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Depleated Uranium munitions being used

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"this will blow your minds, but the real decendants of the 'semites' are the iranians. The story is long as to how displaced jews who moved to jerusalem became known as 'semites'. But if you take the phrase anti-semetic as literal then you are saying you are anti-iranian."


Another point I'd like to make is that, sometimes a person will be called an anti-semite when they say that israel has no right to exist.


Theres a difference between Judaism and Zionism. Zionism is what led to the creation and politics of israel, ie "We were here first and we deserve a homeland" mentality. Funny enough, the true Jews, Hasidic/Orthodox/True torah jews don't actually support Israel. Their justification is that in the book of Exodus, the jews were exiled from their homeland as punishment. Part of that book also says that the jews were meant to find other places to live and co-exist with the gentiles (ie non jews). Which has been a success in my opinion when you name England, the US and Australia. We don't have a 'jewish' problem because people here for the most part integrate and live like us, without compromising their own personal beliefs (which we all have a right to. I dont like being told what to think, and I wouldn't do it to others).


Check out http://www.jewsagainstzionism.com/ or http://www.jewsnotzionists.org/


Quite touching to see the Orthodox jews side by side with the palestinians. Its about time the world woke up, but with old men like Johnny n George, they want a return to the stone ages, where we all grew up with rickets, the women are barefoot and pregnant, and the democratic model is shelved for an autocracy or pseudo-monarchy based upon greed and power.


He acts like a King, doesnt he?



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I agree rooster. How come we can be ok about being anti everything except anti israeli? I was just talking to my gf about that this morning. I bet if Mel Gibson got parro and made anti Islam comments we'd probably not hear much about it. Jews can do what they like to their neighbors and if we speak out against it we are made to feel like Nazi's or conspiricy nuts. I disagree that they could wipe out their neighbors completely if they wanted to. I believe they would if they could and there would be a giant Israel in it's place. Only thing stopping that is Russia and China. With China's ecconomy and technology serging ahead in leaps and bounds it would be nice if the U.S had something to worry about. Maybe then they would behave :peace:
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It is certainly a shame that when all these races and religions are brought up in peoples comments that it does not help the situation any.

In the end we are all just people , there are good and bad everywhere.

Yet people must still try and further their cause for their own seperate groups. You can say it is many things , but in the end I think it comes down to greed. Greed for power and greed for pleasure. Greed for accumulation.


I wonder what It will take for people to change ... It might have to be a terrible world wide disaster for some to even contemplate change. (If their not in their starships already , hehe).


Sometimes I think that just acting decent between ourselves (i.e. decent people is not enough) , The Earths problems are escalating at an almost uncalculable rate ... If there is not change soon , then It is not just this centuries humans that are doomed , It is every generation from here on after , That is If we are not all totally destroyed somehow.


Hey , I don't want to be Negative , But I certainly am worrying more and more about the state of shit that we are all involved in ... I so want change and this life just keeps eating away at my vitality ... what to do , what to do ..


Well , I'm gonna go cry now for the futility of this modern life ...

I'll seeyas later ... I hope.


Your Fellow Human , Budman. :peace:


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I've still gotta research this more ...

But I wish all these violent , greedy , hateful people would hurry up and just kill each other.

I don't want them on this planet. DIEPIGFUX!!!

Tho ... I guess that would probly halve the population level somewhat , but hey , that's cool , at least there would be plenty of females to keep me company. :) hehe


I'm not violent , greedy Or hateful , but those pigz have almost made me want to be. But I'm just not going to be.


I'm too stoned to really give a shit about them now ... Fuggem!

Bye 4 Now

Budman ... Out. :toke:


Sorry to quote myself , But yeah , Thats pretty much why I posted that rambling ...

The Population needs a cleansweep and defragmention.


Thx Ss , Your a link champion (I dunno , It sounded good at the time) lol

That was a fun small read ;) , Now if I could just get thru the all the others in the next year or so , I'll be happy.


Cheerz Mate

Until then ... ... ... ...

Budman ... Out. (copulation control) :peace:


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