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when to transplant?

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you can re pot the when they outgrow these cup.. another week id say... then just re pot into a the next size up.. about 6-8 inch pots...


plants will sex them selves at around the 8 week mark.. but you can usually force flower them at around the 4-6 mark... usually about 5-8days will show definite signs of sex... then just straight back on 18/6

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how long before i should transplant my plants from the 16oz cups?

when you see a fair few roots poking out the holes in the bottom of the pot or if you start to notice the lower leaves going yellow and eventually dying off. leaves going like that is a sure fire sign your plant is rootbound or lacking nitrogen, but if you keep the nutes all good its a great way to learn when a plant is rootbound :(


Also what size should i transplant to?

biggest pots you can get your hands on, the bigger the root space, the bigger the buds :crybaby:


what is the earliest i can sex a plant,or force flower?

you can start plants under 12/12, but i would personally wait until you have taken cuttings before risking the strain by flowering them out.

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when you see a fair few roots poking out the holes in the bottom of the pot or if you start to notice the lower leaves going yellow and eventually dying off. leaves going like that is a sure fire sign your plant is rootbound or lacking nitrogen, but if you keep the nutes all good its a great way to learn when a plant is rootbound :(

biggest pots you can get your hands on, the bigger the root space, the bigger the buds :crybaby:

you can start plants under 12/12, but i would personally wait until you have taken cuttings before risking the strain by flowering them out.





Thanks for your help guys,this is my first grow so there should be lots more questions coming..........

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