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Just wondering if anyone heard HACK this evening, the section about ethics and shit where Katie O'Tool was taking peoples calls on what they had done etc?

I didn't think much of her to begin with, but after tonight, hearing her "holy-er-than-thou" tone and dissapproving inflection regarding the people and their ethical "discrepancies", AND having the audacity to say "Oh, it isn't my place to judge," after clearly judging and criticising them... well, all I can say is bring back Steve, please!!!! Even Ronan Sharky would do better than her, and deserves the job more, IMHO (I remember when he started as a lowly news reader - he's done his time!)!

I love Hack when I get the chance to listen to it, but she really lowers the standards - Steve would question peoples (callers) actions without sounding like a tool (pun intended), without criticising them and usually invoking thoughtful introspection...


Canane, you are sorely misssed.

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Nah , I missed Hack again tonite acidphiend , hmmm I seem to miss It quite a bit now , I wonder why ... :(


I agree with you man , everything you said. lol


I wonder who the hell she is and why she got the job?

I mean , It would be hard to top Steve ... but surely there is someone better , Ronan probly should of gotten I had thought aswell ... or nearly any of the other reporters do pretty gord work.


Aside from anything else , she just seems a little stale. Poor thing , I feel a bit sorry for her actually.

JJJ may have to rethink their decision depending on how It goes ... I reckon they should get Jay and the Doctor to do it. ;)


Well I doubt Steves comin back , ya never know but I forget whatelse hes doin now , I cant remember (TV maybe?)


Out 4 Now.

Budman. lol


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Hey guys,


I've only been catching bits & pices of jTV, but it seems Steve is on there most weekends.

I think his stuff is pre-recorded from his time at hack though?

So it's actually visual reruns of hack :(


As for Kate, I haven't heard her much, but I remember having similar feelings (to acidphiend) towards most newbs at jjj. Most of them seem to settle in after a while and tend to grow on you.

With the exception, of course, of Dools ;) and Gabby Brown ;)

The only two dj's that make me turn off the j's! ;)



triplej is the soundtrack to our existence

Edited by 67Special
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Hahahaha wouldn't that be a treat! Jay & the Doc hosting hack, better than the tool ay, budman!!! hahaha


Yeah 67 I undersand what you mean, but nah I don't think I'll appreciate her even when she does "settle in".


Haha poor old Dools! He's a bit of a try-hard sometimes... I can't stand that Dave Callum, the carnie freak guy that took over the super-request timeslot, and all the freaky callers he attracts... Still doesn't make me turn the wireless off or switch stations tho...

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Awww , damn guys ... I like Dave Callums show , well ... He's a fullon smartass sometimes and I feel He judges people uneccesarily sometimes aswell , But he is a pretty funny standup comedian if you,ve seen any of his live shows. Dont listen his show religiously tho , I laughed my ass off at some of the carnies tho :). Some of them make Me feel normal. heheh.


And I know hes too busy , But Andrew Denton would be an excellent Hack Presenter.

I was gonna list him Before Jay and the doctor , But hes got way too many things going and only has time to zip in to JJJ for 5-10 minutes eah week. But he would be best for the position ... a brilliant man Imo. lol


I have missed all three J TV episodes now , I'm Kicken Myself. But yeh , I remember steve is still working on that.


Cheerz fellow JJJ listeners , I'll see ya round tha J ;)


Budman. :)

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