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Pot and Tinnitus



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Hey Booksbyphone , I was just going to create new topic about Ear probs and tinnitus and I saw this...


I feel so much for all of You Because i know how hard it can be.... :peace:


I have suffered Chronic Ear problems From birth (Tho not totally deaf yet :bleh: )...


And have been thru much pain Because of all aspects of this


I think I will start my own topic still ... But I want to say here that - Hydro Fucks With Your Tinnitus.


Well stay well fellow HeadRingers! I await good discussion on this (lifedestroying-sumtimes) Topic ...


Ok. Brrring Brrring I must answeer the phone...hehe :toke: Budman Out. ;)

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Well stay well fellow HeadRingers! I await good discussion on this (lifedestroying-sumtimes) Topic ...


bring it on budman .,


i recently had a bit of relief from physio \ cranial specialist .... but @ $ 500 for first consultation and $180 per hour therafter .... i reckon it be cheaper just growing heaps more weed .


ev :toke:

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$ 500 for first consultation and $180 per hour therafter


I hate the health system ;) I just paid $5000 for teeth braces , dam rip off.


Yeah I feel for all you guys with the Tinnitus problems, I hate that ringing noise in my ears when i am trying to sleep after going to a concert and if it was a loud one they ring the whole next day. I better take better care and wear ear plugs next time.


Glad to hear our old friend Mr THC helps the problem. :toke:

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Well ... I do believe there is a lot to span on this subject ,


The issues of healthcare would have to be a whole new topic (Too much to cover {or not to cover}heh!) :bleh:

Sleep problems are also a major Link to Tinnitus and other ear Problems. :toke:

As i believe also ,An out of whack spine or neck can cause ringing of the ears (As can any major blows to the head) ;)

(many other health related causes)

(did you stand too close to the giant Speakers at the big day out / Or do u have industrial deafness? etc.)


Ive always found that smoking Hydroponic Budz will amplify the problem (But maybe if u put your mind to something you can forget about it) (Music Anyone?);)

I wouldnt say that Smoking "bush" really helps much but again can be a relief depending on how you spend your Stoning time.And for me has always been more forgiving for these problems than Hydro.


I dont have all the answers on this problem , but have had a lifetime of dealing with it so i have some.


Um... also I would imagine it would be a little harder to deal with if suddenly inflicted with it , rather than myself where it is just another part of me (Uknow?) I am so used to the ringing , popping , pain , gurgleing , disorientation , anxiety , sleeplessness and depression I hardly notice unless i try.

:toke: and Thats bcause i am always stoned , Always a few beers , and a good/(alternative) state of mind.


Shit this is going on for too long so I'll continue and elaborate next post :)

I want to hear more about everyones particular problems and/or helpfull solutions O.k. ;)

Till then ... ;) lol p.s sorry if this makes no sense ill read it soon after i post.(no sleep u know)

Take care.

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I just thought : (forgive me if i wavering because im tired and coming down a lil)

And I was reminded.


I usually 99.9% of the time will have 6-10 beers everynight (not tonight funnily-just a small glass of wine :toke: )


And I think this is my main health problem defeater/Unnoticer and pain killer.

2 much I know but it keeps me sane enough to to function But 10 beers over 8-10hrs isnt that bad (isit?)

Anyway right now i feel so fucked bcause usually id be nicely toasted with beer and conez.

Ive got plenty of cones but they dont help me by themselves Quite aswell any more Bummer :thumbsup: :toke:

IM THIRSTY! :thumbsup:


Anyway tell me what u think.


Bye from B B B BUDMAN!!! :) :thumbsup: :)

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Wow I was fucked when i wrote that

But funnily enough I still havent slept (jushad alil read on the couch) and Im barely tired im not sur if i could even get to sleep.


Did any one hear about the other week ,That Dj fella who broke the record for longest constant set .I think he did the record, 84hrs i think,then went 1 more and threw it in he was tryin for over 100.

(Man he woulda been trippin hard hehe) :thumbsup: :toke: :toke:






Ahh better, thankyou 4 listening. :thumbsup: :thumbsup:


Oh ps was savin sum Purp.Haze I was given and just ... WOW! :toke: :)


(EDIT) oh , sht I almost forgot this isnt my thread (Insomniac) oops (mybad).

Edited by Budman2012
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I just thought : (forgive me if i wavering because im tired and coming down a lil)

Hehehe, you sound like me a few months back. I quit smoking meth not long before Anzac day, I'm kinda assuming that's what you're comin down from, forgive me if I'm wrong :toke:

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(Sorry I have to Vent)


Fk Fk Fk ... as I remember It there were a fair few replies after this.

I could try and say similar to what I was Think8in when I wrote my (LOST) posts but they wouldnt even be close to entertaining.

I have to Stream...

Anyhoo , Ill reply again properly to any subject I feel neccesary when I feel I can. : (

Im not easily offended , But easily disheartened/Un-Motivated(maybe) ... :toke:


:thumbsup: I Feel Better now and will just start again fresh , as i am used to doing , I hope I can virtually,Intellectually. :toke:


Bye Till Then :thumbsup:







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