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*taps fingers waiting for the obviously astonishing secret to be revealed about "hydro conspiracy"*


What the HEMP Bar crew think is that hydro industry supports and is run by commercial growers. And if not commercial growers, the reason hydro sales are so profitable is because its the safest and easiest way for the personal grower. So the hydro industry is big money thay may be somewhat threatened if people are allowed to grow freely outdoors or can buy a pack of joints from the local chemist, therefore the hydro industry does not support legalisation.


But when you look at the town of Nimbin, and even the HEMP Bar for that matter, they actually have an equal, if not greater financial incentive against law reform. If pot was legalised, it would kill the economy of Nimbin and a lot of other small towns who rely on selling pot as their major source of income.


Like one of the HEMP Bar crew pointed out in a previous post, just follow the money trail. And in Nimbin, the money trail would very quickly dry up if we achieved cannabis law reform. And people like bigbong who make their living out of activism, as he has admitted, would be at a loose end... :scratchin:

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I seem to remember Robbieganaseed trying to talk to the Hemp Bar a few years back about something or other and getting nowhere, I feel that this topic is going nowhere but downhill and nothing is likely to be resolved so if the tone doesn't pick up over the next few posts I will close it.



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Hey , plz dont close it guyz ... I laugh my ass off lmfao at this thread ... Plz , Its entertaining ...


And people need to know exactly what stance the HEMPbar takes ..




I applaud all Ozstoner crew for making this thread what it should be about ... i.e. Truth .. :toke:


Bye 4 Now ... I cant wait till I get the urge to Post here again. Hahah , Yep ... I do think Its funny ... Sue me ...




Budman :toke:


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High Tom and others , If everyone were to agree on everything , it could not be called a forum it would be something else - a mutual admiration society,perhaps? Isn't the point of forums friendly(and occaisaionally not so friendly ;) ;) ) discourse or if you prefer social intercourse ?

From my point of view one acquired from 37 years of cannabis experience is that whenever I percieve what I believe to be propaganda or disinformation or misinformation or worse still mistruths ,half truths or wost of all downright lies ,I feel compelled to confront and counter them, now I'm not suggesting anyone here is outright lying ,so no one needs to get there knickers in a knot,but Iamscumma's singling out of 'hydro' for "SPECIAL TREATMENT" just like the Nazis singled out certain groups including drug criminals

(green triangle badge for druggies) for "special treatment" is abhorrent and bickering among the brothers and sisters of the sacred herb that one GROWING method is safer/better/whatever than another just reminds me of certain traitorous industrial hemp activists who used the "Legalise it" movement to get a foot in then deserted us! Surely the "Legalise it" movement can do without fracturing? It would be disasterous for this to happen!(and I'm calling no Cannabis Warriors here traitorous ,so settle)

Listen up bro's and sis's this is what the anti-cannabis nazis want! It is in there plans,surely everyone here is familiar with the principle of war -"Divide and conquer"?( the drug nazis even call it a 'War on Drugs') This is what the sick pervert anti-cannabis nazis want. Think about it ? And you will realise I am right about this! So lets stop the fighting and feuding lol amongst ourselves and focus,the laws, ALL the anti-cannabis laws are what is wrong. lol

(said with great respect to all the anti-anti-drug warriors ;) [<-- Knight of the order of the Sacred Herb-Cannabis battling a black knave anti-cannabis nazi]:( ) lol

Edited by Jess Stone
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That was a little difficult to read/interpret Jess , but I like what you have to say ...

I think most of the sensible crew here would tend to agree with you ...


Maybe when WW3 starts they will relax their stance on the "Laws" on MJ and focus on the more important world issues at hand ...




Budman ... Out. (Waiting for mind reform of the "leaders")



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Sorry about that I was editing as you were reading,I hope I don't get into trouble as I'm really not trying to 'inflame' anyone or this great forum ,I had to be a bit convoluted to ensure everyone realises that I am not being personal or trying to personally insult anyone or there views that I have read so far(I have not read the entire thread) UNITED WE STAND divided we fall ! :(

ps maybe I've coned up to many (the incoherent BS arguement) ;) ;)

Edited by Jess Stone
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yeah I 2nd that.


The thing is Jess, I just don't think the HEMP Bar crew are really expecting anything to happen in terms of cannabis law reform. They been banging their heads against the wall for so many years and got nowhere. Now they a bit older and probably concerned with their finanical security for the future and are just trying to hang on as long as possible. Its their living.


I don't agree with the HEMP Bar crew but I'll still support them and drop a donation in the box every time I visit, cause I think its great we have people who are willing to thumb their nose at the anti cannabis laws. And lets face it, no one else is doing anything meaningful for law reform are they? ;)

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