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Maybe you should try it yourself one day, here's the picture.


Growing ILLEGAL PLANTS in your backyard eh Tom? I'm shocked and outraged didn't you know it was illegal? I mean how DARE you grow and post pictures of these deadly poisonous and illegal plants ................................


these ones http://www.schaefergreenhouses.com/assets/forwedding/hydrangea.jpg are the plants I refer to ! :peace: I believe they were declared illegal ealier this year in NSW. :peace:

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If there was legislation in Australia making cannabis cultivation material illegal on the internet they wouldn't need to take any action on the server in the US they'd simply block all Aussie ISP's from accessing the server wouldn't they?


So yeah your plan to make the site more international is a good one IMO for the reasons you pointed out. :peace:

I'm not so sure about that,computers just want to network ,they are addicted to it ,it is there

raison d'être and they will communicate,you block one server and your pc will go through hoops to connect another way, I go through a VPN and all my isp sees is the vpn's address they do not know nor can log where I am going and its based os ,like this site like my sites . But I totally agree with you Pipey this country under Prime Monster Coward has taken HUGE steps to the right ,very worrying steps however they will not shut me up. :peace:

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Plus if the LEO's have any sort of brains they will see that we are actually helping to reduce the income of the organised crime syndicates,


since when has the war on drugs been based on logic?


If this site ever comes under attack from a government agency it will not be for any practical reason or because we are percieved as a threat it would be because we became too high profile and somone wanted to make a political statement / publicity stunt. :peace:

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If this site ever comes under attack from a government agency it will not be for any practical reason or because we are percieved as a threat it would be because we became too high profile and somone wanted to make a political statement / publicity stunt. joint.gif
I would love a chance to debate with a few of those government agencies on a more level playing field than they have allowed us up to date, I believe that you are also aware of Pure's capabilities when it comes to protecting the this site and members from outside attacks, whether from other internet sites or government agencies, and would agree that there is very little chance of the LEO's getting anywhere with either an attack on the site itself or the hardware that runs it. You may also have noticed that Pure won't discuss his security measures with anyone, I bug him a bit about it at times myself and get nowhere but I do know one thing, he can dump all the info on his PC into an irretrievable black hole in much less time than it takes me to pull a cone, I've sat there and watched him do it.



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There are two completely different issues, the security of the site and the possibility that Australian authorities will ban sites like this within Australia. I'm not questioning the security of this site at all. I'm fearing new legislation from the Aussie, or US government, or both, that will make sites like this much harder to be out in the open. :peace:
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There are two completely different issues, the security of the site and the possibility that Australian authorities will ban sites like this within Australia. I'm not questioning the security of this site at all. I'm fearing new legislation from the Aussie, or US government, or both, that will make sites like this much harder to be out in the open. :peace:



It certainly is two seperate issues , however the issue you are so worried about is unlikly to happen as it's not a good enough solution for them , it would slow down the totall speed of connections comming into and out of australia which would effect ALLOT more average everyday peopel than it would stoners, these sorts of filters are used all the time in todays business world( infact I'm speakign toyou through one right now he he ) all somone has to do to get aroudn it is to run their connection through a secure tunnel doign that makes it so as far as the filters are concerned they are connecting to some random server that doesn't meet any filtering criteria


If the day comes that they implement that type of filtering , I already have the solution in place to get around it , all I have to do is implement it and show you all how it works, even if the day never comes though , once we are on a dedicated server I will make filtering available to all 420 crew members for just that added bit of security :peace:


The contry that will start to filter first imo will be china , they already have their country setup in a way that you have to pass through one of 3 computers to get to the country's uplink provider however at this stage they claim to do no filtering or monitoring of viewed content


These are ofcourse only my own views on the topic , based on what i have seen develop over the last 12+ years , I have done ALLOT of work with filters and testing them for circumvention methods is one of the parts I like best , to this date I have not came across a truely fullproof filter or set of rules to filter infomation

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Very grateful for the site, and very glad to hear of your close and ongoing attention to security. You seem to have it under control.


I hope it stays that way, because some of our governments (especially our federal government) are starting to become disturbingly irrational and feral over this issue, more so than usual.



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Hey Pure in regards to what Tom said up above there about you being able to wipe your computers data..


Do you have some of those electromagnetic charger things like that guy in the Kevin Mitnick movie (whats it called again...hackers?) and when the FBI raids him he just grabs it and turns it on then moves it over his computer and it wipes everything including RAM.

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ok so we aint talkin bout the hemp bar n hydro anymore - thank fuck :peace: while we are on security - do most oz members reckon its safe to post pics of grows (just personal grows) ? like when photos are uploaded where do they go and is an ip of the source attached?


back to the hemp bar, when i was young i used to love going to nimbin, would drag the folks thru the museum and buy the hemp embassy calendar - this has been eating me up they quote the "when ignorance becomes law resistance becomes duty" line but are totally ignorant about indica in claiming its GM. :peace:

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what an interesting thread , I think the comments by ozstoner just now are very accurate , ANY DIVISION is silly , and even trying to define different types of pot , er isnt that what the pot haters do also?


Its a Plant


There are no victims , and blaming ANY substance/form for insanity/enchantment is funny , what about the maddess on the news , tv's a drug ah but theres good tv and bad tv etc,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,


no hoper kids shuffling along are a product of uncommunity not pot and the reason they are buying dope sprayed by carcenegenic cats isnt looked into by anyone , rather lets go after the ,,,,,,,,,,,,,as that keeps attention off the LUNACY REIGN DANCE


, some of the activists have been in the papers with this stance and they walked Right into the trap layed for them , coporate ego always knows there will other ego's attracted to the little bits of cheeese left around and about,,,,,,


ps on kogs video on bush growing from "up there" (which is really a realy cool freedom flick by the way inmho) , he uses thrive , a straight NPK industrial quality fertiliser , as do many "commercial grower's"

*"mine got" someone actually making a living from growing things that beings want rather than being a wage slave pleeaeeseeeee

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