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Purple seedlings

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Unlike some people I don’t hide in the corner worried about what people think of me. I smoke pot and im proud of it. Yes I grow then smoke it. If someone I know likes what im smoking I will give him or her some. I don’t care who knows. I want the world to know.


People who hide who they really are do absolutely nothing to help the scene.

If you really believe in something you have to stand up and be counted.

You know the stats. Millions of Australians smoke.

So why should we all hide like a bunch of scared girls? Grow some balls. Stand up like men and be counted.

It will do wonders for your character.


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Don’t lie mate. If you lie about something small who is to say you wont lie about something big? It puts you whole character in question. No one will trust you.


I know for a fact you haven’t been growing 5 years. I remember your first grow. You started a thread here and clearly stated that it was your first grow ;)

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Jan 14 2005, 02:42 AM


“technically my second attempt at growing indoors, my last failed badly”


;) 2005 is your second grow. Its 2006. 1 yeah so if you have been growing for 5 years your first grow would have been 2001


So your first grow was in 2001 5 years ago. And your second in 2005… Long time between drinks mate.


Don’t lie. People will find you out. :)

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okies i have read all over these forums, tried pretty much everything i can do/affrord and my babies are turning yellow and burning again :thumbdown


with my last grow, the wardrobe was getting fairly warm, i didnt have panda film up and only the one 30cm fan near the plants....am using a 2nd hand 400watt hps that was strung up like 45cm away from the plants....was using soil for my medium...


my current grow is in the same wardrobe, panda film is up, i have the 30cm fan near the plants and a 10cm fan blowing over the lamp and out of the wardrobe.....im using hydrococo for my medium and the hydro coco nutes that came with the medium in a pack.....i also put the light up and its hanging around 3ft above the top of the pots....



So this is your second grow and its December 2004 so I assume your first would have been a few months before that. Mid 2004 maybe.

Its mid 06 now if your 1st was mid 04 that’s 2 years. NOT 5. You can’t just buy a 420 membership and be a poser and lie to people bro. That will get you nowhere in life.

You have no one to impress. Im certainly not impressed

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If we pay close attention to what you wrote you will see that you pointing out that you have my ip address is ment to scare me or something.


Im allowed to grow two plants mate.


Why would you assume im breaking some law?

Is it because you are and you expect everyone to be like you?

Are you breaking the law WDC?

How many plants are you growing?

Ohhh are they indoors?


Not everyone is as shady a character as you WCD. If you are growing to make some cash that’s up to you. I grow for me personally. Its greedy people like you who fuck up the system for all of us. You are a slave to your own greed and selfish desires. You lust for material possessions will be your downfall.


But I can stand tall and be proud because im not like you at all. ;)

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that was my first indoor grow, i have had many a crop ripped when i was younger, many by my own mother who didn't want me growing ;) I also don't grow enough to keep my girlfriend (who i live with and sometimes helps with the grow, but mainly just looks) and i in supply, let alone others :) ask anyone that has talked me in the chatroom a heap, im known for raping my plants for smoko to such an extent it fucks over my harvest :)


Why would you assume im breaking some law?

Is it because you are and you expect everyone to be like you?

Are you breaking the law WDC?

How many plants are you growing?

Ohhh are they indoors?

sharing marijuana is looked upon as dealing in the eye's of the law.

growing could get me arrested, same applies to vitually every other grower here.

well i do grow pot so i could get arrested.

well if you include all the cuttings i just took to replace my mothers and for my next grow, looking at about 30 plant with lots of different flavours :)

yes i grow indoors, mainly due to having been ripped all bar 1 time outdoors and that plant went hermie ;)


this has gotten way off topic, if you wish to continue this have ya gripe via PM, otherwise this topic will either be closed or severly edited which might leave heyeez without much help to his plant problems :)

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alright this thread has been jacked but doesnt matter, all you stoners gotta chill - if someone says somethin u dont like who cares, chuckle to yourself at what idiots they are and get over it because the truth is its the internet and any half wit can access it. back to the subject none of the seeds that i can remember were actually in the bud just in the bag, but i doubt that the "dealer" would bother to give me free seeds as its not like where freinds or anything, but i am pretty sure that the seeds would at least of been from the same bud i got in the bag as that had heaps of purple "highlights". a few of you said it could be the cold temps well i doubt that because if anything my grow room is a litlle on the high side, i dont have a temp guage but i estimate about 27ish degrees. i am by no meens an experienced grower with only 1 successful outdoor grow under my belt but i have done alot of reading. well i hope these seedlings keep alive (seem to be doin good) so i can get some clones and distribute them amongst some of the more experienced growers i know. and by the looks of it the whole plant is goin to be very purple and even now on the leaves there seem to be lots of little white hairs(not saying there trichomes) so i am hoping they will at least be as potent as the weed they came in. ill try get a pic asap once i get ahold of a camera



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Mac, take it easy. :thumbsup:


Criticising others for their experience and calling them names doesn't do you any favours in the credibility stakes. You made 4 posts in about 2 hours trying to discredit WDC, who has been an immensely helpful member of these boards. Constructive criticism is helpful. Vindictive is not. If you can dish it out, be prepared to take it. I wouldn't be surprised if these posts (including my own) get removed to return the thread back to topic.


Methinks thou dost protest too much...


It’s more likely that the self-pollination that gave you your seed was environmental. In any case you have a female seed mate.


You show a woeful lack of knowledge in cannabis breeding if you assume that all crosses involving self pollination lead to female seeds. And pollen from cannabis, (which is a wind pollinated species), is well known to traverse large distances. All it takes is someone relatively nearby with a male or flowering hermi outdoors and you could easily have a pollinated plant in a commercial crop. That or it could be an outdoor plantation, with some males in amongst it. Even if you did remove the males from an outdoor planting you can still end up with stray pollination. Although indoors you're less likely in this respect, it can and does happen. You have absolutely no idea where this weed came from, how it was grown and whether it was stressed or just had shite genetics behind it... like from sowing bagseed... :xcited:


Im allowed to grow two plants mate.


What makes you think that? Nowhere in Australia has legalised the growing of cannabis plants. The best we have is decriminalisation, which is far from being "allowed" to grow at all.


Anymore bitching and moaning at each other (from anyone) will result in this thread being edited and cut down. Which is something I don't want to do.


On the actual subject in question, you really need to know how high and low it gets. The human body is not a particularly accurate thermometer, as we are at a higher temp than most grow rooms. What feels "warm" may really be very hot to a plant.


Try and get a maximum minimum thermometer if you can, this will tell the full story of what's happening re the temps and it's possible effects regarding the colour.


The baileys soil improver is pretty much a mixture of cow manure and some other organics, it could be useful as a growing media but it would also hold a lot of moisture. The pH would be useful to know as well if you have a soil pH test kit around.


A photo would be exceptionally useful in this case. I've seen seedlings produce anthocyanin on the underside of their cotyledons after germination, and I've seen some plants which go very purple in cold temps, but it would be unusual to have a seedling going purple at such a young age.


Very, very few people would bother adding seeds to bags of weed from genuine breeding. Assume it's a self or uncontrolled pollination, and be wary of hermaphroditism. If you can at all afford it, get some breeders genes, as these will be professionally produced. Even better get some clones as you'll be pretty sure it's a good female.


Hope that helps, and makes some people wake up a little.

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