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Dope Drought

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The drought is all over aus


Was wonderin' when sum1 else would pipe up 'n care to mention that. Gotta luv the mexican's... :thumbdown:


Anyways, i said it before 'n i'll say it again. More personal growers the betta. With some of the modern tech 'n resources the fuzz have access to nowadays. It's not surprisin' their puttin a dent in the commercial side of things. Naturally that's not the only thing doing it, the actual drought would be takin' it's toll as well, after several dry summers.


But yeah, more personal growers the betta. Grow just enuf to tie yaself 'n a couple friends over. If that's the only peeps the fuzz would be bustin', they'd too grow weary of doin' the lil' fella over, as they would'nt be gettin' the glory they do with big grow op's.


It times like these that it may encourage a few more personal growers to get into it. I hope that's the case, as there's more positives than negatives.


After 20 odd years of smokin' 'n growin' i no longer buy into the BS about the evils of cannabis. The only evil thing about it, is prohibition. It blows me away that politician's still beat up BS and feed it to us via the media. I'd like to challenge one of the tossers one day and bring a plant to the meeting and dump it in front of them. Then get them to point out these evils they care so much about. Pretty bloody hard to whip up a BS excuses when the only thing in front of you is a plant...


But yeah, back on topic... For those of you that are gettin' down about the dope drought. Russle up the money that you would usually use to buy an ounce, and put that towards some grow gear. The sooner ya do this, the sooner you'll realize the drought no longer affects you.



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The only thing stopping me is 'perceived risk'. I mean, I dunno how risky it really is if you're really careful (which I obviously would be).


Do you mind if I ask, in all your years of growing, any "legal problems"?


That's the only thing holding me back - fear of getting done.

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som epeople get busted thats the way it goes but if you are careful and dont go tell'n all your mates that your growing and you should be fine 100 on ebay for a light 50-75 soil and nuits a time 20 and a couple other small things pots man its not hard just be smart about ti its worth it just think you have 4 plants each puts off 2 oz thats a low ball estimate for a decent sized plant thats a half pound of good pot that cost you a couple hundred bucks less then a zip costs
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Once recently, due to my own fault and the help of a seedbank.


I done the maths, and i figured the investigation/raid/court would've costs a hell of a lot more than what i got dished out. Which was $1000 fine 'n no conviction. Now if they put the money it costs to process me towards health 'n education, we'd all be a hell of a lot betta off.


Apart from being a stoner, i'm a law abiding citizen. No doubt like many other tokers. The 'perceived risk' is what you make of it. I guess if you're a sheeple, this would rate fairly highly. But for someone like myself it's non-existent. Infact, for the last couple of months i've been compiling a nice lil' goodies bag for them, if they pay me a visit again. They'll have the LEAP video, doctor's certificates, and a few lil' pamphlets to take back to their office and can view at their leasure.


The way i see it, the Gov has done a shithouse job of educatin' these peeps, it's high time they had some REAL facts. With a bit of luck, they may review their career choices while going thru it, if they choose to do so...


God help the drug re-hab workers, if i ever get sent to them. I'm a wised up law abidin' citizen, that is biting at the bit to give them an earfull. :whistle:



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