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StonedStump? Nasty? Not at all, the only contributor who has gone out of their way to be nasty is wildflower, infact, the more I talk with ozstoners, the more I like you all.


I agree that there are plenty of unscrupulous outdoor growers who are as much of a problem as the unscrupulous indoor growers. At the same time, a real hippy is always a hippy and can be trusted to be a real hippy and real hippys totally love their plants.


The current text of the mission statement infers that THE MOST danger is from indoor commercial criminals, keep in mind that the mission statement is a 'through page', designed to propel the reader to the webcam pages where our real activism takes place. It is designed to clue people up on what we do, what we have done and why we are doing it, it is not really the place to speak about dangers of mouldy buds, uncured and unflushed pot etc.


till next





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Hi Bigbong ,


So , Would you please state what these "Very Real Dangers" are?? Please just not what you think in your opinion they relate to. You've told us that repeatedly , but not ever answered the question Imo.

Conspiracy ... Huh? WHa? , Good theory aye ... If the true facts were out there , It wouldn't be a conspricay would it. Where is the evidence on an oil company Hydroponics Marijuana relationship conspiracy whatever ???...

Thats absurd man ... where did you read that garbage , or is it just another "opinion" hehehe

(read it on the WWW huh? lol)


Sorry man , Im not trying to make fun of you , I just genuinly find it amusing. :)


So , Bigbong ...

What are these very real dangers you speak of plz?


As , for all the other "complicated" parts of my statement you seem to have so much trouble with , I'll get back to them later , they can wait. You need to define a few things properly for us first. There is no use us repeating Questions and statements , and you reapeating your replies until you can define exactly what you mean.

It seems to me we are all sure of what we are saying here at Ozstoners and have simply put the proposition to you numerous times that your Hempbar mission statement needs to reflect the truth. As sadly , It doesn't.




And o.k. BB , You are right , you don't actually say Its bad or Evil in those exact words , But you demonize It enough for It to be taken that way , again some of those comments are just totally ridiculous.


Have you guys had sex with a robot? Wtf? doesn't sound like a very Hippy type thing to do .. But I guess It was in the name of science to have something to compare Hydro with eh? C'mon dudes , get real.

Artificial Babies forced , Huh? , what a lovely image that would bring to uninformed people who read it?


Electricity? ... Well I agree , But there is electricity used for many 1000's of things in this world , you think a few extra Watts to save someone from spending a few $1000 in "The Black Market" is not worthwhile?


The elctricity used for this comparably to everything else is negligble. I think Electricity should be left out of the argument. Altho It does relate to "commercialism" like you have mentioned in your statement.

Now , In the Statement , you start off with using the words Hydro and Commercialism , but then deteriorate back into just damning "Hydro" for the remainder of the statement. You do.


"Hydro" is not the problem as has been so clearly stated by us and you several times now in different forms.

We agree on this you know. "Commercialism" is the problem.

It would be nice if you could stop putting any sort of stigma onto personal "Indoor" growers. :)

And you do remeber that "Indoor" doesn't neccisarily mean "Hydro". Hydro , is the just the "water" part and "Hydro" is done "outdoors" all the time.

Also I recommend you and others to learn how plants uptake , use , and release Nutrients. I slowly am , and It is interesting.


O.k. There is alot more , especially in my last post that I would like to hear your opinion on , Thx for replying somewhat to it anyway. :) But These replies shouldn't get too long Imo , there is almost too much to cover sometimes unless you check twice a day lol Sorry if this one is too long , Its an easy read tho. ; )

So ...

Seeya next time

Budman ;)



(P.s. Is it just the potency that worries you all? , Bcuz thats all a controlled enviroment does , is grow the plant more prolifically , faster growth , more compact/dense flowering and more potency etc. Imo , more potency is better , as It gets you higher without having to smoke so much.) :)

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keep in mind that the mission statement is a 'through page', designed to propel the reader to the webcam pages where our real activism takes place. It is designed to clue people up on what we do, what we have done and why we are doing it, it is not really the place to speak about dangers of mouldy buds, uncured and unflushed pot etc.


yes I completely agree. which is also why the stuff about hydro should be deleted from your mission statement, as its not central to your mission, not to mention the fact that it has no basis in fact. You can state your preference for outdoor without attacking indoor, which is all we're really asking for.


I think that it is possible to relegalize outdoors and leave indoors illegal, not, I hasten to add that I would ever suggest that to the government. I think its possible because if large scale outdoor grows were legal and cannabis was produced in staggeringly large amounts by every farmer in australia, the desire for indoors would disappear and whats more, indoors would become financially unviable.


