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Super Vapezilla

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Hi all,


v dub got me keen to get right into vaping with his VRIP VCB REVIEW. Thanks mate, very interesting thread to follow. In fact I was drooling with anticipation as I decided to fork out $200 odd for the VCB and the Makita when I spotted resinreapers bit on his Volcano. Also very interesting. Thankyou.

Then while deciding whether or not to just go straight for the luxury item, I found this




Has anyone got any real info on this thing? Here's an excerpt from one of the following links;


"The Volcano has a larger herb holder than other vaporizers such as the Vapor Brothers or the Vapezilla. Whip vaporizers hold a smaller amount of herb. Now there are many Volcano Vaporizer owners out there that will just reuse the herb and fill another bag full to vape. Well just like the first hit from a pipe, the flavor is more intense vs the second due to less thc. Why would you want to be the second guy smoking? There will only be leaf flavor left and no thc flavor. That is why the second hit of a bong rip or a pipe hit is always dull tasting. The Volcano holds at least 5 times more herb vs the whip style vaporizers. So you waste 5 times more when smoking also. The effects of the buzz seem cleaner on whip based systems. Cleaner meaning sharper without the drying of the eyes sensation.

It was not a hard choice to see gets 1st place. The Vapezilla has a sealed heating chamber with a non toxic ceramic heating element brazed inside a borosilicate glass inhalation chamber. The Volcano has there electronics open to inhalation with an aluminum insulator. The Volcano has a bag which dilutes the flavor. The Vapezilla has a tube to inhale the vapors directly, allowing no time for the vapors to get stale. The Volcano vs Vapezilla comparison is all in the flavor and quality of high. The flavor department belongs to the Vapezilla because it is able to recreate the slightest differences. The flavor that lingers in the nose similar to the Volcano is more intense and consistent. With the Volcano you need really good herb to achieve the flavor lingering. The Vapezilla makes any herb linger in that nose".


There's a bit more here






They're both convection, not conduction, but I like the Vapezillas 400w Ceramic heating element as opposed to the Volcanos 125w Aluminium.


Also this is apparently slightly cheaper to buy, more economical to run (uses less herb) and delivers a cleaner, fresher vapour quicker via the hose instead of a bag. Comes with a Lifetime warranty rather than 3 years with the Volcano. I reckon the blue led to see the vapour is cool too.


It looks like the Volcano is available here




for US$539 (about AU$720?) + postage, etc, etc I guess.


The Super Vapezilla here




for US$525 [220volt version] (about AU$700?) + all that.


Spoilt for choice - what a dilemma. [ps I'm allergic to computers - I only just got the hang of cut and paste so if this post or these links aren't "right" I apologise in advance].

Edited by superninja
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Thanks ColdFrixion. That's was a good read.

Damn I hate being a procrastinator... see my recent and limited vaping experience lends me to believe that done right, I could thoroughly enjoy it. I made a "lightglobe" vapouriser and for what it's worth, I can get it going ok. A bit fiddly and easy to char the goods / your fingers if you're not careful, but with care and patience it provides an idea.


I love the clean hashy taste and the undeniable health benefits. But I'm a little concerned "vaping is not for everyone". eg Freewheelin make that point - it just doesn't DO IT for some who like the HIT of a bong.

So I'm a little hesitant to fork out over $700 on what would effectively be an experiment. What if I was one of those who just wasn't satisfied with an empty feeling draw? I'd hate to own a $700 paperweight B).


Perhaps the Super Vapezilla vs Volcano is like Ford vs Holden. Both good enough machines in their own right, just down to personal prefs? Then again from the specs, the Super Vapezilla looks superior (ceramic element, etc).


Will keep reading - ANY insight from vaping masters appreciated.

HELP CONVERT ME (I just need a push).


[NB I think a funny taste that crept in to a few tokes from my globe vapouriser may be caused by this sort of expansive foam insert they seat the bits in the globe with. Perhaps when exposed to air or heat it produces toxins? Any thoughts?]

