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I can't buy pot!



I have no friends who smoke and after going to the cross all I am offered is Ice. I cant believe it is easier to get your hands on that crap then just some simple weed that I want to use to help with these panic attacks I have been getting.


I even tried asking some people in Nimbin to send some to me but I think they got scared off.

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I would be going to pubs in the Paddo or Newtown areas etc, and Bondi, Coogee ,Dee Why ETC and play some pool,don't gamble on it unless your real good,and casually strike up a conversation and steer it to weed,a newspaper with an MJ story that you make a comment on to see what there opinion of weed is ,if their negative don't ask,if the agree like "yea thats an outrage a sentence that long etc" then go for it ,but don't be to pushy as it makes you look like a narc and don't hand cash over to dudes you don't know to go off somewhere else to score.


Check out this underbed grow room from High Times May 2005,the white box not under the bed is there drying cabinet,not sure how they solve the heat under the bed in summer problem but I'll bet its nice in cold New York winters. :peace:

post-10278-1175489161_thumb.jpgpost-10278-1175489239_thumb.jpg :doh:


ps. I personally think CO2 under the bed is a BAD idea,its risky as you could smother youself to DEATH.

Edited by Jess Stone
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