OK so the pork brigade get a tipoff and raid a home and find a pound of bud. The cops say its indoor hydro, the accused says its outdoor, and it would be impossible to prove one way or the other. This is the reason the legalisation of outdoor pot only would be impossible. So by condemning law reform for indoor pot, the HEMP Bar crew are automatically condemning law reform for all pot. :)

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First up, about the sex with a robot quip, way back in the thread I mentioned that I am the one who made that up and that I'm tho one who says it out loud in the hempbar, and that when I say it in real life I end up making a humming sound like a vibrator. Now I am very sure that every one will agree that a vibrator is an artifical man made machine, which means that it is a robot by definition.


A lot of the trouble is the available words we can use when refering to "non outdoor cannabis" so when we use the term 'hydro' we are using it like a general slang word, same as when you use the word bush.


The "premature babies" quote refers to the shortened growing period of 'indoors' and I would point out that *at worst* we are employing hyperbole (the use of extravagant exaggeration) to point out the existance of Danger = exposure or liability to injury, pain, harm, or loss - when smoking indoors compared to outdoors and the purpose of any 'hyperbole' in the mission statement is to get each individual who reads it to think about their 'herb of choice'.


As for proving there is an OVERT conspiracy, impossible. As I also posted way way back, there is one theory that suggests that the DEA/CIA/FBI 'clandestinely' funded research in amsterdam in the late 70's and early 80's to create a more addictive substance that would be easier to demonize than the traditional cannabis. I don't believe that totally, but I find it hard to totaly reject because of the current situation cannabis finds itsself in all over the world and how many 'non hippys' benefit from supplying the indoor growing mechanism/industry.


My personal "BigBong" opinion has been altered over the course of this dialogue, but not enough to make me want to smoke hydro/indoor cannabis again- yes I've smoked heaps of the stuff, when I lived in Sydney, when I lived in usa 91-94 and again when I returned to Sydney, I travelled all over australia promoting my novel "the Big Bong Theory" and smoked heaps of hydro every where I went. Then in 98 I rented a shed on a community and concentrated on writing, it was then, and only then, that I was exposed to real hippy pot and it was only then that I became of the HUGE chasm between the 2.


I would also add that we been ''unrecommending" indoor ever since we started up the hempbar, that 6 + years of saying to people "don't trust it- it ain't natural" and at the end of the day, the hempbars mission statement can only reflect our hippy point of veiw. And as I have said over and over, we are NEVER going to endorse or recomend any non out door cannabis.


I know you asked me to list the dangers we allude to hyperbolically, and once again it looks like I have failed to do so. I will work on the list tomorrow with the H*E*M*P*Bar crew and post it here.


till next





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I agree that there are plenty of unscrupulous outdoor growers who are as much of a problem as the unscrupulous indoor growers. At the same time, a real hippy is always a hippy and can be trusted to be a real hippy and real hippys totally love their plants.


Okay so you agree that there are plenty of unscrupulous outdoor growers who are as much of a problem as the unscrupulous indoor growers? Why not change your statement then so you don't single out hydroponics as evil?


The current text of the mission statement infers that THE MOST danger is from indoor commercial criminals, keep in mind that the mission statement is a 'through page', designed to propel the reader to the webcam pages where our real activism takes place. It is designed to clue people up on what we do, what we have done and why we are doing it, it is not really the place to speak about dangers of mouldy buds, uncured and unflushed pot etc.


Indoor commericial criminals hey?... Once again I will say, what about the outdoor ones?


There's just as many, you even admitted it just then.



If it isn't the place to talk about the (actual) very real dangers of mouldy buds and unflushed and uncured pot then...


...What is it about? What exactly ARE the dangers then may I ask?

Edited by stonedstump
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O.k. bigbong , I'll try make this a little shorter this time ...


So , Terminoligy is an issue you see . You say "Hydro" as slang. Where as It is actually justa term for Hydroponics , I think we all got the jist of that.


What about using the actual term for what you actually believe. I.e. Commercialism Vs. Personal use.

Not "Indoor" "Hydro" "Non outdoor" or whatever else.

Criminals growing shitty commercial weed , that could potentailly have adverse health effects , THAT is the problem.

Not people who love the plant and are forced to grow away from public veiw for fear of persecution.


And as for the robot thingy , yeh fine , Its amusing I agree , but again unneccisary. And do you also have a problem with Vibrators?? why?? pretty common these days man , what .. U never masturbate? :)


anywayz .. I'll keep It at that for now , as I really need a smoke now (Homegrown Personal Organic Hippy "Bush") lol :)


Bye 4 Now


Budman lol

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webgreetings pipeman in particular.


PM = the stuff about hydro should be deleted from your mission statement, as its not central to your mission, not to mention the fact that it has no basis in fact. You can state your preference for outdoor without attacking indoor, which is all we're really asking for.


