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flavouring bud

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i recently scored a half ounce and figured i would give vanilla essence a go in a jar with a few buds and the results have been very pleasing to say the least :toke: since im a mull pig, it hasnt lasted long, but the buds i originally put in the jar to cure was just some commercial strain that was a little harsh on the throat, but still had a decent taste :toke: 1 day after putting the buds in, i tried a small nug to see if it was worth while and it was a heap smoother and you could smell the vanilla while chopping up + taste it when blowing the cone out a tiny bit :toke: now the second day stuff was a heap better, the vanilla taste really came through and mixed with vanilla, the buds had a really nice dank smell that made me chop up more later on because i missed it :peace:


since it has been so nice, its been hard to not smoke it, but i have about 0.5g still in the jar and look forward to smoking it tomorrow which will be its 3rd day of curing :toke:


makes you wonder what a couple of months curing would do :peace:

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i was thinking of putting a tin of mango juice into the last hours of my hydro cycle when your flushing the chems. ive read this works great with many things,


anything that has flavour you can pour into your reservoirs as long as its a clean liquid with nothing that will get stuck in your pump, a tin of mango pulp would be bad news. and the longer you leave it the more prone it is to bacteria, and you can have a tank full of bubbles in a matter of 14 hours.

also anything with a lot of suger content can make a harsher smoke. but the end result is nice tasting bud, rather then a fragranced bud

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Hey All ,

and NotDave , I basically agree with you man ... But ...


When I first joined the site ... I asked if anyone had asked about companion planting to infuse flavour .. I still believe this to be quite possible ...

I've told the basic story of what I know of this on another thread ... But to put It simply ...


I smoked Budz that smelled and tasted like apples , They were grown in the middle of an apple orchard by a girl I knew in Highschool ...

They had one of the most amazing tastes I think I've ever tasted .. really nice ...


I never started a thread on It because I believe I was dismissed as an imaginative newbie stoner ... :)



Anyway .. I still think It's a very interesting topic ... and asides from the few things already mentioned ...

I don't know very much about it , as it also seems not many do. lol


Cheerz All. And may your budz taste sweet ... :xcited:



Budman ... Out. (Soaking in a large jar of honey) :doh:


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As everyone here should know, water is extremely toxic. I would highly advise not curing with water.

aye, what is wrong with water, i water cured a bit of my last lot and i rather liked it, nothing wrong with a water cure, although i probably wouldn't use Adelaide water or something like that.


any how, has any one seen the flush stuff you get at hydro stores, you can get strawberry flush, orange flush and crap like that, it goes in the tank during your flush, i only know 1 person who has tried it and he said never again, some people like the taste he came out with, but it lost that good potent pot taste so he wasn't real happy.

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