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Where to from here?



As a sufferer of chronic pain and arthritis I've been smoking for a number years and was quite happy with the relief I was getting. Up until early August things were going OK. Had a small personal hydro grow going, new strain of seeds from Xpat to try - then it all turned to shit :scratchin:


I got busted! Have never figured out if it was arsehole neighbours or whatever gave it away but Queensland police came knocking on the door with a search warrant and knew exactly what they were looking for. I had one plant going under a 400 HPS and six seedlings about 5cm outside. Arrested my ass and put me through the works -finger printing, DNA swab - treated me like a fucking criminal. Went to court and got a $480 fine, no conviction recorded and they kept my light, timers, fans,etc. (didn't give a shit about the Auto-pot or nutrients). The magistrate even raised an eyebrow and said "One plant?" when the police prosecutor read out the charges.


Couple of interesting aspects of the whole fucking episode though. According to the police and the Notice to Occupier that was given to us, they can bust you and everybody in the house for growing possession, etc. Luckily for my wife she pleaded ignorance and they left her out of it. During the taped interview the cop asked me if I had medical permission to be growing. Fuck me, if I thought such a thing existed I'd be the first to be asking for one. And when I explained that I was growing/smoking for medicinal purposes he was pretty cool about it. Actually, as much as I hate to say it, the cops were pretty good about the whole thing.


Another thing. Most of the people in 'drug court' that day were older folks. Mostly around late 30's to 50-ish (I'm 41) and pleading medicinal use.


I've since spoken to my GP about smoking pot and she said as far as she was concerned it was as good as having a glass of wine at the end of the day to relax. She also pointed out that some people are weak as fuck and can't get out of bed without a toke. Not a problem for me. I work all day and used to have a few cones at the end of the day to ease the pain and chill out.


So, to my current dilemma. I've now got a fucking useless growroom with no light, fans, timers, etc and can't really afford to replace all that stuff. I don't really want to risk getting busted for growing again as this could potentially fuck up my employment. Not to mention that my old lady would probably cut my nuts off. Should I just drive down to Nimbin and score some smoke down there?


I've also read copious amount of info available on the web about legal defences for 'medical neccessity', etc but without pointing out the bloody obvious it's still considered illegal in Australia. I was heartened to read the article put up by Brash about the recent survey and I pretty much fit into that highest percentage of medicinal users.


Sorry to ramble, but is there anybody out there in a similar situation?

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Man That fucken sucks,


Shit, we need to evolve for fuck sake.. 1 plant... my god..


My advice is take it easy growing for a while. If you think it's someone close to you it's best not to let yourself get fucked over again.

Find someone decent to score your weed from and think out a new grow.. Maybe a friends place?? You maybe able to go halfs in a crop with someone else? Some outdoor???


Best wishes mate,



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Fark dude that sucks the big one... I can't believe they can feel honest treating you like that given the nature of your "Offence."


Really makes my blood boil... and makes me want to get my grow on too. They can fight us but they can't stop us... ignorant, ignorant people.

Edited by HighRising
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XPATSEEDS.COM.....Shit, we need to evolve for fuck sake.. 1 plant... my god..


My advice is take it easy growing for a while. If you think it's someone close to you it's best not to let yourself get fucked over again.

Find someone decent to score your weed from and think out a new grow.. Maybe a friends place?? You maybe able to go halfs in a crop with someone else? Some outdoor???


I agree with XPAT - I would lay low - from experience you may have a overcurious neibour - a real dick.......... :thumbdown


His idea is good about teaming up with a friend for ease. But this is just as hard as Wantdachronic suggests if it's to far away.


SmokinJarhead .... I've been giving some thought to a bush grow but if your in SE Qld you know the summer weather can be friggin hot and getting wate to the plants would be difficult.


There are lots of ways to biuld your own "geavity fed" drip system. It means a big res tank of some type & geitting water to it. As for the climate I wolodn't think that much of a problem once you have the water feed situation looked at.


Me & my bro's when we were young grew out the bush in inhospitalble territory. - heavy water was a trick getting 44 g's worth out to it to last 2 weeks.


Anyways you in a spot. Hope you get it all figured so that you have your daily dose soon SmokinJarhead.......1 Plant just about to finish ....... shit that'll shit me to bits. ......... goodluck ................ :thumbsup

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Thanks for the ideas and words of support folks.

I strongly suspect asshole neighbours or someone who was visiting the neighbours that may have narced on me. I'll never know and rather than dwell on it I'll be putting some thought into an outdoor grow. Anybody in SE Qld had any luck with camouflaged grow in the backyard? I've grown outside before and quite frankly after growing indoor hydro for a couple of years the idea of less fucking about with an outdoor grow is appealing.

Anybody been unlucky enough to be busted twice (or more)? I'm just wondering how fucked over I may be if I were unlucky enough to get busted again.

Finally, any experiences with buying in places like Nimbin or Mullumbimby? Prices, quality, any places that are better suited for a medicinal buyer?


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heya SmokinJarhead

mate ... move house .. don't even think about it .. if ya can of course ... and definately do summat about smell control ... its on the list after showing yer grow off to people when it comes to getting busted - also you can rent hydro grow equipment if you feel like going indoors again ...


imo you shouldn't be thinking of growing on the same property ever again .. in the yard hidden or indoors hidden ... you just have to be on a cop list now for a call back visit at some stage ... yer askin for it - the neighbours know and will be watching yer every move no doubt - better you drive an hour away from your home and find a good bush spot ... just my 2cents .. i'd be bloody careful


the indignity of being arrested for growing a couple of plants.

heya bongon... thats what gets me too .. the embarassment factor with family, peers and neighbours ... I'm sure it'd be ugly as hell ... (so, we make no smell :B): )

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Smell control was pretty good. I've had people working outside the shed when a grow was on and nobody ever noticed. Fan noise was minimal as well. I had been growing in there for about three years before this happened. Maybe someone in the know could smell the evil weed from when I was having a cone outside?


Good advice Mushaman about a repeat visit from the cops. Looks like my growing days are fucked for a fair while. Damn shame, too. I really enjoyed growing.

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