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the hemp industry is no friend of ours

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How come the hemp industry looks for support from pot smokers but won't offer their support in return?


The hemp industry in Australia not only provides no support for pot smokers, but goes out of its way to distance itself from us.


Most people in the hemp industry would gladly see all stoners locked up if it meant they'd become millionaires.


If you think hemp can save the planet then great but don't think by supporting the hemp indistry they will do the same for us, because they won't.


BTW I notice the cops have street cams in Nimbin these days. :applause:


PS - The hemp industry can go fuck itself IMO :doh:

Edited by pipeman
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i noticed that the hemp groups are trying to distance themselves from us a bit, like they carry on about how they are working with the non drug variety and shouldnt have the same punishment as the drug variety gets :applause:


having said that, im such a strong believer in hemp and all the uses that it can be used for that i dont care if the hemp groups get all anti mj....i'd gladly have them distance themselves from us if it meant world wide hemp usage as it would help the environment so much its not funny...

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What do mean? It would be too easy for citizens to rip them down.



They're mounted real high off telephone polls they would be hard to get down. They look like the dome type they have in supermarkets where the camera can spin around inside them, so you don't know what direction they're looking at.


Welcome to Australia the world's newest police state.

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All it means is that you gotta fight harder to get MJ legalised. It's not like stoners haven't been fighting governments and industries for decades anyway.



I just think its hypocritical for the hemp insudtry to ask for support from stoners (they are at the Nimbin Mardi Grass with a sales pitch every year for example) but not give their support for us. A lot of stoners think if hemp takes over the mainstream textile industry it will help get marijuana legalised. Nothing could be further from the truth. If hemp ever takes off it will be because it breaks the association with stoners and pushes the marijuana culture further underground.


In fact when gaining approval from local state police hemp farmers point out that their crops will seed any marijuana plants that are being grown in the area. They care about only one thing, profits, and they will, and are, making sure that the government knows they do not give a flying fuck about cannabis law reform or pot smokers in general. They stop short of actually openly condemning us, because lets face it, a fair % of support for the hemp industry comes from pot smoking hippies.


The hemp industry is about making money, not saving the environment, and certainly not about reforming cannabis laws. These fuckers use the environmentally friendly angle to sell their product, the'yre not trying to sell the product because its environmentally friendly. They are happily trampling cannabis law reform into the ground in order to secure their own financial success. Good luck to them, but they'll get no help from me. I do not consider the selfish greed of others a worthy cause to support.

Edited by pipeman
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What could you really expect? They're trying to form an industry out of a stigmatised and villified plant for purposes other than ours. Of course they're going to do whatever it takes to keep their own arse floating.


The marijuana + hemp union that stoners are aiming for isn't really the way to go about this. We should be fighting to legalise marijuana for its own merits, not because we can try and sneak it in along with hemp. Support hemp, sure, but marijuana isn't the same thing and we need to get realistic about this.

Edited by abovethelaw
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Great topic to mull over Pipeman, I'd never even considered a difference til now. You're right.


Have often thought of how bad it would be to be surrounded by paddocks full of hemp :doh: Sure it would look nice but all that pollen aww...


Still it is a great material. Sure if more hemp products were available I'd buy them over cotton and poly. Some fella is going to make the profit somewhere.

I wonder if hemp is only illegal because of the vast money invested already in other industries. They might change the rules someday if the investments can roll over into the 'thc free' hemp industry.


Does weigh up that the hemp industry would see us as an obstacle to, I agree. Likely they will put us down in the same manner that their opponents do. :applause:


All we can do is stick by our nasty thc sweating plants, and disprove the myths that get propped up at us one by one. :doh:


ps- I dunno but a hunch would be there'd have to be a percentage of industrial hemp growers (wanabee) that would also be smokers and growers of cannabis thc-ful?

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