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Let the Tokin Begin


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Guest Urbanhog

Have you got much experience/knowledge with hydroponic set ups? If you do, maybe its the way to go, if not, just try start with this:


Maybe if this is your first time, just keep things simple, I use 1/3 compost, 1/3 vermculture, 1/3 perlite. And learn and observe how they grow and shit like that, so you will get better prepared for your next crop/haverst with better results.....


Thats how I first started.... still using soil, but will go to hydro soon.....




Urbanhog http://www.gamers-forums.com/smilies/contrib/sp/chefico.gif

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Ive grown a plant outside before, But tht was just luck..


FOund a seed in my baggy so i chucked it in a pot and it grew at the end when close to flowering a mate came and took it and gave me 3/4 of the harvest.


wasnt anything special though....


Where to get cocopeat in NSW??

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