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Big Day Out Bans Australian Flag !

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Ken West has obviously lost the plot.


If he was serious about reducing the risk of violent behaviour, he'd ban the sale of alcohol at the BDO

:toke: ...that's right, selling thousands of litres of it makes them a fucking shitload of money!


:toke: ...I wonder if Westy has considered selling flags at the event :thumbsup: ...apparently they're becoming quite popular :peace:




Ffs, we've all seen plenty of t-shirts, body art etc (and occasionally behaviour) at these events that could be considered offensive or challenging, but it doesn't incite violence because most of the punters are only there for a peaceful enjoyable festival.


A clearer message would have been to simply state that ''racist cunts won't be tolerated at any BDO events."


That said if i were going this year(line up isnt that good)...

Are you feeling alright? B)

I wish I could have gone!



Do you think Ken would let me wear my Beastie Boys 'Hey Fuck You' :toke: t-shirt?




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Great replies all round ..

But Pipeman .. that was very well put (Imo) .. So simple yet so true ...


Control .. :peace: ..


But realistically , It seems like another obvious try-hard beat-up story designed to inflict the problem of itself ..

What a complete fukover ..


As I said .. Blah B;ah Blah .. I dunno I wasn't paying attention ..


Seems one of their main money makers of late is demonizing "Muslims" B) asif most people could even define one thing about a Muslim ..

The media is just as terrible as the politicians and other businessmen that control it ..


Off topic!? .. nope .. Cronulka Riotes .. and other Bs lame televised moronic behavior influences people that are as dumb (or dumber) than the particapants perpetuating the hate ...


Doesn't take a blind ,dumb , deaf , dead man to realize that its all a little screwy .. heh :toke:


ANd also , to reply to 67's .. yeh man .. Last BDO I went to they ran outta Water but conveniently had plenty of V drinks available .. and after that nuthin .. people almost dyin of thirst and they sell out of drinkable water aswell .. and their fkn ticket regime .. eh , anyway .. I'm too drunk to be typing so hopefully I haven'nt been for long .. G'nite :xcited:


Budman :toke:

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Weather itsa shithouse flag or not, it's the flag some of our forefathers fought under for two world wars. For which i'm grateful for. If they did'nt give a rats, people like Highrising probably could'nt make the comment that he did preivously in this thread. Take away our flag, your basically taking away our identity. Which is why i'm not surprised there was one hell of a uproar yestie.


Just because your proud to be an aussie, it doesn't automatically make you some patriotic redneck. To me it represents a building of a young nation that was prepared to stand on their own two feet. About havin' a go and getting on with it. Now with the younger folk, that no longer seems apparent. Some wankers want to use it as a symbol of unrest. Those fkrs doing such, should held accountable, just as much as the dropkicks that want to burn it.


But yeah, i'm no great fan of the design of our national flag. TBH, i'd rather see a modified version of the blackfellas flag, something more grass roots. Or possibly the eureka flag, minus the eagle of coarse. :toke: Once we become a republic or end up being the 51st state of the US of A. :toke:


Also, i do believe the fkn media deserve to be strung up for inciting all this crap all the time. I've since read this morning that the old text messages have started to fly about. No one seemed to have had a problem until some wanker from the media grabbed this snippet (J.West comment) and beat it up some more, and fed it back to us. :xcited:



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yeah and i says, our forefathers fought for their flag, and many died, LETS NOT MAKE THE SAME MISTAKE AGAIN


its just a flag. who cares if its banned or not.


they should have less sniffer dogs maybe, guaranteed not as many people would give a shit about what flag to bring to the concert. or the tennis for that matter.

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They didn't fight for a flag, they fought for a country.


I'd be very intrigued if they were fighting for a piece of cloth.... that would be a little stupid... now a country, a democracy, an ideal of justice (whatever that may be) I can understand. But the flag was not what our forebears and current generations fight for. It's the country.


Well, whatever the people in charge of said country say is worth fighting...


It wasn't put well by the BDO peeps, but they have a point. Super-patriotism, (in any country) is a fine edge between being proud of and loving your country to hating all others... Patriotism is one thing, people using the flag of a nation as a rallying symbol for violence against others at a concert is quite another, no?


That's what they're talking about.


