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People reading this? Its gold enough as it is.



Pipeman thinks this thread didn't amount to anything in the end?


I am not so sure, and anyway, this thread hasn't ended yet .......


First up and most obviously, the HEMP Bar mission statement was edited thanks to input of OzStoners, instead of being general and non specific about hydroponic dangers, it has been honed into a much better word assembly that will keep alerting newbie cannabis smokers to the inherent dangers of indoor cannabis for years to come.

Your mission statement and and amendments are a parody on human intelligence and logic. Your an airy fairy adhock cause that has lost all respect it probably once had.

Sincerly, I say thank you ozstoners and pipeman in particular.

Sarcasm aside, your a blatant discrace and disappointment to the cause.

All that hasn't happened is that a couple of outdoor cannabis law reform advocates have failed to STOP ALERTING people to the dangers of indoor hydro.

A couple yes. You are few in number. Capable of doing some damage to the cause. Go public with your anti-indoor position, get it over and done with.

You are divisive, destructive and serve your own interests.

We have also FAILED to endorse or validate the indoor growing mechanism and we have FAILED to say "relax indoor smokers, there's nothing to worry about, truth be known, you've have been right all along."

You fail to show any kind of compassion to those passionate about the plant, including medicinal users. You down right discrimate againts indoor growers - for reasons of personal preferences. Youve become fanatical and pig headed in your belief. You expect everyone to just ditch there indoor grows..grow outdoors..probably and most likey get busted..just because bigbong holier than thou has commanded it so?

Another point to consider..


Maybe, just maybe, we know more about cannabis and law reform that any individual ozstoner.

Maybe just maybe. From what youve said up till now? I really doubt it. You know little about cannabis, and your a walking cannabis law reform time bomb.

Maybe, the fact that our opinion on indoor hydro and the government medical opinions on hydro are similar is because indoorhydro REALLY is dangerous compared to outdoor organic.

Maybe..yes maybe..please expand..oh no dont bother. Your bigbong of hempbar, your self proclaimed credentials as an activist make you exempt from providing any factual arguement to backup your claims.

Do reconsider becoming a politician.

Maybe, the fact that we have so strongly defended and supported our position is because indoor REALLY is dangerous and maybe we have 'stuck to our guns' because we totally believe that the best way to minimize hydro-dangers is to reeducate those who grow, consume and recommend indoor cannabis....

Maybe? yes maybe. But maybe...your deluded.

Your not educating your opinionating and argumentative, no problem with that. You really suckered us in though. You avoid having to educate yourself about the issue.

"Come back to the Garden Brothers and Sisters."

Sorry pal. You are not the cannabis messiah. An extreme fanatic nutcase but no messiah.

Because, there is no maybe about the fact that we DO NOT WANT our website to delude anyone into thinking that indoor cannabis is, in any way, a safe alternative to outdoor organic cannabis.

No you dont, thats obvious. You have no idea about safe, thats really not your agenda anyhow. Saving your own asses while feeding us to the lions is..wont work though.

Budman2012 said" If you (BigBong) didn't have such a narrow-minded veiw about this subject ...

There would be more people that would support you in your public protests and what not ...


Respectfully, I would submit that in every real life actions I have participated in as an activist or organizer, NEVER have we ever specified indoor or outdoor cannabis, sativa or indica in our press releases or our rhetoric, so my narrow mindedness cannot be a factor.

So..when does your narrow mindedness..factor?..like now?

You have now revealed to everyone here, where you stand. By the way..you mission statement IS YOUR RHETORIC.

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continued :toke:

Smoking cannabis and agreeing with other pot smokers you meet (on line and off) that you want the law changed and agreeing that you would go to a pot demonstration (if someone else organized it) is not enough, if anything, its counter productive because you can easily believe you are accomplishing something.

How can we support you? Youve just bagged on the whole indoor cannabis community.

Bottom Line: If you are "just an indoor pot consumer in reality" then you are not part of the solution. You are actually part of the problem and every indoor cannabis smoker need understand that THEY REALLY REALLY ARE part of the reason why the cannabis law isn't changing.

Everyone reading this quote? Pitiful. We are part of the problem? Its because you BELIEVE this bigbong. You sound like a bitter old hippy. Get a life and stop blaming others for you woes. But it just reveals the truth about your position..saving your own ass and/or your just a careless trouble maker.

till next






F.Y.I. Over the days this thread has been running in ozstoners...


Somewhere around 3000 people from all over earth visited the 'outdoor atmosphere' of the hempbar in real life (about 100 a day mostly backpackers, half boys, half girls), with zero complaints and plenty of praise for what we do and how we do it. I mention the fact that we get heaps of girls visiting us is because ozstoners seem to be all boys. I may be wrong, if so let me know.

get any dutch backpackers? You might want to tell them..to..ditch their indoor grows too..just an idea. Spread the word! Go global..why stop with us? Command the whole global indoor cannabis community to STOP their evil ways.. reasons?..they'll never know! (and you'll never tell! because you dont know!) and if they disagree with you, blame them for the reason cannabis is illegal!..then when you website makes you powerful enough! you can have a real lion den with real lions that will scare them!

Good luck. Any light gone off in your head yet?

Also, approx 4000 humans visited nimbinhempbar cyberspace and requested over 25000 web pages, of those, 3000 or so read the mission statement and the other 1000 went straight to webcam pages via bookmarks.

What..this is a pissing contest? Yes, People are reading this. You obviously dont mind regressing to this level of maturity? So the number of hits one gets on his website automatically...means what? Oh..that your RIGHT and we're wrong.. :toke:

I think you might be slightly deluded on how many people actually support your position/beliefs/opinion/preferences. Web hits are not VOTE 1 for bigbong. But its nice to think so.

but dont mind us! we are the evil indoorhydroartificiallight avocates! we are the reason for global warming! and the war in Iraq! No seriously..HE DOES BELIEVE THIS!






