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Uncle Had Cancer



Back acouple years ago we all found out that my uncle had Prostate Cancer, he went through countless chemotherapy treatments for about 2years, with no luck.


The final faw months of is life his doctor aproched me in the hospital hall, he asked if i could get a hold of some Maryjane to treat his pain. My uncle was using that much morphine it had no effect on pain killing anymore.


Perfect timing, i was just about to pull out a couple of oz of Northen Lights 2. (good potant smoke)

anyway to cut a very very long story short, i went back to the hospital everyday for 3months with a couple of joints. i used to wheel him out in the smokers court yard and both of us lit ups these chech and chong speciles and smoke away.


After having a joint he could actully eat, had more energy and the pain was right down to its lower limits.

that continued for 3months untill he passed away in is sleep. HE HAD NO PAIN the doctors and nurses told me. GOD SPEED


Why cant the CUNTS in goverment see the possibilites MJ has.




Edited by Dallas
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If anyone I am close to is suffering from cancer or another type of terminal illness I will be offering them a regular supply of weed if they so choose.


Helping people out in this way is not only good for them, its good for your soul as well. And the more patients that sing the praises of mj the better it has to be for our cause you would think. lol

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Cancer effects alot of people and I myself have lost family to cancer.

its fucking PURE EVIL! and it doesnt care who you are or how old you are.


I was told that if I hadnt passed out and been taken to hospital that I would be dead.


After the first operation, where I was damn luckly enough to score a Stoma. Once I was able to get up and walk around again, I started doing the Chucky.

I was power vomitting blood accross the ward, Man that freaked them out. As they thought they had made me bleed by removing a chunk of my bowel.


They did a Camera down throat thing, as I told them it was probably from the Morphine making my ulcars bleed.

Well it turne out they found lumps in my gastro area of my gut. So i had to wait another week to find out more.

Answer was they had removed all the lumps and they were cancerous also.


So they had removed it from my gut, given me a bag. and then found more cancer in my stomach.

Then BANG before i was allowed home they did more blood tests and my numbers were high. (shame I wasnt).

THey said it couldnt be from the bowel or stomach as it was all removed.


THey then found a lump on my liver, and this was tested and we thought it was cancer.

They bascially told me to go home and smoke my lungs to oblivion, cause my body was fucked and they gave me 12 months at the most to live.


MAN does this shit change your life or what?

it really woke me up, and I feel iam a different person to the cunt I used to be. It just made me realise that life was far to important to sit around doing fuck all like i was. Thats part of the reason I invited Pipeman to the BBQ we were trying to organise. To try and wipe the slate clean and start over, but he wasnt interested. Which is a shame but I respect his choices.


Anyways So I sold up the house and alot of my stuff, gave all my hydro gear away to another med grower and moved my ass to the best beach I could find. North Queensland. :peace:


So considering they reakon I only have few months left, I have proven the cunts WRONG!.

However Im still having to deal with doctors and they have told me that I have amazed them. They dont understand how my bodies fighting this off.

I can tell you without a doubt its been the WEED! I know this because my blood count starts to climb as soon as I run out of weed. well actually about 3 days after Ive run out of bud.

THen I have a smoke and within 2 days they drop again. Now according to them, the blood counts should not be going up and down. However overall the numbers have dropped. I spoke to the specalist and he said, he doesnt doubt for one minute that the weed has helped.

he said in ALOT of cases, he sees people self medicate and their health improves. He stated that if it were up to him, that it would be made available on a prescription. but that in his words the government is a bunch of tightasses, and legalising it means added work :toke:.



I have been getting buds from somebody I wont name, but lets just say they know who they are and they wont be forgotten. YOU my friend are a fucking LEGEND!!!





Sorry to take your thread over mate, but this hit close to my heart. because of the loved ones ive seen die, and also my own experiances.

