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Partially Collapsed Lung



Well I have been diagnosed with a partially collapsed lung and need more X-rays in a week or so to make sure that the lung has repaired itself.

Basically that means my lung has somehow got a small tear in the tissue and air has leaked out of my lung into my neck area (which I can feel under the veins) and now the lung is still deflated.


The doctors (several) have said it should repair itself but I may need to have a drainage tube if it doesn't.


I can't smoke at all in this time or I fear I will be doing myself alot of harm so this is my second day with no smoking (I have plenty of prime bud but CANT BLOODY SMOKE IT! :peace: )



Has anyone else has this problem? Tell me your story..



Looks like I will HAVE to save up and buy a vapouriser now, either that or give up the magic herb.



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Thanks for replies and support everyone :whistle:


I have decided and made the decision now after being sober for nearly 3 days that I will just stop smoking for a month or two to let my lung heal and in that time save up for a vape. Until then I'm just going to take a couple of benzos each night to help me sleep.


I am pretty sure and also hoping, that the damage is not permanent and my lung should hopefully heal to nearly 100% as I do not and never have smoked cigarettes.


Yeah niall, I usually pull my cones hard because the bong gets blocked so that would not of helped.

I think the main damage happened when I was having a morning session and I felt a sharp pain in my chest after coughing up the smoke, that evening I was in hospital being checked over.


I will keep updated, I go to see my doctor this week and another X-ray in a week or so. I hope all goes well (I think my lung is starting to fix itself I can feel it now.



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Hey Stonedstump ,

Good luck with your recovery , ya should be o.k. to go back to smoking if you wan't , altho a vape might be the way to go for ya :peace:


I've know a couple of Smokers that have "popped" their lung , and one was only 15 at the time ...

I put it down to the Bongz , as youngsters we all used to smoke massive cones , and Sometimes when clogged would just suck as hard as possible to 'pull it' .. I believe this is not good at all ...

If ya do go back to bongs as you well might ... make sure you got a good bong that pulls thru , or ensure by your chopping method that it always burns thru well , or get some cone screens , keep the hole clear at all times , and if By chance one clogs ... even tho It's tempting to try , I recommend just ditching that cone ...

I don't think I've ever popped me lung , But I've definatly strained them too much at times because of that ...


Anyway , I know thats pretty obvious ... but there ya go :whistle:

All the Best ..


Budman :freak:

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Hey everyone. I Thought I would tell you my story. Please don't judge me, I am not here for that. I post this merely for informative purposes.


About 4 years ago, smoking bongs at a friends house, I thought I had pulled a muscle in my back, so I said to my mate (pretty big guy) "hey man, would you get behind me a crack my back it really hurts" So he did and it did nothing, anyway I continued to smoke that night. Got home in the evening and told my mum about my back which was hurting just as much, I could also feel it in my chest a little but mainly in the back. My mum's a doctor, she said "It proberbly a phenothorax (a popped lung) and laughed, we'll see if it still hurting in the morning" It was still hurting in the morning just as much. She checked me out and said, "shit I think it is a phenothorax". Once at the hospital it was confirmed. I had worn a hole in my left lung, letting the air escape into my chest cavity. The hole fixes within an hour, what take time is the air that is filling your chest to dispute. Having the air in there, prevents the lung from re-inflating by taking up all the room, as the air leaks out it give the lung room and eventually there is no air left and the lung can inflate to 100% again. My lung had lost 80% capacity. That was too much to let it leak out itself. I had to get the chest tube you are talking about. They whacked me with some pethadine and started. They cut a small incision about 15 - 20cm below my armpit and fed a tube into my chest cavity where all the air was, it was about as thick as the tube in science that connect the bunsen burners to the gas and was really long and connected to a bottle thing, it kinda had the same princples as a bong, when i coughed it would bubble in the bottle, :whistle:. After that I got moved to the ward. I was kept for a day or so then they pulled out the tube and i went home. THEN THE OPERATION....... About a week or so later (long time ago i can't remember to well) I went in for the operation called a Pleurodesis. What that is, is, they go in keyhole style (3 small insisions, 1 in the same place as the chest tube the other 2 15cm left and right of that.) and rough up or graze you might say, the top of the lung and the wall of the chest cavity that that part of the lung sits against, so that when the two grazes heal they heal together, effectively gluing the two together. So when the hole in the lung forms again, the lung is held in position so minimal air leaks out. It kinda a gravity thing. Now the judgemental thing. Over the entire duration of this I continued to smoke, cigarettes and weed (bong style). The only time i didn't was when i was inn the hospital, and still i smoked ciggies when i could. All was good for a while 4 - 5 months or something. I went to a rock concert and in the moshpit. My lung collasped again. Back to the hospital, his time only about 35%, BUT, it meant the operation failed. DAMN. Because it was only 35% and a chest tube hurts alot they decided to aspirate me. That is where they continue to syringe a "syringe" full of air at a time till all the air is gone. It meant i could go home that day. So they put like a drip in straight through the center of the left side of my chest. Anyway it all went well I went home that day. And smoked pot. A week later i went in to the specialist to discuss the next operation. I asked him what happens when my lung pops, does it do any damage to my physical body, an he said no, just the pain and discomfort i have to go through till the lung heals. I declined the operation on that advice and went home. I never quit smoking either pot through a bong or ciggies. 4 years later I have had my left side go about 5 times (good ones) and heaps of little ones. Once you've had enough, you kinda know when it has popped and when it just a back ache. Also the right one went as well about a year ago, went to the hospital, they sent me home it was only 8%. They tell me it is mainly from the pressure of the bong (smoke joints or pipes, I know i'm an idiot) and is commonly found in average to tall, skinny young (16 - 25) males.


Anyway hope you like the story. Hope it was informative to some extent.


Good Luck Matey :scratchin:~



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Wow I haven't checked this thread for a while. That was a good read moisty, sounds very similar to what happened to me, except for the operation part.


It's hard to explain though isn't it? The sensation you feel. It's not quite in your back and not quite in your chest but you know it's there.


I haven't had another episode since the first time it happened so hopefully I'll be right, although I know there is a chance it could happen again.


Although sometimes when I cough up a cone I can FEEL that sensation as though air has leaked again, but only for a few seconds and then its gone.



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