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What MEDIUM to use

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Can anyone out there help me out with my first DWC grow?


I just need to know what medium to use so I don't get ANY insects or mites of any type in the medium [mainly fungal gnats, which I HATE]


I was thinking of lava rocks?


How do I grow without using a medium in a DWC setup using net pots. Do the roots just sit in the net exposed to light or...what?



Any suggestions and information is appreciated






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could you make some other suggestions please? what about this oxyplus stuff ive heard so much about?


i cant afford microbial i am on a limited sort of budget but i must prevent fungal gnats again so i figure if i use lava rocks they can't dig into it right?


do you know anything about growing withOUT a medium in netpots at all?






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could you make some other suggestions please?
I only use the Guardian myself, someone else may have tried other methods.


do you know anything about growing withOUT a medium in netpots at all?
The medium is what stops the plants from falling over and protects the root system from the intense light given off by the grow lights.


I will also remove the other topic you created asking the same question, you only need to post once here. :(



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like tom has already said, there is no medium that will keep the bugs away, after all, they are after your plants, not the medium :thumbdown while there are a few different additives that can be given to your plants, like tom i have only used DM guardian so i cant really suggest anything other than a bug killer called "Maverik" which is made by yates, it'll kill them fungus gnats off in no time :smoke


but the best way to a bug free grow is to prevent them from getting into the grow room :whistling

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thanks for your help guys and I wont double post again, I didnt realise how efficient this site was


you have answered my question but i am going to re-phrase it slightly.


what medium would be the least suceptible to infestation, because as i understand the larvae have to actually survive in the medium to hatch


so there must be different mediums with different abilities to support fungal gnat life?... they are aboslutely thriving in my premium blend organic soil mix at the moment



this DM guardian stuff also, where do you get it from please? and how much is it usually.......also will it actually prevent eggs been laid if i mix it in with my nute solution from the start to finish of a DWC crop?





treestump :)

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hi mate. im not sure that there is any medium which will totally prevent knats, but ive heard that hydroton is as good as any.


i use r/wool and the knats love that!


i found that covering the medium which plastic to prevent algae helped as a preventative measure


re the additives,i havent tried guardian, but ive used stacks of microbial and i oxyplus. IMHO i prefer oxyplus as i found it to be more effective for the knats and the resulting pythium which they encourage. its cheaper too - but more chemical and you have to add it often (ideally daily but every 3 days is ok just use more). it also has the added effect of oxygenating ur roots (debateable - though i did notice the health of the plants improve with the h202)

Edited by keepleft
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thanks mate i did a search on google and found the stuff.


does anyone know of a retail product that contains this chemical? also if it can be used on mj??



Alsystin 250

Product Type Larvicide

Active Ingredient(s) 250 g/kg triflumuron

Formulation Type Wettable powder

Pack Size(s) 1 kg

Chemical Group Benzoylurea

Market Segments Horticulture

Grouping 15A

Mode of Action Ingested. Acting by inhibition of moulting



For control of sciarid flies on mushrooms


Key Features Top

Highly effective against sciarid larvae

Extremely well tolerated by mushrooms - application does not yield, as may occur with other chemicals

Non-systemic in mushrooms - residues do not accumulate

Safe to users


Frequently Asked Questions Top

Q: How does Alsystin work on sciarid fly?

A: Triflumuron, the active ingredient in Alsystin, interferes with the formation of chitin "the skin layer" of larvae which causes defective formation resulting in larval death. Alsystin does not control adult sciarids as they do not moult; however, only the larval stage is responsible for effects on yield or quality. Adults do not disappear immediately after treatment with Alsystin.


Q: Is Alsystin safe to beneficial organisms?

A: Since the contact action of Alsystin is fairly limited, the potential for major damage to beneficial organisms is highly unlikely. Extensive tests both in the laboratory and in the field have shown that Alsystin has little or no effect on important beneficials.


Q: Is Alsystin safe to the user and consumer?

A: From acute studies the specific mode of action of Alsystin results in the product being regarded as non-toxic to man, other mammals, birds and fish. The results of all studies demonstrated that Alsytin is a product with extrememly low toxicity for users and consumers.

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