(oh no i posted :scratchin: )

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this thread has done nothing but prove the people who run the hemp bar are nothing but ignorant wanna be hippies who will defend the outdoor herb to the death :blink: your stance towards indoor grown marijuana is a stance against all marijuana, especially when you bring thc percentages into question not to mention selective breeding and all the other bullshit you guys full well have no knowledge of :peace:


I really hope the police have a great year up in nimbin, could you imagine if they got all your outdoor crops? no more "vegan" buds for the hemp bar staff :toke: I bet that prices would skyrocket and if the police were determined to rid nimbin of outdoor grows, EVERYONE including those who run the hemp bar, would switch to hydro growing... I also bet that after their first crop comes in (as long as they actually grow their plants properly, flushing, etc.) their stance against hydro buds will change to non-organic hydroponic buds :toke:


the hemp bar guys remind me of some of my old mates who used to grow....they'd all say their buds were the best and even if you pulled out a bud that made you pass out from a single cone, they still wouldnt admit your stuff was better :toke:


there are 2 places in the world i intend on avoiding at all costs, one is bali because of their harsh laws against mj and the second is the hemp bar because they side with the government with the full knowledge that the lies they spread harm all of the australian cannabis community :scratchin: its almost like the government is giving them funding if they agree with the key points in their fight against cannabis :)

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I still can't believe the arrogance, ignorance and stupidity of the Hempbar.


No matter how much you people think you're right -- You never will be.


No amount of propganda and bullshit will change the fact that YOU and everything the hemp bar stands for is shit.



You claim to have changed the statement around which you haven't done. You swapped a few words around that's all.


I've said the same things to you guys the whole way through and all you people keep doing is plugging your websites (which you just did on the last page) and dribbling the same lies expecting us to bite into it like all the tourists from other countries (apparently) do.


Wildflower has done a good job of quoting your last posts so I just want to say that I fully agree with his remarks and I share the same feelings.


And I could not agree more with WDC, I'll be laughing my ass off when I see the hempbar get busted and you guys have to change to hydro.



Once again I will say that you need to educate yourselves and stop spreading propaganda and lies to people.


You're not helping ANYONE, including yourselves.

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It appears that those who run the Hemp Bar are seriously out of date, there have been many advances in hydro nutrients over the last few years and it is time that the Hemp Bar joined the 21st century, bush mj is great but people that live in suburbs and cities can only grow indoors and hydro is the fastest and most effective way of doing that, instead of just running hydro down maybe the Hemp Bar "scientists" should look at making hydro a "safe" alternative by their own standards? :blink:



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Well we must take into account we are dealing with 'hippies' here, and by thier very nature they oppose and reject many of the conventional standards and customs of society.... so its no real suprise they still have thier head in the sand over indoor cultivation :toke:

but it seems more like they are just adopting the current political thinking whilst doing some major political arse-licking at the same time :scratchin:

maybe the 'use by' date on these eccentric hippies is rapidly approaching and hopefully thier ill-informed views expire along with them :blink:



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bigbong wrote:


Maybe, just maybe, we know more about cannabis and law reform that any individual ozstoner.


well if thats true you certainly keep your knowledge well hidden.


Maybe, the fact that our opinion on indoor hydro and the government medical opinions on hydro are similar is because indoorhydro REALLY is dangerous compared to outdoor organic.


Again, as almost all of us have pointed out a number of times you've completely failed to provide any logical reason or evidence for this opinion. And when questioned on it the best response you could come up with is that the government told you it was true. :blink:


Respectfully, I would submit that in every real life actions I have participated in as an activist or organizer, NEVER have we ever specified indoor or outdoor cannabis, sativa or indica in our press releases or our rhetoric, so my narrow mindedness cannot be a factor.


When you write statements like this I really think you can't be taking this debate seriously and are just taking the piss to see how far you can wind people up. Your narrow mindedness is a central feature in your mission statement on the main page of your website for fucks sake and something you have defended with pride in this thread. The fact that you would try and deny it now is, well, very confusing to say the least.


Bottom Line: If you are "just an indoor pot consumer in reality" then you are not part of the solution. You are actually part of the problem and every indoor cannabis smoker need understand that THEY REALLY REALLY ARE part of the reason why the cannabis law isn't changing.


pfft. You want to blame the cannabis laws on the hydro revolution. Newsflash buddy, anti cannabis laws existed long before hydro, there was no law reform prior to hydro, and now that we have hydro you think its somehow the source of our problems? Your opinion is just too stupid for words.



pipeman :scratchin:

(high on indoor hydroponic indica and loving it)

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Well said Stonedstump, Wantdachronic, Tom, and especially Wildflower for that nice slice and dice job on BigBong's, umm, Final Statement.


The only real point of agreement I have with Hemp Bar so far, is that there are different ratios of the various cannibinoids in different strains. That is all. I don't agree any difference necessarily makes one strain more dangerous than another. Maybe, maybe not.




"Maybe, just maybe, we know more about cannabis and law reform that any individual ozstoner." BigBong


"Well if that's true you certainly keep your knowledge well hidden." Pipeman




Oh dude, that is so good it hurts.





I also forgot to mention earlier on that I have two main strains, carefully selected from about 15 years of trying several dozen different strains, including both sativas and indicas. One is a sweet hairy and compact sativa that came from a cutting a friend gave me several years ago (thank you Nifty Nev), and the other is a fat stinky indica from the single seed in an ounce another friend bought a couple of years ago (thank you Bert). I am very happy with both of them.


However, I think the Hemp Bar are clearly suffering an advanced and terminal case of strainism. I hope it is not too infectious. Innoculate yourself well, folks.

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