin. i find when i get a "craving for a bong" i can smoke a ciggy and get over it.


i was in the same position as you, i use to smoke a shit load: daily.


now i just keep it for weekends and enjoy it more...it also gives me something to look forward to if im having a shit house week.


peace and love


Maybe your right as I dont mix with tobacco , just straight mull , havent had spin it for over 10 yrs when I gave up the cigys .



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I personally don't think that the actual substance is addictive - I don't get severe withdrawals from it if I run out. But I do believe the habit or ritual of having a session or a smoke daily is addictive. I find that both myself and my partner get through our day with the thought that soon we can relax and have a smoke and forget about all the crap we had to do during the day.

That said we do get a bit crabby when we run out of bud... :ack:


Jimbo :thumbdown:

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I recently had a 5 wk break, after daily use without a break since mid 03.



Same as Jimbo, reckon cannabis alone, the ritual, lifestyle, even medicinal use, are habit forming. Guess it can be debated as to whether habit forming is the same thing as addictive.


In perspective tho, I found cannabis alone, one of the easiest things to stop using voluntarily. Much easier than caffeine.

Even easier than OSA! :thumbdown:


Being seperated from the plant itself could be another question. Like Tom says - growing is the addictive part. :ack:

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Experiment time for me. I can not remember how many years since I have gone without a smoke for a day. I have always said I should take a break but I never get around to it. Is that addicted?




Tomorow I am going to go the entire day without a smoke. There I've said it.


Wish me luck.

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I think if you are using to cope with stress or emotional problems going off it can cause a few symptoms that people may mistake as withdrawl. Also I think it depends on the reason you go off it. If you need to travel or just want to take a break then its your decision so no stress. But if you run out and can't get more or you get busted well situations like that can cause stress and again I think in some cases people mistake the sleepnesses etc as withdrawl symptoms when really it is mostly result of the stress of the situation


but yeah I've never had much trouble quitting after long periods of daily smoke :thumbdown:

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I've gone from being a daily smoker to a weekend toker recently and it was very easy. I did have trouble getting to sleep the first night but that is all. I have some amazing dreams on my straight nights. I also enjoy the clear headed feeling during the week and appreciate the weekends more.


Some years ago i stopped smoking for 4 years. That was also easy. I have never mixed with tobacco. :thumbdown:

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