BB= I understand what you are asking for pipeman, for us to cease our *attack* on indoor, we cannot because we want to distance our hippyselves from that substance and all it entails, can you understand that?


PM= OK so the pork brigade get a tipoff and raid a home and find a pound of bud. The cops say its indoor hydro, the accused says its outdoor, and it would be impossible to prove one way or the other. This is the reason the legalisation of outdoor pot only would be impossible. So by condemning law reform for indoor pot, the HEMP Bar crew are automatically condemning law reform for all pot.


BB= I'd say no where do we say relegalize outdoors INSTEAD of indoors, In fact I have mentioned several times how we totally avoid having to split the difference. I'd say the new legislation is more aimed at "growing appartus" rather than towards buds in possesion by non growers. I'd say 1 elbow is 16 ounces which is DEFINITELY a 'dealer weight' of cannabis and that that person is in the shit whether it indoors or out, whether they are a dealer or not. I would alos imagine, in the hypothetical court case, that the hypothetical police would have done a professional investigation and would have found 'other evidence' to present to the judge.


till next





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webgreetings budman in particular.


BM= Criminals growing shitty commercial weed , that could potentailly have adverse health effects , THAT is the problem.


BB= Criminals growing shitty commercial weed , that could potentailly have adverse health effects is one aspect of the overall problem.


BM= people who love the plant are forced to grow away from public veiw for fear of persecution.


BB= If people who love the plant are forced to grow away from public for fear of persecution then the law will never be changed because they no longer have any NEED to change the law.


BM= And as for the robot thingy , yeh fine , Its amusing I agree , but again unneccisary. And do you also have a problem with Vibrators?? why?? pretty common these days man , what .. U never masturbate?


BB= not much need to masturbate in my reality, I have a loving partner and have been with her for 8 wonderful years. When I was a "young wanker' I never used a vibrator in any of my orifices and can only remeber a couple of times when I used one on a girlie as foreplay and that was in the USA.


till next





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I think that it is possible to relegalize outdoors and leave indoors illegal, not, I hasten to add that I would ever suggest that to the government. I think its possible because if large scale outdoor grows were legal and cannabis was produced in staggeringly large amounts by every farmer in australia, the desire for indoors would disappear and whats more, indoors would become financially unviable


This is got to be the most stupidest thing Ive ever heard about this whole topic… whilst I will agree that there are quite a few indoor growers who grow SOLELY for profit… there are just as many BUSH growers that grow for profit.. what this statement implies is that you are all for COMERCIALLY grown marijuana to stamp out the hydro market by replacing it with an outdoor market… as if FARMERS DON’T use pesticides and fertilizers?? What planet are you on mate???

All this would do is make the laws akin to that of tobacco… this what we DON’T want… aren’t you aware its more illegal to grow tobacco than mj??? That because of the massive money tobacco co’s pay to governments to grow their product.. home growing tobacco, Which is relatively safe, is illegal… yet the cancer creating tailor made product remains legal??? If what you are saying becomes the way, then even just growing a MJ plant in the garden will be 100x worse that what it is now?? Wouldn’t it??


Also to even contemplate that the hydro industry is a conspiracy is just stupid?? Its an industry just like any other... to even contemplate that the hydro industry is on the same level as the oil industry is stupid too.. considering it’s the oil industry that’s behind the criminalization of MJ growers.. where only recently, countries are going back to growing hemp…as the laws didn’t stipulate the difference between hemp and thc strains… HEMP being the oil industries GREATEST rival… and after 100 years of propaganda and lies its only now the fears are being lifted as the truth starts to rise through the bullshit… don’t go adding more bullshit hurdles for us to get over…


The main reasons people grow... INDOORS OR OUT... is for PERSONAL satisfaction… and the fact is no matter how crappy your buds are... you will still think they are the best on the planet… because you’ve grown them your self… I liken myself to a wine maker… from clone to harvest, from drying and curing… I get no better satisfaction that growing my own from clone to bong… as is the same for MANY growers… although some might be sold to cover expenses… its not the reason I grow.. I grow for me…


By legalizing marijuana, indoors or out.. is THE ONLY way to stamp out the commercial market...


