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answer my EC/nutes question pls?

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i'm new to indoor growing & nutes in general.

i have canna vega a+b for the veg stage of my indoor grow.

it says to mix equal amounts of a+b @ (ie)2-3ml per litre.

my question is, if (for example) it says "equal amounts of A+B @ 1ml per litre", is that 500mgA+500mgB or 1mlA+1mlB ?

i ask this coz i thought the total of A+B should equal the required 'ml per litre' but it seems that i can't get my EC high enough using this method.

i think i may be using only half the nutes i should have been.

i hope this post makes sense, it seemed to make more sense in my head.

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i use canna coco nutes

i think offhand it says mix at 40mls per 10 ltrs

for me seedlings i only go at about 3ml per ltr

equal parts of a and b....

always remember to keep them the same..ie..dont add 4mls of a and 2 mls of b etc always add the same amount of each..

do u have a meter to read the levels?? truncheon etc??

wat medium are ya in??

all the best


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well it kinda sux 2 be me..................i been watering my plants on half nutes, no wonder they look great but are like bonsai versions of what they should be atm.

i knew i shoulda asked here earlier but i felt a tard for asking such a question.

although i feel a bigger tard now.


should i ditch these plants & start again?

the thing is, they look really healthy & bushy, asides from being half the size they should be by now.

i have some new seeds sprouting & they are looking fine but it'd kinda hurt to trash the other ones just coz they're a bit on the tiny side.

if u have any suggestions i'd be appreciative.


atm i'm just hand watering w' perlite/verm medium (70/30) under a 400W t-son in a 2.5x3x6 wardrobe.

(2 plants)

i have one of those blue truncheons & an electronic PH meter.

i am at home almost 24/7 due to injury so i felt i'd start by just hand watering till i have a clue.

i have everything pretty much sorted except i have screwed the nutes.


i'm growing seeds i got from a very cool person here,i don't want to say anymore coz i don't know the etiquette re' that sorta thing.


well big thx for the replies ..........at least i know the nute score now....(doh!)


btw.........sukonmiskunk, ur posts are golden man.

ur grow diaries & general info for n00bs like me are the best info i've found.

i wish i could hire u a few hrs each week as my own personal 'weed growing consultant'..........haha.

(there are many others here who put up great info too.)

Edited by pacificrim
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