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Thats part of the reason I invited Pipeman to the BBQ we were trying to organise. To try and wipe the slate clean and start over, but he wasnt interested.


yeah well if you stopped calling me a narc and threatening to hunt me down every time I say something that pisses you off maybe I'd be more receptive to your invitations :peace:


I spoke to the specalist and he said, he doesnt doubt for one minute that the weed has helped.

he said in ALOT of cases, he sees people self medicate and their health improves. He stated that if it were up to him, that it would be made available on a prescription. but that in his words the government is a bunch of tightasses, and legalising it means added work


If thats true you should get a signed affidavit from that specialist or at least a letter outlining his views it doesn't need to have any reference to you on it if you didn't want it to. I'm sure Brash would love to get his hands on a document like that and he might even be able to get it into the media. :peace:

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Thanks Spooks, thats alright :toke: this thread is for anyone you wishes to veiw and put in thier stories of the Evil Of Cancer.


Good to hear that you are beating it though, keep on smoking mate.


Its really sad to know that the Doctors Assosiation DOES indorse the use of MJ as a pain releaf and stimulant, but fails to push the subject through to the right govenment channels. :peace:


We need alot more doctors, we need alot more people like us with true life stories of MJ beating or at least helping to beat cancer and taking way pain which no other drug does but MJ and push it to the Powers To Be.


But right now people are diying and are in so much pain, and i wish i could give them all the pain releaf that they deverve, (this is the 21st Century... NO one should have to suffer in pain) but the Govenment are against that. :peace:




Thankx Everyone :doh: :toke:




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If thats true you should get a signed affidavit from that specialist or at least a letter outlining his views it doesn't need to have any reference to you on it if you didn't want it to. I'm sure Brash would love to get his hands on a document like that and he might even be able to get it into the media. joint.gif


I said that to a few of the doctors. But no-one wanted to.


Same as when I went with a close friend to find out she had MS. Her Dr also agreed with me for her to try cannabis. So she did try it. But he also wouldnt write anything up. :peace:

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really? the same Doctor who said this?...


he doesnt doubt for one minute that the weed has helped.

he said in ALOT of cases, he sees people self medicate and their health improves. He stated that if it were up to him, that it would be made available on a prescription. but that in his words the government is a bunch of tightasses, and legalising it means added work



the first step to legalising cannabis is to get people to agree it should be legal. If we can't even do that then we will go nowhere fast. You can tell this chickenshit Doctor that he and others like him are the problem, not the government.


I wouldn't even continue to see a Doctor who admitted to me that he knows a certain remedy helps many patients but he is not willing to put that opinion in writing. For a medical professional who should be dedicated to healing the sick he either has very weak principles and is only in it for the money or he is speaking out of his arse. Either way I would find it hard to put my trust in him. In fact I would go further and say it is the moral and professional responsibility of all health care workers to become proponents of cannabis if they believe it has medicinal value.


I would rather see a Doctor who didn't agree with my cannabis use but was still willing to discuss it and manage my condition, at least that Doctor is honest. :peace:

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I wopuld rather not see any doctors, there all cunts IMO.

I feel the same way as you Pipeman, on this matter. And I did give the doctors a serve.

But at the end of the what can ya do about it> Fuckall eh?

I didnt have a choice as what doctors I used. They were ok bar their views on this though.

They did say that if they could legalise it, that they would but that they wernt prepared to loose their careers over.

I kinda understand what they are on about, but at the same time. The Gumbyment wont change their views until people like this do start backing up their experiances etc.

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My dad died about two years back. I was in another country.


I came back at a serious time for him earlier, but left when he appeared

to be doing ok, relatively speaking.


It was his time at 92 years old and he wanted to go and he was in pain

being diabetic and having one leg amputated and the other leg very bad

shape too with other problems.


I am the only one of siblings to smoke and able to get that. I would have

given him j as I thought in my heart that will do him good.


Reading this thread is good. I should have given that to him.


Thank you Dallas and Spook for sharing.

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