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VapourHead Vapourizor

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Hey guys, I've been reading a bit on this site but this is my first post. I just bought one of these vapes, after reading about it on this site. For what it's worth, I'm definitely a happy customer.

Who cares about the guys past? At least he's honest. All emails and inquiries I had were dealt with very quickly and professionally.

I paid for it and received it express post the next day, packaged very well. Can't complain at all.


Just thought I'd add my two cents.. I'll be firing it up tonight, see how it goes.

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Hey guys, I've been reading a bit on this site but this is my first post. I just bought one of these vapes, after reading about it on this site. For what it's worth, I'm definitely a happy customer.

Who cares about the guys past? At least he's honest. All emails and inquiries I had were dealt with very quickly and professionally.

I paid for it and received it express post the next day, packaged very well. Can't complain at all.


Just thought I'd add my two cents.. I'll be firing it up tonight, see how it goes.

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:peace: Greetings,

I am the "dodgy character" selling the VapoHead Vaporizer in Australia.

Just for the record, I have been smoking marijuana for 35 years on a daily basis, along with an assortment of other drugs, so I believe I know what I'm talking about. The only drug I regret using is tobacco; poison!

I did a great deal of research before importing this vaporizer. It is a very competative price, the easiest glass-dome vaporizer on the market to use; I know cause I've tried them.

Some of you guys are very judgemental about my past; we fought long and hard in the sixties and seventies to be able to use whatever substances we chose to; efforts that help allow this website to exist. "Let those among you who are without sin, cast the first stone"; And I'm not a bloody Christian.

I am honest, discrete, and have the guts to take the risk of importing vaporizers into Australia so people can get access to this fantastic inovation in ganga smoking, through a local distributor. We WILL have replacement glass -domes in July. Sure it isn't a Volcano, with adjustable themostat, but for $99 it's the BEST deal available anywhere.

Check out the site, but leave the moral clap-trap at the door.




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I picked up mine yesterday.


I'm very happy with it, but even more so with the customer service and extra effort from Wade. I've purchased a fair share of things off the internet from dodgy characters (haha) but this was great experience.

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For a site full of people using an illegal drug i find the negative and hypocritical comments about wade and his past distasteful and disrespectful! some here seem to have forgotten about the freedoms that you yourself are seeking? don't ever forget that there are a lot of conservative people out there who think you're bad and dodgy for smoking weed!


this was a discussion on the efficacy of vapourisers not a forum for an attack on the moral character of a member. i don't know wade at all but like all other people he should have the right to your and my initial respect.


negative comments about people are sometimes understandable... if they've actually done something against you. seems he hasn't.

Edited by onthejob
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Mate if you dont like it here you know where the door is ..... who are you anyway, some kind of net nanny ... ;)


you're showing me the door for having my say and proffering an opinion? who exactly is the nanny here and when did you become the doorman? get over yourself girly, just as all members here, i have the right to an opinion even if you don't like it. i don't agree with everything said here but i wouldn't think of trying to stop people saying it.

the "if you don't like it leave" isn't your option to give.

i commented because i saw people being mean for no reason other than inbuilt prejudice. i was brought up better than that. i'm nice before i'm nasty. :-)~

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i dont understand where or how this flame up started.. from dave saying hed rather not buy off a heroin junkie... well thats his decision isnt it.. ..


a few members that i know of have bought these and are more than happy with them.,.. and like Wade has said.,. for $99.. its a fucking great deal..


whos gives a fuck if he uses smack.. a lot of very successful business people do.. im sure a lot of respected members here do also...


i believe wade advertises on our site.. so i think hes more than welcome to be a valued member with out all the prejudice.,..


oh Wade... almost finished reading ya book... if this is the Wade that wrote it...;)...


excellent read all round.... and very well written.. a little scattered.. but i guess it would reflect the times.. I thought it was a great read anyway... im easily pleased..;)


id suggest it for Oprahs book club...:greedy:...:nono:..;)

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I enjoyed his book alot. Very exciting read. Whats this bad stigma about opiate users. Wade is far from a junkie. The term junkie originated when addicts used to steal junk metal to support their habit. Now they steal your belongings. Opiate users are normal people. They arent all criminals. Well they are ;) but in another sense. Edited by euph0rix
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