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Anyone up for a discussion about mental illness?



Hey all,


Im a member of a site, that is for Bikers in Australia.

On the boards we have some pigs and some fuckwits.


Anyways this pig Rocky is trying to tell everyone that Cannabis causes mental illness.


So whos up for a bit of fun?


Come on fellas, let educate these fuckwits heh?




my reply-


What a load of bullshit that is heh.


Weed causing mental illnesses is crap. You have to have something wrong mentally in the first place. The weed just allows it to come out in some people. It doesnt give a normal sane (whatsever that is) person mental illnesses. Theres been just as many tests done that proove it doesnt.


Some people will believe anything on the idiot box. http://www.ozbiker.org/vent_forum/Smileys/default/rolleyes.gif



Educate yourself Rocky, before spouting such crap.




responce here (missing out a few of the replies-




The old cause or trigger arguement is long dead and buried, I think you to get up to date with the education. All the medical professionals now agree that it is in fact a cause of mental illness and is not just a trigger to a pre existing mental disorder.


The THC has now been proven to severly and permanently change brain chemistry, the higher the THC level and/or prolonged use the higher the risk of mental illness.


I am with Doc work in the health or emergency service field and then see whether you believe it is a harmless drug.







smash ,

that site is a pro cannibas site .

I work in the Psych system and 54% of patients in public wards are drug induced psychosis or drugs have a major bearing ( underlying schiz) etc etc

Regardless of what the Pro- legalise want and how they go about it , it still comes back to the same thing ...........It causes and exaserbates pyschiatric illnesses.


If you believe this bullshit that drugs dont have a bearing or serious effect on mental illness, then feel free to come to work with me when I am working acute psych and working in (high dependancy) Lock up , they are violent , aggressive paranoid ++++ , responding to visual and auditory halucinations.

After spending a day in HD with me you will see the real effect that drugs have on people.


Personally if people use it in moderation , then you will find there is little hassles, but how many people do you find that can do things in moderation ( ie drink, drugs,smoke etc )

I dont want it legilised as then my son could do it and it would be lawfull.

I have told my 3 boys , I catch him takeing ANY drugs that will be the end of them.

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of course weed can cause mental illness. To deny this is ignorance.


Please explain how? I have been a HEAVY smoker for years mate. Im a fruit loop, but I dont suffer from mental illness.

I know people in their 70s that have been heavy smokers all of their lives and do not suffer from any form of mental illness.


So your saying that you, and everyone on this site has mental illness from cannabis?

I think people need to learn just how the brain gets mentally ill. Its not from getting stoned, as that has its own special receptors in the brain that are only used for cannabis.

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Coffee can cause mental illness, just as sugar and alcohol and cannabis can, any substance that adjusts the brains chemicals can cause mental illness (remember that depression is classed as a mental illness), three years of a psych degree taught me that. However, it also taught me that most of the problems that happens in later life, are caused by early damage; whilst the brain is forming connections (perfect example is the now shown link that smoking whilst pregnant makes the child much more susceptable to nicotine addiction in later life).


Prohibition only continues to make it profitable to sell drugs to children,

leagalise and regulate just as in alcohol and cigarettes, (that includes regulating all drugs) I'd just about bet my left nut that there would be a downturn in the number of mental illness cases.


As for the ignorant cop and Dr, they are just spewing they get drug tested and can't toke it up :doh:


As for the more THC = more illness, as they like to sprout about (eg: today's cannabis is no "hippy pot" etc) haven't people smoked hash for centuries with no probs? can't get much more THC than that?


Why does a biker site have a known cop as a member anyway?

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The thing thats un natural about it is that by suppling the plant with only the highest grade of what it needs to produce THC you are changing the plants natural structure. The plant originally need soil to produce the by product (cant remember the name of it ) which years ago gave the dopameans in your brain a chance to recover from the effect of THC. This has been proven time and time again in tests by planting older seeds from the same strain of plant and comparing them to the same strain grown in hydro years later.


Anyone know what hes talking about?? Interesting theory????

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Yo Spook, MJ does cause mental :doh: illness in some people,the irrational hatred of Cannabis causes people like Rocky and the Psycho nurse to be unable to understand basic facts presented to them simply,to act hysterically at even the mention of cannabis,cause blindness as no matter how many facts they read that clearly demonstrate cannabis as the most benign substance that could be considered a drug ,they can't see it.The Anti-Cannabishttp://www.drugtestscam.com/swastika%2018x14.jpgNazis truly do suffer a terrible mental :peace: disease which manifests itself in irrational laws,lies,discrimination,distortions and violence towards cannabis users which they apparently feel justified in behaving this way because some people choose the superior non-lethal drug THC over highly toxic and lethal poisons like alcohol,caffeine and nicotine.


