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fluro lighting

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I've got a single plant growing under a single 25W fluorescent light during the night, and I place it near the window but just out of line of sight during the day.


Is it going to be getting enough light?


I really can't afford to get anything more powerfull unfortunatly, I even had to make my own reflector out of K'nex and tin foil. Any tips or suggestions from anyone?

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I've got a single plant growing under a single 25W fluorescent light during the night, and I place it near the window but just out of line of sight during the day.


Is it going to be getting enough light?


I've grown plants with less light than that before, but they did grow slow. I don't think there's much hope in

getting decent buds under 25WATT. My recommendation is keep doing what your doing with the plant, then if you can, move it ouside to bud when it's nearing the end of July. I've done this almost every winter and most of the time ended up with some really nice end product.

But ofcourse not everyone can have plants outside, in which case I think you'll need to upgrade your lighting, despite your financial situation.


- Rhizo

Edited by Rhizo
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if you are in australia, instead of buying your next $25 deal, go into bunnings and pickup a 48w compact fluro globe...it'll make the plant grow so much faster than it currently is its not funny :P


but like rhizo said you have fuck all of a chance of getting a decent harvest if all you are using is a single 25w fluro, infact the plant would grow so slowly under those conditions it would be a waste of time :P imo you should be maximizing the plants exposure to sun light and if you want the plant to continue its vege cycle, stick it under the fluro of a night :nea:

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on the topic of flouros????


does anyone know the life span of the "GROWLUX" 2ft fluoro???

is it noticable to the human eye any loss of any spectrums??(change in light color)???


oh and while we are her ???

what about the 125 watter from spectrum???



take care



thanks guys

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130w CFL's loose there edge after 3 months but still good enough to use on a mother or veg ur seedlings

thought this might be of some help? 7watt,18watt,48watt CFL's i would have posted a picture with my old 130w lined up aswell but no longer have it



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