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DWC Questions / General questions

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Yeah, that should be fine. :)


Make sure you have the airpumps sitting above the water line, or you have check valves in them just in case of power failure so the water doesn't end up into the pumps.


You probably only need one circulating pump running intermittently as the water levels will automatically even out from one tank to the next.


Top up the tank daily when you're initially growing, and have the water level set to just touch the bottom of the netpots whilst the roots develop. Once the roots have grown enough to hit the water, then lower the water level to it's final setting of about 2-4 cm below the netpots.


While we are on the topic of nutrients, which one do you personally recommend I use?


Most of them are much for muchness, but if you're after something simple and you're using tap water, then go with Dutch Treat 1 by Flairform. Very good for a 1 part nute and designed for hard and salty water.


You could also take a sample of your water to your local hydro shop, (say about 100ml) to have it tested with a truncheon if you want. This will give you an idea of what's happening and how strong your nutrient is.




C'mon chato, don't you have any opinions that would differ from my own? Anyone else want to help out with some other advice I've missed? ;)

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plenty of different opinons bro but in this case you've covered most things pretty well, i'll add me 2 cents for what it's worth....


would have the control or rezzy the same size or bigger not smaller and you don;t have to top up every day if your air pump and stones are doing there job. the roots really like the fine mist of the breakin bubbles in the beginning and keepin the water level a little lower encourages the waterfall effect in the roots which is preferable to longer tap style roots.


i'd also recommend buying some h202 to keep shit clean, it's cheap as.




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20 degrees or so is pretty good, some advocate up to 26 some as low as 18, but I'd keep a heater in the solution set to 22 degrees to get best effect and nutrient uptake.


Be careful that you don't have the heater coming in direct contact with roots. It may be better to have the heater in the control res with some way of circulating the solution to the individual bubblers so there's no excessive heat near the roots. :thumbsup:


And I do agree with chato on the res thing, it should be as large or bigger than the actual bubbler.

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Thanks for ya replys luke and pipeman, i got me self a fishtank heater yesterday for $15 a 100w one.


With my setup i have the heater in the rez and the rez it hooked up to the growing buckets and a pump pumping the water from the rez to the growing buckets so the water is moveing between the rez and the growing buckets.

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