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Are my babies screwed?

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So I finally got my round tuit... I was given four plants in cups of perlite a few weeks back. They had been under a fluoro and after I brought them home they sat out on my deck for a while. They took a few days to adapt to the change but after that started doing well. Unfortunately I wasn't able to get my pots and coco as soon as I should have and they started to shrivel and most of the leaves on them dropped off or turned brown. They've been in the coco now for about 2 weeks and I have started watering them with Yates Thrive Soluble Fruit and Flower plant food about a week ago. I was told to use 4.5 Litres (with nutes) and divide it evenly between the four plants every 2nd day. Since doing this with the nutrients one of the plants has started to grow new leaves and is looking quite healthy again. However, despite having new growth showing on the main stems, the remaining three plants still look really sick. Are they gonna make it and is there anything else I can do to try to save them? I have been getting help with this and been advised of the products to get so far but am a little worried about killing them... I know the guy who gave them to me will be very disappointed if I can't do this and I would prefer not to have to run to him every five mins for help. I would post pics but do not have a camera.
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first off you should stop using that yates shit and buy yourself a hydroponic coco specific nutrient, then you should flush the plants to get all the build up nutes and shit out and i would start them off on between 1/4 to 1/2 strength nutrients.


that will cost you a little bit of money, but is bound to achieve good results :scratchin:



SO a 'little bit of money'... What are we talking here? And where do I have to go for that? I'm a pensioner with a very small budget and no transport. I have to make my purchases at Big W or somewhere similar as I usually have a family member to do my driving. Any specialty stores are immediately going to be seen as suspicious. oh and I didn't start them on full strength nutes either.. about 3/4 strength to start off with and have built it up now. One last thing... since using nutes one plant HAS recovered and at least one of the others is looking a bit better. The only other thing available where I got the Thrive was Miracle Gro.... would that be any better??

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theres an easy solution to your problem, and your halfway there right now, yes you guessed it, the internet :scratchin:


there are plenty of online hydroponics suppliers that are relaible and cheap, dont quote me but im pretty sure a few people have bought stuff from hydromasta off ebay without any troubles.


And your talking about nutrients, there is nothing to worry about when buying nutes really, unless you buy very large quantities, id be more worried about growlights and such if thats one of your concerns.


Also remember that too much nutes is much worse than too little, your better off especially while your plants are young + sick, to be very very careful how much nutes you use, even knock it back to half strength while they recover, then wean them back up to full strength when things pick up and your new growth takes off again


best of luck with the babies brother :peace:

Edited by 200sx
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