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Depleated Uranium munitions being used

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i hear they are considering sending aussie troops

'peacekeeping' they call it


fuck sending them troops. send em the Lebanese that were protesting in Melbourne, since they're so concerned about it...


why the fuck would we want to get involved in this? Do we still have troops in Iraq? If we do they should come back as well. lol

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Isael is dodgie with a capital D. When will the world wake up to it. They steal land, putting settlements on palestinian land, illegally occupy palestinian land and oppress the ppl there. When they retaliate with their pathetic weapons they are 'terrorists' and the world condems them. If they left gaza, west bank and gave back the land seized in the war, they would be hated a whole lot less. They won't be liked by all arabs, but at least the groups attaacking would of lost their excuses to attack and thus their support bases also. Closest thing to peace that part of the world could hope for i think. Israelis being the greedy cunning fucks that they are, fat chance of that happening. Isreal killed over 50 women and children yesturday and America vito'd a UN statement condeming the action. What kind of dodgie fukn cunts are they that they can't admit that that was something fuct up to do. Isreal has almost leveled southern lebonon, bombed the powerplants and realeased tonnes of oil into the ocean, destroyed bridges etc. All civilian infestructer. Definately war crimes and nobody is going to do anything because Israel has U.S behind it. It's sickening. I wish we could put trade sanctions on Isreal and the u.s. Give them a taste of their own medicine. It's what they do to everyone else that steps out of line (besides killing them of course). Thank fuck for sbs. The only news that isn't influenced and controled by the powers that be. Edited by BentBuddha
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Alot of interesting points here so far. lol


I don't have much to add really. Well I hate to quote from this book, and claim no affiliation to it. If I could find a quote as relevant in a family guy episode, I'd use it. Anyways, this one is from the bible.

The part of the bible the jews and the christians hang on to, the torah, the first half, old testament.


I found the whole quote here






The relevent verse is around deut ch 20 (Going To War) v 10 - 20


" 10 When you march up to attack a city, make its people an offer of peace. 11 If they accept and open their gates, all the people in it shall be subject to forced labor and shall work for you. 12 If they refuse to make peace and they engage you in battle, lay siege to that city. 13 When the LORD your God delivers it into your hand, put to the sword all the men in it. 14 As for the women, the children, the livestock and everything else in the city, you may take these as plunder for yourselves. And you may use the plunder the LORD your God gives you from your enemies. 15 This is how you are to treat all the cities that are at a distance from you and do not belong to the nations nearby."



Ok yep, from the family guy. When Stewy meets his future self and he describes going back in time to see that jesus's abilities might have been somewhat exagerated. "Nah nahnahnah nahnah nahnah"



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I've still gotta research this more ...

But I wish all these violent , greedy , hateful people would hurry up and just kill each other.

I don't want them on this planet. DIEPIGFUX!!!

Tho ... I guess that would probly halve the population level somewhat , but hey , that's cool , at least there would be plenty of females to keep me company. lol hehe


I'm not violent , greedy Or hateful , but those pigz have almost made me want to be. But I'm just not going to be.


I'm too stoned to really give a shit about them now ... Fuggem!

Bye 4 Now

Budman ... Out. lol

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I just wanted to add my 2 cents. Im not anti-simmetic or whatever it is and Im not a racist.




The Isreali Government has been one of the worst violators of human rights the world has ever seen. Just as America has been using September 11 to justify a systematic takeover of the middle-east, Israel has been hiding behind the fact that they were victims of the holocaust. The western world knows it did nothing during the holocaust and there is a sense, especially in America that the world owes Israel. So then the world turns a blind eye to the attrocities being committed. I find it ironic however, that the group who has suffered possibly the most horrific treatment in history can so easily vicimise thier own neighbors.


I know it takes two to tango however and there have been many wrongdoings on Israels opponents part. But, I find it hard to justify the reaction of having 2 troops kidnapped and then wiping out the countries infostructure! If there are 2 countries that could do with an overhaul of foreign pollicies its the USA and Israel. The fact that America seems keen on anything but a cease-fire is only adding fuel to the mix.


The USA wanted to be the biggest player in the world and now it is. But it seems very reluctant to do what they claim to be all about. They want peace, justice and freedom for the whole world bla bla bla. Where the hell are those values now??? They are sitting back watching a country get trounced into the ground and apart from not helping - IT CHOSE A SIDE!!!!!


Im done now - congrats if u made it this far down my post!

Edited by Rooster
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amen brother... lol


the facts are the 2 soldiers that were kidnapped apparently had no excuse in being where they were when they were taken.. they had crossed the border into lebanon.. so by rights Hezbolla had every reason to take them.. considering they were probably carrying out some sort of attack....

the thing is, Israel send in a couple of soldiers to antagonize Hezbolla...hey and in the event that they should get caught, we will just say they were kidnapped to justify taking them out...

same as how the US flew planes into the trade center.. and blame Alqaeda.. same as how Hitler burnt the Rieghstag building.. and blamed it on the opposition political party, this effectivly gave him the dictatorship... same as how Nero burnt Rome and blamed it on the christians...

all this bullshit about Mel Gibson... being anti samitic??? well hes fucking right.. Israel are behind most of the wars to day... but you just dont say shit like that in JEW town... they OWN and RUN everything...even Hollywood...

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they only started bombing Israel because.. they just found 2 soldiers.. probably carrying out some sort of terror attack... and didnt Israel start the bombing first??? becuase they didnt return the soldiers.. Hezbolla have used this tactic in the past, using captured soldiers to force israel to release some prisoners.. most of which are innocent civilians...

but this time Israel just went nuts??? and bombed the shit out of them... probably justified... but its just the level of bombing.. and the use of DU munitions...I think is just wrong...


I am not sure now who fired rockets first now??? I was pretty sure is was Israel??...


and any case... its what they are doing now thats just even more fucked up...bombing the UN post, I would think would be war crime???wouldnt it?? and then bombing civilians.. well thats just discusting.. and it should be a war crime??no hezbolla at Qana... just civilians


considering these people have been winging about the "ethnic cleansing" since Hitler... for these people to be doing the same thing is just hipicritical....

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