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Hey Pure in regards to what Tom said up above there about you being able to wipe your computers data..


Do you have some of those electromagnetic charger things like that guy in the Kevin Mitnick movie (whats it called again...hackers?) and when the FBI raids him he just grabs it and turns it on then moves it over his computer and it wipes everything including RAM.


To answer that question with a yes or no would be silly don't you think ? that was quite hyped up for the movies as they where usign a defibulator but yes "degousing loops " are becoming more common their security mainly lies in the fact that peopel don't know they are there or not though , the pc passes through the little gateway that you make and once that happens all the data is wiped, if police ect know the loop is thre though they will jsut shut off your power before entering the house and locate the loops before moving any electronic evidence

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well a guy I know got raided about 10 years ago for hacking into NASA. He was living with his parents in Australia at the time. He was on the computer (I assume they pick a raid time when you are online to make sure you are there to be arrested) anyway in the early hours of the morning the power went out and cops stormed the house in ski masks and arrested both him and his parents. His parents didn't end up being charged but he did some jail time over it. he claims he was the first person in Australia to ever be arrested and convicted of internet crime.


Anyway, the point of this story is if you are going to be raided for any type of computer/internet activity I'm guessing it would be standard procedure to cut the power before hand. Although a UPS (basically just a battery backup) is not that expensive these days and anyone really serious about security would have one. :scratchin:

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harkening back to some earlier delusions...


In 1996 on the back of the Jack Thompson narrated "Billion Dollar Crop" being broadcast on abc tv and talked up in the media, cannabis law reform was on the Governments agenda until Martin Bryant and the Port Arthur Massacre caused to the Government to focus on the gun ownership issue for a couple of years.


In 1999 we took the Big Joint to the NSW Drug Summit and even though we had JJJ talking about us, a series of articles in the SYdney Morning Herald - thanks to Greg Bearup who was about the Cannabus til it crashed - add in a couple of appearances by the Big Joint on the TV news... result? less than 10 'sydney' people turned up to support Cannabis Law Reform and I TOTALLY beleive that had thousands of people turned up and chanted free the herb etc in the governments backyard that night, we would be in an entirely different paradigm right now.


Since the 911 it has been increasingly hard to get the NSW (or federal) Government to focus on Cannabis Law Reform AT ALL, except to raise penalties. the Aussie media tell us that they have 'done pot' to death as an issue and only send us newbie reporters when the police are cracking down on us, however, International film crews and media seem always blown away by what the nimbin hippys have acheived, the real peace and sense of freedom that exists in a small town which has become world famous for its love of OUTDOOR Cannabis since 1973.


As for starting up a new thread/topic.


Not me, its been hard enough allocating the time to post to this one, time, I hasten to add, that is worth spending if even one indoor hydro champion questions their "Bud of choice" and stops supporting the entire hydro con$piracy at any layer; seed, equipment, fertilizer, electrical.


till next





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WoW! , Can U believe It , Over 30 pages ... Over 250 Posts ... and well over 4000 veiwings ...

All In just 1 month ... Pretty Impressive , aspecially given the time and thought that were given within most of said replies.


Good Thread Pipeman ... Did You think It would get this much response when you started it?




Hey BigBong ... Maybe if you didn't have such a narrow-minded veiw about this subject ...

There would be more people that would support you in your public protests and what not ...

Support your fellow Stoners man ...




OzStoners needs Its own public Premises ... Imo ... One that champions All Peoples freedom of choice.


Happy Smokin Peoplez ...


From Budman. :applause:


:) Hehehaha , Delusions is the right word mate ... Hehehehe :doh:

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Thought I'd better mention that I have known Kog since we were both in the Australian Section of Pot Planet by Brian Preston in 2000 and he attended the First Cannabist Internationale.


Kog is a regular HEMP Bar visitor and I am sure Kog would be the first to say that he is NOT a nimbin hippy and he'd be the next to say he's not even a KyOGle hippy and he readily acknowledges that he uses commercial fertilizers and that he only got into making movies and books so he could make money and support his family whilst thumbing his nose at the law.


I have smoked KOG's POT over the years, and whilst it is adequate, its not a patch on the stuff my neighbors grow in the rain forest with worms, particularly the spacemans astro moss, I mention spaceman, his pot and is website because the front page of www.Pot-Art-Tattoo.com has a recent picture of KOG, anyway, just wanted to set the record straight about Kog and his recommendations.


till next





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Pipeman thinks this thread didn't amount to anything in the end?


I am not so sure, and anyway, this thread hasn't ended yet .......


First up and most obviously, the HEMP Bar mission statement was edited thanks to input of OzStoners, instead of being general and non specific about hydroponic dangers, it has been honed into a much better word assembly that will keep alerting newbie cannabis smokers to the inherent dangers of indoor cannabis for years to come.


Sincerly, I say thank you ozstoners and pipeman in particular.


All that hasn't happened is that a couple of outdoor cannabis law reform advocates have failed to STOP ALERTING people to the dangers of indoor hydro.