As for the dangers of hydro, that you point out we are all aware of.. these same dangers you speak of relate to outdoor grown pot too… organic or fertilized… fertilized extremely more so… as the fact stands theres more pot grown commercially outdoors than indoors.. and most of that commercial outdoors is loaded with ferts.. but being outdoors in the ground these ferts cannot be flushed out of the plant .. where as hydroponically grown Mj can… so you see its not so much the indoor growers that are creating these dangers as the outdoor growers…


One thing you, me and the rest of the OS members agree on is that commercially grown Mj no matter where its grown has these present “dangers”... and this is what you should be pointing out on your site… not the JUST the dangers of indoor hydro…


Heres what I would add to your site… as we, here at the hemp bar, only promote the use of organically grown MJ as the healthiest way to consume, we realize this isn’t always available to every smoker.. if you have to grow your own indoors hydroponically… and we recommend to use organics.. but if you choose to grow in hydro please do some research and flush clean water through your plants before harvest… we advocate for tastiest personal smoke you can grow is in organics…


Some thing of the sort… while I totally agree with your stance on Organics… hydroponics indoor/outdoor is just as safe if grown out properly… still advocate for organics until your blue in the face.. but just don’t promote the division between the two.. this doesnt help any one…


As I agree with the dangers you speak of about hydro… dangers being, remaining nutrients with in the plant causing tight chest and may... nothing proven over 30 years.. May cause cancer.. These same dangers are present in outdoor fertilized MJ and to a lesser extent, organic mj… by feeding the plant CLEAN water NOTHING else it enables the plant to use up those elements… resulting in a cleaner/healthier product… this cant be done outdoors properly as the plant will still take elements from the soil as your feeding it clean water… in Hydroponics, you can clean the medium.. so the plant is only taking up that CLEAN water… also at a faster rate .. resulting in a much cleaner/healthier product… these” dangers” with hydro you speak of come from UNFLUSHED systems usually used by lazy commercial growers… a “danger” easily fixed by a simple flushing… and with the small time personal growers is almost always done with great care…


The reason we want law reform is just so us personal growers can grow a few pound every year for personal use… with out the fear of being prosecuted and with out being discriminated against… not so we can flood the market with commercially grown hydro… and not so we can flood the market with commercially grown government regulated crops… it’s a personal thing… isn’t it…




A lot of the trouble is the available words we can use when refering to "non outdoor cannabis" so when we use the term 'hydro' we are using it like a general slang word, same as when you use the word bush.


And this is the generalization the government has put on it too. And cannot be more wrong… this is where the mis representation of indoor starts… a lot of people grow indoors under lights in soil.. and yes in organic soil… I am however in pure hydro…:)




the "premature babies" quote refers to the shortened growing period of 'indoors' and I would point out that *at worst* we are employing hyperbole (the use of extravagant exaggeration) to point out the existance of Danger = exposure or liability to injury, pain, harm, or loss - when smoking indoors compared to outdoors and the purpose of any 'hyperbole' in the mission statement is to get each individual who reads it to think about their 'herb of choice'.


See, plants grow just as fast outdoors in the right conditions… the only reason it grows faster indoors is because it gets those right conditions every day of the cycle.. they are by NO means immature and in any case a plant can be grown and flowered out doors in relatively the same time frame.. plants take longer out doors because of the grow cycle.. the flowering period is relatively the same indoors or out… so this statement has NO thruth about it either… mis representation




As for proving there is an OVERT conspiracy, impossible. As I also posted way way back, there is one theory that suggests that the DEA/CIA/FBI 'clandestinely' funded research in amsterdam in the late 70's and early 80's to create a more addictive substance that would be easier to demonize than the traditional cannabis. I don't believe that totally, but I find it hard to totaly reject because of the current situation cannabis finds itsself in all over the world and how many 'non hippys' benefit from supplying the indoor growing mechanism/industry.


“Hippies” aren’t the only people who smoke pot so why should “hippies” be only people to supply it? ..


look up the history of the word “hippies” it was a name given to a political group in the early 60’s during the ACID revolution… oh LSD was supplied soley by the CIA….from 1949-1970 as they had control of sandoz laboratories its in “acid dreams”



My personal "BigBong" opinion has been altered over the course of this dialogue, but not enough to make me want to smoke hydro/indoor cannabis again- yes I've smoked heaps of the stuff, when I lived in Sydney, when I lived in usa 91-94 and again when I returned to Sydney, I travelled all over australia promoting my novel "the Big Bong Theory" and smoked heaps of hydro every where I went. Then in 98 I rented a shed on a community and concentrated on writing, it was then, and only then, that I was exposed to real hippy pot and it was only then that I became of the HUGE chasm between the 2.

I would also add that we been ''unrecommending" indoor ever since we started up the hempbar, that 6 + years of saying to people "don't trust it- it ain't natural" and at the end of the day, the hempbars mission statement can only reflect our hippy point of veiw. And as I have said over and over, we are NEVER going to endorse or recomend any non out door cannabis.


Absolutely 100% agree as your view and for you to promote and advocate the happy herb in all its natural glory… also agree with you “unreccomending” indoor… over organics.. its your view, your entitled to it..

Please just don’t put us personal growers in the same basket with the commercial growers... we do take offence for reasons already stated…

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