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Nutes for mother plants

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let me second that ...( in case you dont like corporate scum :devilred: ) ::devilred::


we'z nice but this is a resource ... an incredible history and font of information ... evryone starts by 'lurking' around i think.. reading about what interests them ... did you check





and of course, this here is yer second opinion dude :lol:

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YEP.................people - I've been hanging off this thread till now.


dwyndorf...Can anyone recommend a fertilizer to use, preferably something I can get from Bunnings cheaply.


Ask's a specific question, sometimes it is up to people who grow to sell there 'opiions', and for the 'poster' to view his post for relies as well - when he can. I'm pretty sure they should & read up, or follow up the sugestions..............and hopefully acknowledge his Q's been answered & all the others who have taken an 'opinion on his Q.


dwy ...................... before you post a follow up I'd suggest you simply acknowledge the existance of other peeps worlds.


wantdachronic   Post #2 

seasol works well and is fairly cheap


Now do you think this needs feedback ? "Seasol" I'm not sure if there is more than one type of 'seasol' but prob not what he needs as a 'fertalizer' for the keeping of a 'mum'. Micro-nutrients possibly, and probably not at all needed, I would think? Why, because keeping of a 'mum' can be for many puropses.


You can get specific 'mixes' (name of wich I'm hunting for which would give all the mico-nutrients necessacary from ferts in a compost mix alone. I'm looking for a compost which I could slow down it's growth. Have more appropriate lighting & times - basically a special place. Right now it's under 24/0 sylvinia 'Blue Fluro's - not an ideal situation.


Eikel .........LOTS of choice out there


Mothers don't need to be fed regularly, once a fortnight is all I give mine - they look a bit pale due to it, but clones root from my Mum's VERY fast.


Anyway nutes.... you could try:


Phostrogen - Chemical Powdered nute.

MaxiCrop - Organic Seaweed liquid-nute.

Osmocote - Chemical RO "pelletized" nutrient.

Thrive - liquid or powdered form chemical nutrient.


Any of the above will work, my favorite is MaxiCrop, followed by Phostrogen.


Top sugestionsEikel, followed by "his Fav Pick ;)


wantdachronic  Nov 1 2005,   Post #4 

Dedicated Stoner  :thumbsup


i forgot about that thrive stuff, it works great, well atleast used to for me 


K-Mart & Coles have that but watch how much you use - I think it's a cheap ok fertaliser, but may be a bit 'hot' (NPK is high). May not be best to keep 'mum' growing slowly (I have liked keeping a mum that is pumping out cuts every 2 weeks).



Eikel... forgets some thing ............;) :scratchin s smelly sugestion forwarned by E .... tell us a manure story


Also forgot....


If smell/pests aren't an issue (you can keep them under control), you could also try the Dynamic-Lifter Organic Slow-release pellets. Problem is they stink up and sit ontop of the medium as they decompose.... would probably attract insects also due to the smell and organic matter for them to eat.


mullaway........Aquasol was ok for veg, but too low in P.

(better for natives)...........Miraclegro is pretty good for veg.


If you want organic, nitrosol, powerfeed, or fish (charlie carp).


All these can be bought from safeways


mullaway........... A good question & something dwyndorf dose not say ... well spotted ! Well dwy what's the go ? For what purpose are you wanting to keep a 'mum'. A question I was asking myself, hence tthe late entry into this post.


dwyndorf .... Nov 4 2005, ....I just found some Miracle Gro in the shed, is that ok
for veg?


Depends on your plan for the 'mum'. How do you want her kept (state wise on the edge, in total veg - best but not fast)


Frazzle ............... Nov 4 2005, 04:39 PM ................  Post #8 

Outta My Head    :scratchin


Dude, people take the time to share their knowledge with you, and you haven't even taken the time to read what they say

That's ignorant 




let me second that ...( in case you dont like corporate scum  )  [ ::devilred:: ]


Mushaman ..... we'z nice but this is a resource ... an incredible history and font of information ... evryone starts by 'lurking' around i think.. reading about what interests them ... did you check


and of course, this here is yer second opinion dude


we'z nice but this is a resource -- respect it dude :devilred:



Edited by nitram
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Hey there guys, sorry I missed this thread continuing till now.


dwyndorf, mate I've used Miracle gro all purpose - (with wetting agent) on the clones that are in my grow diary. They're a bit over 3 weeks after striking roots, and transplanting into 10 ltr buckets now.


You can find this fert at most supermarkets. Its NPK is 15 13.1 12.4 and the usual traces of all the other minerals. I like the wetting agent, it seems to help.


Good luck, and good growing all :peace:


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