We have also FAILED to endorse or validate the indoor growing mechanism and we have FAILED to say "relax indoor smokers, there's nothing to worry about, truth be known, you've have been right all along."


Another point to consider..


Maybe, just maybe, we know more about cannabis and law reform that any individual ozstoner.


Maybe, the fact that our opinion on indoor hydro and the government medical opinions on hydro are similar is because indoorhydro REALLY is dangerous compared to outdoor organic.


Maybe, the fact that we have so strongly defended and supported our position is because indoor REALLY is dangerous and maybe we have 'stuck to our guns' because we totally believe that the best way to minimize hydro-dangers is to reeducate those who grow, consume and recommend indoor cannabis....


"Come back to the Garden Brothers and Sisters."


Because, there is no maybe about the fact that we DO NOT WANT our website to delude anyone into thinking that indoor cannabis is, in any way, a safe alternative to outdoor organic cannabis.


Budman2012 said" If you (BigBong) didn't have such a narrow-minded veiw about this subject ...

There would be more people that would support you in your public protests and what not ...


Respectfully, I would submit that in every real life actions I have participated in as an activist or organizer, NEVER have we ever specified indoor or outdoor cannabis, sativa or indica in our press releases or our rhetoric, so my narrow mindedness cannot be a factor.


Smoking cannabis and agreeing with other pot smokers you meet (on line and off) that you want the law changed and agreeing that you would go to a pot demonstration (if someone else organized it) is not enough, if anything, its counter productive because you can easily believe you are accomplishing something.


Bottom Line: If you are "just an indoor pot consumer in reality" then you are not part of the solution. You are actually part of the problem and every indoor cannabis smoker need understand that THEY REALLY REALLY ARE part of the reason why the cannabis law isn't changing.


till next






F.Y.I. Over the days this thread has been running in ozstoners...


Somewhere around 3000 people from all over earth visited the 'outdoor atmosphere' of the hempbar in real life (about 100 a day mostly backpackers, half boys, half girls), with zero complaints and plenty of praise for what we do and how we do it. I mention the fact that we get heaps of girls visiting us is because ozstoners seem to be all boys. I may be wrong, if so let me know.


Also, approx 4000 humans visited nimbinhempbar cyberspace and requested over 25000 web pages, of those, 3000 or so read the mission statement and the other 1000 went straight to webcam pages via bookmarks.

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sounds like its all going well there bigbong, im happy to listen but still nobody has really pointed me in a direction to confirm your claims hydro worse than outdoor. Hope the boys and girls keep comming



Maby if you said hydro with liquid fert and additives vs organic outdoor id could see your point. In most cases of outdoor grown plants are grown with a liquid fert and not normally one that is suited, not too many people mix there own soil so who knows what in it and what isnt.


I know someone that mixes soil he claims there are many that cut corners and he would only use his own soil on paying customers gardens. Now bio organics has me very confused cow horns, manure from only female cows im lost

Edited by thc24
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Maybe, just maybe, we know more about cannabis and law reform that any individual ozstoner.


this sounds like a game of follow the leader...and you want to be the leader


Maybe, the fact that our opinion on indoor hydro and the government medical opinions on hydro are similar is because indoorhydro REALLY is dangerous compared to outdoor organic.


Maybe, the fact that we have so strongly defended and supported our position is because indoor REALLY is dangerous and maybe we have 'stuck to our guns' because we totally believe that the best way to minimize hydro-dangers is to reeducate those who grow, consume and recommend indoor cannabis....


what dangers??? you haven't said anything that doesn't equally apply to outdoor pot



Because, there is no maybe about the fact that we DO NOT WANT our website to delude anyone into thinking that indoor cannabis is, in any way, a safe alternative to outdoor organic cannabis.


Budman2012 said" If you (BigBong) didn't have such a narrow-minded veiw about this subject ...

There would be more people that would support you in your public protests and what not ...


Respectfully, I would submit that in every real life actions I have participated in as an activist or organizer, NEVER have we ever specified indoor or outdoor cannabis, sativa or indica in our press releases or our rhetoric, so my narrow mindedness cannot be a factor.


more people view your website than actually visit the hempbar...narrow mindedness is a factor...you can't limit it to press releases


Smoking cannabis and agreeing with other pot smokers you meet (on line and off) that you want the law changed and agreeing that you would go to a pot demonstration (if someone else organized it) is not enough, if anything, its counter productive because you can easily believe you are accomplishing something.


Bottom Line: If you are "just an indoor pot consumer in reality" then you are not part of the solution. You are actually part of the problem and every indoor cannabis smoker need understand that THEY REALLY REALLY ARE part of the reason why the cannabis law isn't changing.


we're part of the problem because we smoke weed grown indoors...???....whats the difference apart from the method?


how the fuck did you come up with that??

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I mention the fact that we get heaps of girls visiting us is because ozstoners seem to be all boys. I may be wrong, if so let me know.




maybe you could put that in the mission statement, 'girls prefer outdoor' or even better maybe t-shirts, seems scientific enough for your sort of reasoning.

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