If the endo-cannabinoid system of the human body is made of hormones(chemicals/drugs manufactured by natural human biological processes) like anandamide which to the best of my limited lay knowledge is an identical(or virtually identical?) molecule to the THC molecule ,a chemical/drug(plant hormone?) produced in the cannabis plant,then if this is factual,how could THC be detrimental to human healthy wellbeing? :doh:

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This ones for yor amusement Spook, from the ABC7:30Report13-12-06 ,

This gem from the mouth of the braying moron Federal Parliamentary under-secretary for health the right dis-honourable Christopher Pyne MP,AH,FW,DH

MARK BANNERMAN: If this sounds far too negative, you might be right, but Alex Wodak is the Director of Drug and Alcohol Services at St Vincent's Hospital in Sydney. He says the only real answer to cannabis abuse is a radical plan that would see it regulated and distributed while it is also taxed.


ALEX WODAK: Under the current system, of course, all the most vulnerable people in the country can roll up to any criminal and corrupt policeman that they know of and buy the drug and no questions asked about age or are you pregnant, or do you have a mental illness or whatever. If we had a taxed and regulated system, not only would we be able to have warnings on the packages, but we'd also be able to regulate the people who obtain cannabis from the regulated outlets.


CHRISTOPHER PYNE: I don't accept that. I don't think you should regulate poison because it would be easier to manage it if you did. This is a poison and it's destroying our young people. It's affecting their mental health and the idea that governments should somehow get involved in it, regulate it, tax it, control the strength of it and then spend that money that's raised in taxation as though it was any other kind of revenue raising tool, I think, is an abomination.


I have 2 words to the verbal shit that comes out of the mouth of this fuckwit Pyne -

ALCOHOL and TOBACCO , you stupid fuckwit, its exactly what you do do with these REAL and DEADLY POISONS !

You see Spook we are up against Anti-Cannabis-Nazi fuckwits like your forum morons and even bigger fuckwits like the lickspittle Pyne. :doh:


Edited by Jess Stone
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of course weed can cause mental illness. To deny this is ignorance.



Dont desire to prove my ignorance before your judgement pipeman. But what you are saying cannot be proven. You might as well say going to church proves there's a god (beware the god :doh: ).


It's not provable by those whom claim to know - or have vested interest in government funding (or corporate funding) - as to which comes first, the mental illness, or the cannabis use or abuse.

To say they know cannabis causes mental illness, is to say they understand mental illness, which they don't. Diagnosis change, whole disorders change, are renamed with new symptoms, or disappear from the DSMV4 altogether. Its a 'grey' (matter) area and they don't know. But sure do love chucking new pills at the problem!


We that use cannabis know. From experience, how many ppl have you seen 'develop' a mental illness from 'cannabis alone'? :peace: I mean no tobacco hits of adhrenaline, or alcohol burning cells, or caffiene, amphetamine, opiate, past physical abuse, traumas, bad environment, or just plain genetically predisposed to brain melt down. Cannabis only?


Only mental effects I can say occur without a doubt, from cannabis use alone, are short term. That is, worn off in 2 hours or at most a nights sleep.

The worst mental reactions I've noticed in many years of 'seshing' with many others, is 'green outs' or some call 'white outs'.

I've not once seen a person green out from smoking straight cannabis, it only happens when it's spun with tobacco and often when drinking. (make em get down low if they go pail!)



:doh: there you go, I showed my ignorance :peace:

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to claim outright that pot causes mental illness is ignorance




alot of the research done that shows that pot increase changes of developing mental illness have taken the position of "these people are smoking MJ and have a mental illness that they didnt have before they started smoking MJ thus MJ caused the mental illness>"




where as from exactly the same information i could develope the theory that people who are starting to experience mental illness are more inclined to attempt to aquire a mind altering substance to help them deal with the stresses and over the time they smoked MJ the mental illness developed"




neither is more correct then the other and studies show both to be "true" so what we really need is a unbiased study into the issue which is not going to get done

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I said pot can cause mental illness, not that pot does cause mental illness. there is a big difference in those statements.


and I don't need no research to tell me that either. heavy pot smoking often leads to mood swings, apathy, and social isolation. This is partly because of the abuse of the drug itself and loss of self discipline, and partly because of the unjust laws and social stigma stoners have to deal with. IOW, the anti-cannabis laws amplify the health and social damage cannabis can cause to those who abuse it to escape life rather than those who use it to enhance life.


IMO anyone that disagrees with this must not know many heavy smokers. :scratchin:

Edited by pipeman
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just cause it fucks with your moods doesnt mean in any way that it can cause mental illness because as soon as a heavy smoker stops within a couple of weeks they dont have the symptom anymore. also people in hospital with drug induced psychosis never just took pot so whats to say the pot caused it when i have never met a single person with drug induced psychosis who only smoked weed
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