And it's amazing, how many people completely ignore the actual organisers. THEY HAVE NOT BANNED IT! :scratchin:

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ok i have a few points.. in 2000 we were all rallying to change the flag.. white australian and colour alike.. now because of these "riots" stupid white australians cling on to the union jack on false hope.. they have been rounded up like sheep by the media and led like a loose arab noman round in circles while the middle class are paying for johhny to go on trips to the US..


this hype was created with a garentee it would be overshadowed with the projected hope more and more people will wear it.. that was the real outcome using reverse phsycology and it WORKED!!


Yes we died saving england.. but so what- the flag doesnt mean anything other than our sovernty to them.. Southern cross is our emblem


A proud ethnic australian can no longer challange the flag with out being labbled un australian but 5 years ago we had a vote?


wake up white australia u are being toyed with. You are having ur freedom of speech taken from you with false patriotism

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Why would anyone feel the need to challenge the flag, does it represent something you hate or dislike?


I'll admit i'm 5 generations anglo saxon here in Oz and raised in a town that would be one of the top ten racist towns in Australia. So would that automatically make me a racist or some sort of redneck? I fkn hope not. I've had mates throughout my life from a lot of denominations. I can't say i've ever judged any of them by their blood line. i've generally taken them on what type of person they are. If your an arsehole, your an arsehole, it's in your make up. I'm not about to go out and label that person a wog arsehole or whatever.


I'm also a bit concerned how ethnic societies congregate in certain suburbs. This is possibly where a lot of it starts. Because people are raised in these suburbs and don't venture too far out of the boundaries. I can understand the minority clinging to together and looking after one another. But i also believe people should venture out and explore Australia and actually see what Australia consists of. There's surf, rainforests, reefs, hinterlands, outback. Such a vast array of beautiful landscapes and places.


That to me is what i love about this country, and it brings a tear to my eye that all this crap is flaring up nowadays thanks to governments, media, and some underlying issues that i'm not up to speed with. Austraila is bigger than one denomination, it's a multicultural society. That will never change. The Aborigines are the traditional land owners, that will never change. Fair enough the english were the first forieners to settle here. But i do believe if it wasn't them it would've been some other country and they would've grab the ball and ran with it. Just so it happened to be anglo saxons for which myself have been labelled at times. That's something i can't change as i was born 'n bred here.


Maybe i'm naive to whats actually going on, i dunno. But i know if i left Australia one day and went to live in another country. I know i would embrace their culture, society, landscapes and places and enjoy it for what it is, and not come in and try and convince them otherwise.


I know i don't have all the answers or pretend to have any solutions. But i'd guess the first place to start is not to judge one another on their heritage, but see them as the individual as they are. Look beyond all this crap people and see and enjoy Australia for what it really is. Otherwise Australia will be just another shithole on this planet where racial violence is the norm.





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i agree with u indy car.. but there remain a few factors..


A) Materialism makes people flash money witch inflates there assholeness (thanks america with ur TV)


B ) people congregate because when they first came only certain suburbs were available with in the pricerange and have room for the large family members.. alot of real ethnic societys still send large amounts of money back to another nation.. making it hard to really travel and spend freely(cant see the coutry)- so they stick to how they no how to live cheap.. so they live like they do in the old country..


OTHERS should learn to find middle groud and not degrade this country by bringing there issues of religion and segregation onto our shores.


I am happy the british landed here first. as we know the french and dutch left no infrustructure in the countrys they had and also (like the brits) stole all the wealth.


I originate from a himalayan kindom who had country men who fought in gallipoli and in many "anglo" conflicts before australia was even a nation. Very well trusted yet abused by the british, we also serv in the another powerhouse army. But because i have brown skin its a shame alot of white australian who are misguided dont give me a fair chance and when im lazy to shave (stoner) & am classed in that middle eastern apperance section.. Why should i have to explain my self to get respect back when i did nothing to loose it? My blood line died side by side with white australians in both major world wars.


But indy is right THIS is a multicultural society n if u deny it, you are a fool, we are borded on our north by the 4th largest population in the world (largest muslim country) that alone will show u- u cant bottle up the pressure and hope it will go away.. (just like bottling up heat) it needs to be vented..

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