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I just read a member here (postman) tried it on in Qld, man I'd love to have been in court that day to see the magistate's red neck light up...


But has anyone got any reliable info on this new angle I just read about in USA? I can't find any real way of knowing if they beat their system or not.


News Article re: Marijauan Religion finding a loophole



The apparent site


Septics have a strange view to law. if they find something in their constitution that allowed some horrid thing, something un-imaginable; they'd allow it. Equally, if they found something that was fine and upstanding, but against their consitution, they'd actively destroy it. They have an intensely legalistic mindset. While here, the magistarate would just tell ya to shut up, interperate things the way he/she wanted and you'd get nowhere. As Postman discovered.


But in all seriouslness, has anyone heard of this? I remember (I think it was TUGBOAT) a member here, but living abroad in europe started a religous organistaion for grass. Not to circumvent the law, but because I think he actually feels that way.


Anyway, be interesting if anyone knows anything about it all.




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I'm not really sure if this answers your question, but I was just reading through some posts, and read (postman) said that while in court (in Qld I think), he tried it on that dope was his religion.. That's all. I should never have mentioned it, I didn't mean to confuse the issue.


I recall about 12 years ago a bloke and his son grew some pretty damned huge deals in their backyard in suburbia. No cover, all out in the open. Huge plants, ploughed ground, serious stuff.


They got away with it for a couple years with the neighbors by telling them that their religion precluded them from state laws regarding grass. It was about the third season that someone called the cops...


But again, that's not the point here. That was an Australian experience. I'm just curious about this yankie thing.




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Guest niall

Well, the Supreme Court was ruling in a very specific case for an established religion that uses peyote traditionally as part of their ceremonies. Starting up a church after this decision, and publicly stating that they are flouting the law and establishing this religion primarily because of this decision, is probably enough to get them the exact opposite decision that they're looking for in court.


The Church of the Universe in Canada is well on the way for religious cannabis freedom, and I believe there are other cannabis using religions in the US such as the Ethiopian Zion Coptic Church and others who would be in a better position to make use of this precedent. Tugboat or someone else setup a similar religion in the Netherlands I think, I believe many of us are already ordained ministers after posting in his forums as part of our initiation. Or something :applause:


In the end, it's still not legalisation. I don't agree with diversionary tactics like medical use, religious freedom etc. - they're all valid points, but unfortunately they encourage the public to not take us seriously, and to think that we're trying to mislead and trick them and get cannabis legalised through the back door. I think we need to stand our ground and concentrate on fighting the real fight - recreational freedom, full legalisation and regulation.

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THC ministry is (I think) Tugboat's move, and as far as I'm aware is serious about it. If it is Tugboat, I mean living in Holland, with his history and background, the man needs no ruse for smoking.using; whatever.


However, I agree Old fart. I feel strongly that hemp should be farmed for practicle reasons. Cotton farming is ruining our waterways, and poisoning the people that live near the feilds by the heavy duty pesticides needed for cotton beetle control. It also saves the destruction of trees for paper etc...


I also believe medical use of pot is valid. I personally recieve over 2000mg of oxycontin and other opiates per day! But can't smoke pot for the pain I have. the mysery of addiction to opiates has ruined my marriage and my whole life. Maybe pot would have helped others, many doctors told me to try it because of their real life experiences of it helping other pain patients of theirs. (little did they know...:thumbsup: ) Hash helps my pain, but then I can't afford to live on hash and I'm too disbaled to grow enough grass to convert it myself anymore.


But when it's all said and done I believe pot, and many other things should be legal because I simply believe the government has no right to interfere. I think all issues are valid, but seperate.


A very good freind of mine in the Michigan Marijauan Law reform ( a sub group of Normal, but that's another point) was arrested the other day for less than 1/2 inch of dry stem they found in the dirt of his garage on the farm. In fact, seeing as he grows hops for his own beer making, the police admit their tests can't distinguish it fron potentially hops, but they're going with pot anyway..


Still, being a school teacher and counsellor, he's got to surrender his lisence to teach, and amazingly looking at jail time as a max. In reality he wont likely go to jail, but it's America, who knows?


With John Howard spending 20 million dollars to combat Marijuana, when it's a state issue scares me. If we're not careful to confront this for the right reasons, we could have people with cancer smoking pot, which would be nice; but still the average bloke looking at jail time for 1/2 inch of dirty stem in ths country aswell. Just give it time and enough lethargic disposition, and let johnny do his thing...




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Hey, yah- thats-a-hym! Gee I forget names and stuff quickly, memory like a sieve. Does Ferre still knock around here?


He had some stories to tell from over the years...


BTW, niall; wasn't that supreme court finding for peyote made many years ago? I've definately seen documentaries on cable that are quiet dated, with people of some obscure indian rite going gathering peyote in the dry areas just north of the mexican border. Unless it was challenged, it's been cool for them for a long time. I remember it very specifically, because they even had kids, quiet young, like10 or so doing the stuff. It stuck in my mind for that reason.


For any case anywhere in the world (using common or written law) to be reffering to a precendent; all instances must be the same. Virtually identical to the "original" trial case the precedent must bare all the same charateristics (virtually down to the colour of ya underpants), or else the judge can quiet legally rule the precedent doesn't carry any weight in his particular case.


So if that is in fact the basis of their viewing marijuana law as legal it's very wrong indeed. Although I suppose they aren't thinking of precedent, but rather constitutionally, but gee that'd be expensive stuf. Bloody full bench hearings of supreme, or high courts to define pot. I would have thought the likes of Normal etc, who have extremely learned professioanl lawyers (who live and breath ways to get this done) would have thought of that one long ago.


Man they'd want more than that peyote case behind them before I threw my lot in with them. If'n I was a yankie I means...


Take care


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The THC Ministry claim, last time I was reading their website (maybe 6 months ago) that they have had a 100% success rate in beating Cannabis charges in the USA based on a religious freedom defence.


They say the only way you can mount a successful defence is to have the ministry kit and the plant tags etc. which they sell for about $150 from memory.


My opinion is I think its just a scam to make money, and I have had personal dealings with Ferre where he conned me for some money so my opinion of him is quite low. He's good at what he does though, he got a fair bit out of me.

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My opinion is I think its just a scam to make money, and I have had personal dealings with Ferre where he conned me for some money so my opinion of him is quite low. He's good at what he does though, he got a fair bit out of me.


true ?


how much he sting ya for pipeman ?


ev :peace:

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