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Well, if you like really clean and clear highs then vaping might be your thing. If you're looking to get totally down and out blasted and more prefer the couchlock high then you may want to look elsewhere to get your kicks. Vaporizing doesn't leave you foggy headed or out of it. It provides a really pure and clear high, where I'm able to function and think but I also *feel* really, really good. I feel really stoned but don't seem to have all of the weightiness that typically goes with being utterly wasted. Like I said, the best way I can describe it is as a pure, clean and clear high. Not muddy.
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If you've never seen a Volcano in action, this will give you some idea:





I also recorded a video demonstrating my Vapir ONE v3.0:





Those should give you at least some idea of what you can expect -- with a bag system, anyway. The bagless vaporizers don't really put out a heavy stream of visible vapor. I may be preaching to the choir here, however I just wanted to throw that in there in case you found it helpful.

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What's vapourising worth to you? I guess you should consider your goals here - are you trying to minimise health problems or are you seeking a pure and salivating taste? What do you normally use, do you prefer bongs over joints for example?


I would go for a bag system hands down, but I've never been that big into bongs or buckets - I like to take it away and enjoy it in a relaxing environment so I tend to prefer joints. My original aim was to go for the healthier alternative and not be coughing up my lungs, it got to the stage where I was thinking of quitting as I'd dread the act of smoking as I'd be coughing like a mofo to the point of almost spewing (yes my lungs aren't too good to start with). The end result was worth it, barely B)


But after vaping for a few years now, not only could I not go back (except for the occasional joint) but the taste and flavour is so indescribably wonderful that I look forward to this almost as much as the high. The complexities and subtleties and differences of each batch that I vape is amazing, it's like Xmas morning over here when I'm vaping :P


I couldn't recommend anything but the Volcano at the moment, but saying that I think the vapouriser market is about to see some major developments in the coming year and it may actually be a good time to wait and see what happens, enjoy the cheaper prices on older models etc. Myself I'm setting up a lampworking studio right now to produce 100% Australian owned and made, high quality (5mm Schott Duran pyrex) bongs and vapourisers, for very cheap prices - comparable to the prices we currently pay for the cheap shit that we have no choice to buy over here. There are a few products coming soon that I'm hoping to distribute locally, along with locally blown glass, and I think we should be able to get a) quality significantly higher for the same price; and :P price significantly lower for decent vapourisers. I'm thinking $200 is the ideal price point for a hot air vapouriser, and say $50-80 for a very high quality bong.

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Hey niall,

Good points. Mate I have to say that thru experimenting with my home made light globe set up (as ordinary as it is B)) I LOVE the taste. It's like eating hash. yummyyummyyummyMOREMOREMORE. And I think it's more of a cerebral high. Almost energising, exhilirating. I've been doing housework and stuff I usually put off, all the while giggling like a school boy. Sensational!

I tend to use a bong, but I think it's mostly for economy. I think I get whackeder quicker and remain so longer with top up cones. If I roll joints I smoke the fuckers like ciggies and usually feel like a bong to finish the job. Having said that, I haven't gone near that filthy thing for days - I'm getting better and better at the light globe.

Health is a concern, as my once mighty turbo lungs are not what they used to be. As you said, the results for smoking are barely worth the effort and that's saying something!

My enjoyment and satisfaction are worth heaps to me (call me selfish, I am) and I can only imagine how much better it would be with the right tools so to speak. Still kinda gravitate towards the Super Vapezilla but I think you may be right about wait and see.

Does anyone know anyone who owns one?

Anyway, thanks for your input niall, and best of luck with your venture. I for one will happily support an aussie business, and I'm sure there are plenty here that will too.

Good one


Ps Chev, I've heard heaps of bad press about the cheaper versions. The general concensus among those I know is that they are precisely the reason everyone gave up on vaping and went back to their bongs :P. Thanks anyway but I figure if I buy quality, it should work better and it should last many years so that overall if it works out at $100-$150 / year, I'd be happy with that. $2 or $3 a week to THOUROUGHLY ENJOY a cleaner, fresher, healthier, purer, tastier high seems reasonable to me.



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